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'''Canespa''', officially ''The Wasiqanate Confederacy of Canespa or Wasiqana'' is a nation which encompasses ten [[Suyukuna's]] and twelve [[mikuna's]]. [[Canespa]] spans just under 1.4 million square kilometers (524,000 sqmi), [[Canespa]] is a small to moderate sized country, being the largest within the [[Cusinaut]]. With a total population of just over 90 million [[Canespa|Canespa's]] population density is relatively low, only being 67 people per square kilometer (174 people/sqmi). [[Canespa|Canespa's]] capital, [[Canastapa]], is one of the oldest cities within the country and the [[Cusinaut]] as a whole. It is located along the [[Papa River]] within the [[Suyukuna's|Suyukuna]] of [[Papua]] in central [[Canespa]]. The rest of [[Canespa]] is situated with the [[Sea of Capelan]] and the [[Ocean of Cathay]] to its west. To the North sits the [[Quexten Bay]] ([[Mera Bay]]). Along the [[Quexten Bay]] sits one of [[Canespa|Canespa's]] largest cities, [[Extranjero]], whose port is owned by [[Burgundie]].  [[Canespa]] borders [[Porfíria|Porfiria]], [[Netansett]], [[Algosh Republic|the Algosh Republic]], [[Ashkenang]] and [[Burgundie]] ([[Port Extranjero]]). It additionally has a sea border with [[Maloka]] and [[Austro-Caldera]].   
[[Canespa]] is an Elective Monarchy with a hint of Confederacy. As such [[Canespa]] has a king known as the [[Wasi King]]. The [[Wasi King]] is a religious and political figure within [[Canespa]] as he is deemed an [[Eternal Kānenaka]]. The [[Wasi King]] is said to never die and is personified within the bounds of an elected person following the descent of the last [[Wasi King]]. As such the next [[Wasi King|Wasi Kings]] personification is voted on among the children of the current personification(s). The Children are not required to enter the election but they are all trained from birth in leadership skills in order to ensure they make a good leader. Elections only occur upon the death of the [[Wasi King|Wasi King's]] current personification or the acceptance of a new person(s) into the personification. The [[Wasi King]] is kept in check via the [[House of Union]]. The [[House of Union]] is an elected body that is picked via popular vote in order to represent the Houses of [[Canespa]]. The [[House of Union]] is the only legislative body within [[Canespa]] and is mostly made up of elders and probobal [[Eternal Kānenaka|Kānenaka]] from [[Culture of Canespa|Canespan]] society. The nations court system is entirely local and runs vary differently from [[Occidental world|Occidental]] visions of Judicial systems. With the main goal being reconciliation between parties rather then punishment.         
The [[Canespa|Canespan]] economy is heavily tied toward agriculture making [[Canespa]] the largest food exporter when adjusted for nation size. Often nicknamed the "Breadbasket of [[Crona]]" or "The Potatobasket" due to its large production of Potato's which make it the largest Potato exporter on the globe, with just under 80% of the land in [[Canespa]] being dedicated toward agriculture or related aspects. Most of [[Canespa|Canespa's]] exports are cold weather crops like Potato's, Barley, and some vegtables including carrots, onions, cabbage, and broccoli. Aside from agriculture [[Canespa]] also has a large and self sufficient lumber industry due to the large northern forests within the country. The top trees that are harvested for there wood include pine, spruce, fir, hemlock and western redcedar. The [[Canespa|Canespan]] lumber industry is mostly for the production of local goods for [[Canespa]] and its surrounding neighbors. Aside from renewable goods [[Canespa]] also has a fairly large mining industry with uranium being one of [[Canespa|Canespa's]] largest mineral exports. This is due to the large uranium deposits found in the central regions of the [[Cusinaut]]. Along with uranium [[Canespa]] has a large mining industry for diatomite and perlite. All of these industries are controlled solely by the [[Canasta Company]] and its subsidiaries in the region. In short [[Canespa|Canespan]] economy can be described as an export economy where most the money made is via the sale of agricultural goods to foreign areas of the world via [[Port Extranjero]] which is controlled by [[Burgundie]] as part of a trade deal between [[Canespa]] and [[Burgundie]].                   
