A History of Ixnay (OOC): Difference between revisions

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(→‎Second Departure and Canadian Dark Age: New OOC lore just dropped)
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===The Burg Renaissance and Silver Age===
===The Burg Renaissance and Silver Age===
The beginning of Lore.
The beginning of Lore.
===Second Departure and Canadian Dark Age===
===Second Departure===
[[File:Map Update 72617.png|thumb|right|300px|A July 2017 map typical of the Burg era, just after the second departure.]]
[[File:Map Update 72617.png|thumb|right|300px|A July 2017 map typical of the Burg era, just after the second departure.]]
Other players can probably tell you about the 2017 era more than I could, but I was involved in the major tentpole event and departure of that period. As was my habit, I poked my head back in and got engrossed again in the early summer of 2017. This was always controversial and made people angry, partly due to my own behavior of wanting to be respected as founder rather than guy-who-occasionally-appeared. However, I did maintain the role of being the protector of Ixnay's rules and "constitution", the Golden Bull. As was the case in pre-2019 Ixnay, OOC governance and drama was a central issue of the time in a way that it is not during the 2020s.
Jakee was a big spiritual leader of the community at this time while Kron and Burg were functionally Ixnay's day-to-day leadership. At this time, we had still retained the NationStates era leadership model, which is to say the founder (me, or Kirav in my stead) analogous to a monarch, the delegate (at this period Burg) analogous to a prime minister, and a vice delegate (Kronata at this period) who functioned as a second in command; he also served as cartographer. Heku at this time was around but had been suitably chastened during the 2016 controversy. Kirav, as ever, was also just sort of around in a sage capacity. Together all of these people formed, effectively, an executive troika that functioned beyond the mere titles retained from the NS era. Democratic selection of officers had long been abolished by my recollection, but may have still been around de jure.
My return inaugurated the usual bickering about who had what authority, the nominal and archaic role of the founder, and such similar arguments. I decided they were probably right and proposed constitutional reform. Basically, the idea was to formalize the executive troika system. Significant work went into this idea, with significant behind-the-scenes negotiating and discussion. The new system provided for an "Executive Cabinet" of the Founder (myself), the Vice Founder (Kir), two Consuls (Burg and Heku), two permanently appointed Senior Members (Kron and someone else, not sure) and a representative voting member (Jakee?) as well as three permanent non-voting members who were veterans (Paul, Rigo, and Helvi? Genuinely unsure). As you can tell, this is an extremely rigid and convoluted system, but it basically gave formal legitimacy to the de facto situation. While the Golden Bull ("constitution") from this time exists, most of the IRC side chats through which staff decisions were made have been lost, so records and recollection of this is hazy. The Golden Bull was issued formally on July 9th, ending the old offices of the region.
In any event, this system survived for basically a week per my recollection. For reasons still unknown to me, the main beneficiaries of having their powers formalized (Kron and Rigo) began to complain of overreach on my part and other issues and left the region in a single day, forming the second great departure after Black Thursday. Ormata may have come back and left at this time, and maybe Helvi did too, I don't really know and other people can pitch in with details. In some respects, this was a great disruption; Kron was a very active member, at the heart of many plots, and was also cartographer. It was not as soul-crushing as Black Thursday, however, because while Kron and Rigo were important members, they were not the functional "heart" of Ixnay, and most of the remaining cabinet members remained. I had to serve as Cartographer for about a week before Burg took over.
At the end of this whole thing, I basically dipped out again, having lost interest once again as my personal life became more interesting (as happens in your early 20s), but presumably this whole situation also left a bad taste in my mouth. Around this time, a player called Monteangelo became very prominent; in time, he would become era defining.
===Canuck Era===

===The Spelf Renaissance and Canadian Drama===
===The Spelf Renaissance and Canadian Drama===