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Although a minority of Eshavians adhere to Sarostivism, Eshavians and Taństans, like the unrelated Lúnstans but unlike most other seafaring Coscivian peoples, have traditionally not observed the Sarostivist-derived taboo against whaling.
Although a minority of Eshavians adhere to Sarostivism, Eshavians and Taństans, like the unrelated Lúnstans but unlike most other seafaring Coscivian peoples, have traditionally not observed the Sarostivist-derived taboo against whaling.
Eshavian and general Northeastern professional culture has a strong expectation that managers, officers, political appointees, and others in positions of responsibility should readily tender their resignations in the event of a failure or controversy within their bailiwick, even if the adverse event is not reasonably attributable to the resignor's leadership. Quickly offering one's resignation is seen as honourable on the part of the individual, and also as a sign of respect to one's superiors, demonstrating sincere regret and offering the superiors a way to {{wp|Face (sociological concept)|save face}}. This contrasts with other ethno-regional professional subcultures in Kiravia, where resignations of this nature are rare, and it is considered more respectful to await a superior's judgement in the event of a failure.
Adorning buildings with ivy.
Adorning buildings with ivy.