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As the war had neared its end, the peripheral far eastern region's economy had already imploded ahead of the Kiravian advance as the wider national economy of Varshan buckled under the overwhelming pressure of a {{wp|total war}} all but lost. Nationwide networks of exchange and distribution broke down as what remained of the Worshipful Realm's material resources were appropriated for the war effort in an ''ad hoc'' manner. Supplies of food and other necessities to the civilian population of the Far East, slave and free alike, were a low priority and soon ceased entirely. Even the region's valuable mines were shuttered as Urcean and Alstinian gains in the west forced the Varshani leadership to subordinate the logistics of their industrial war machine to concentrate entirely on countering immediate threats to the survival of the state.
As the war had neared its end, the peripheral far eastern region's economy had already imploded ahead of the Kiravian advance as the wider national economy of Varshan buckled under the overwhelming pressure of a {{wp|total war}} all but lost. Nationwide networks of exchange and distribution broke down as what remained of the Worshipful Realm's material resources were appropriated for the war effort in an ''ad hoc'' manner. Supplies of food and other necessities to the civilian population of the Far East, slave and free alike, were a low priority and soon ceased entirely. Even the region's valuable mines were shuttered as Urcean and Alstinian gains in the west forced the Varshani leadership to subordinate the logistics of their industrial war machine to concentrate entirely on countering immediate threats to the survival of the state.

[[Treaty of Electorsbourg (2024)]]
The territories that would come to form [[Upper Atrassic Crona]] and later the Southern Division of the Mid-Atrassic States came under ''de jure'' Kiravian control pursuivant to the the [[Treaty of Electorsbourg (2024)|2024 Treaty of Electorsbourg]].

The Kiravian Federacy was represented at the Electorsbourg Conference by [[Kiravian State Executive|Chief State Executive]] [[Serapion Larimar]]. The facts on the ground at the time of the Conference were such that roughly the quarter westernmost quarter of ye [[Zurgite Varshan|former Varshan]] was under Kiravian military occupation, from the mountains north of the Yaviža Gap south to the [[Nechaxa]] basin, and from the Mountains of Terror to Lake Jeb!ultepec. Kartika had a strong interest in securing a permanent presence for itself in the northeastern highlands within the previously-described zone, both as a {{wp|buffer zone}} to shield [[Mid-Atrassic Crona]] from future Varshani aggression, and as a debt of honour to the indispensible Montagnards. Writing to Larimar in July 2024, quoth Arolian: "In our dealings with the Hail Tribes we gave assurances that with us, victory meant freedom, and when they fought alongside our men, they were fighting for nothing less than that. Any settlement that would have the Sacred Peaks revert to Varshan, even a Varshan thoroughly exorcised, would be a historic betrayal, and a crime on us should we permit as much."  
The Kiravian Federacy was represented at the Electorsbourg Conference by [[Kiravian State Executive|Chief State Executive]] [[Serapion Larimar]]. The facts on the ground at the time of the Conference were such that roughly the quarter westernmost quarter of ye [[Zurgite Varshan|former Varshan]] was under Kiravian military occupation, from the mountains north of the Yaviža Gap south to the [[Nechaxa]] basin, and from the Mountains of Terror to Lake Jeb!ultepec. Kartika had a strong interest in securing a permanent presence for itself in the northeastern highlands within the previously-described zone, both as a {{wp|buffer zone}} to shield [[Mid-Atrassic Crona]] from future Varshani aggression, and as a debt of honour to the indispensible Montagnards. Writing to Larimar in July 2024, quoth Arolian: "In our dealings with the Hail Tribes we gave assurances that with us, victory meant freedom, and when they fought alongside our men, they were fighting for nothing less than that. Any settlement that would have the Sacred Peaks revert to Varshan, even a Varshan thoroughly exorcised, would be a historic betrayal, and a crime on us should we permit as much."

Making reference to the popular {{wp|speculative fiction}} novel, ''[[19th-20th Century Earth]]'', Larimar used the fictitious nation of {{wp|Canada, Kansas|Canada}} to illustrate the form of self-government that Kiravia intended for the montagnard peoples of the Mountains of Terror under Kiravian protection.
Making reference to the popular {{wp|speculative fiction}} novel, ''[[19th-20th Century Earth]]'', Larimar used the fictitious nation of {{wp|Canada, Kansas|Canada}} to illustrate the form of self-government that Kiravia intended for the montagnard peoples of the Mountains of Terror under Kiravian protection.
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It was recognised that the Mountains of Terror and their foothills were too economically and socially underdeveloped for immediate independence, and that geographic and historical barriers would ensure that the political development of these lands would be a very long-term project. responsible government. Delimited by the treaty and formally separated from Varshan as Upper Atrassic Crona.
It was recognised that the Mountains of Terror and their foothills were too economically and socially underdeveloped for immediate independence, and that geographic and historical barriers would ensure that the political development of these lands would be a very long-term project. responsible government. Delimited by the treaty and formally separated from Varshan as Upper Atrassic Crona.

Economic and living conditions in Mid-Atrassic Crona improved after the war. The rising importance of logsitical chains running through the territory to support the Kiravian occupation of eastern Varshan brought increased employment opportunities for the population.
Economic and living conditions in Mid-Atrassic Crona (now the Northern Division) improved after the war. The rising importance of logsitical chains running through the territory to support the Kiravian occupation of eastern Varshan brought increased employment opportunities for the population.