{{Infobox country
{{Infobox country
|conventional_long_name = Congressional Company of Canespa
|conventional_long_name = The Wasiqanate Confederacy of Canespa or Wasiqana
|native_name =        Canespa
|native_name =        Canespa
|image_flag =        Canespa Flag1.png
|image_flag =        Canespa Flag1.png
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|calling_code =      [[+952]]
|calling_code =      [[+952]]
'''Canespa''', officially ''The Wasiqanate Confederacy of Canespa or Wasiqana'' is a nation which encompasses ten [[Suyukuna's]] and twelve [[mikuna's]]. [[Canespa]] spans just under 1.4 million square kilometers (524,000 sqmi), [[Canespa]] is a small to moderate sized country, being the largest within the [[Cusinaut]]. With a total population of just over 90 million [[Canespa|Canespa's]] population density is relatively low, only being 67 people per square kilometer (174 people/sqmi). [[Canespa|Canespa's]] capital, [[Canastapa]], is one of the oldest cities within the country and the [[Cusinaut]] as a whole. It is located along the [[Papa River]] within the [[Suyukuna's|Suyukuna]] of [[Papua]] in central [[Canespa]]. The rest of [[Canespa]] is situated with the [[Sea of Capelan]] and the [[Ocean of Cathay]] to its west. To the North sits the [[Quexten Bay]] ([[Mera Bay]]). Along the [[Quexten Bay]] sits one of [[Canespa|Canespa's]] largest cities, [[Extranjero]], whose port is owned by [[Burgundie]].  [[Canespa]] borders [[Porfíria|Porfiria]], [[Netansett]], [[Algosh Republic|the Algosh Republic]], [[Ashkenang]] and [[Burgundie]] ([[Port Extranjero]]). It additionally has a sea border with [[Maloka]] and [[Austro-Caldera]].   
[[Canespa]] is an Elective Monarchy with a hint of Confederacy. As such [[Canespa]] has a king known as the [[Wasi King]]. The [[Wasi King]] is a religious and political figure within [[Canespa]] as he is deemed an [[Eternal Kānenaka]]. The [[Wasi King]] is said to never die and is personified within the bounds of an elected person following the descent of the last [[Wasi King]]. As such the next [[Wasi King|Wasi Kings]] personification is voted on among the children of the current personification(s). The Children are not required to enter the election but they are all trained from birth in leadership skills in order to ensure they make a good leader. Elections only occur upon the death of the [[Wasi King|Wasi King's]] current personification or the acceptance of a new person(s) into the personification. The [[Wasi King]] is kept in check via the [[House of Union]]. The [[House of Union]] is an elected body that is picked via popular vote in order to represent the Houses of [[Canespa]]. The [[House of Union]] is the only legislative body within [[Canespa]] and is mostly made up of elders and probobal [[Eternal Kānenaka|Kānenaka]] from [[Culture of Canespa|Canespan]] society. The nations court system is entirely local and runs vary differently from [[Occidental world|Occidental]] visions of Judicial systems. With the main goal being reconciliation between parties rather then punishment.         
The [[Canespa|Canespan]] economy is heavily tied toward agriculture making [[Canespa]] the largest food exporter when adjusted for nation size. Often nicknamed the "Breadbasket of [[Crona]]" or "The Potatobasket" due to its large production of Potato's which make it the largest Potato exporter on the globe, with just under 80% of the land in [[Canespa]] being dedicated toward agriculture or related aspects. Most of [[Canespa|Canespa's]] exports are cold weather crops like Potato's, Barley, and some vegtables including carrots, onions, cabbage, and broccoli. Aside from agriculture [[Canespa]] also has a large and self sufficient lumber industry due to the large northern forests within the country. The top trees that are harvested for there wood include pine, spruce, fir, hemlock and western redcedar. The [[Canespa|Canespan]] lumber industry is mostly for the production of local goods for [[Canespa]] and its surrounding neighbors. Aside from renewable goods [[Canespa]] also has a fairly large mining industry with uranium being one of [[Canespa|Canespa's]] largest mineral exports. This is due to the large uranium deposits found in the central regions of the [[Cusinaut]]. Along with uranium [[Canespa]] has a large mining industry for diatomite and perlite. All of these industries are controlled solely by the [[Canasta Company]] and its subsidiaries in the region. In short [[Canespa|Canespan]] economy can be described as an export economy where most the money made is via the sale of agricultural goods to foreign areas of the world via [[Port Extranjero]] which is controlled by [[Burgundie]] as part of a trade deal between [[Canespa]] and [[Burgundie]].                   
[[Canespa|Canespan]] foreign policy is mainly focused on ensuring that a shield against [[Occidental world|occidental]] influence is put across its neighbors to ensure the protection of the regions culture and independence. In addition to this [[Canespa|Canespan]] foreign policy relies heavily on making sure goods can make it out of [[Canespa]] and into the wider market. This is in order to maintain both the [[Canespa|Canespan]] economy and [[Canespa|Canespan]] "food power". Food power being [[Canespa|Canespa's]] ability to hold back exports to certain countries in order to force its will on said countries. Through these means [[Canespa]] can enforce its will as a modern country. Despite this [[Canespa|Canespan]] foriegn policy remains highly defensive and is the backbone of the [[Canespa|Canespan]] state. The "[[Canespan Mission]]" as it is called is an idea that it's the job of [[Canespa]] to free the [[Cusinaut]] from the influence of foreign powers and thus bring an end to colonialism. Its under this ideal that the state of [[Wasiqan]]<nowiki/>a has based its foreign policy.                                       
