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Following nearly 650 years of Qabóri colonization, the Woqalate of Soqweux was granted its independence in 1335. This had occurred due to the weakening of the Qabóri Woqalate by the [[Matokté Tashcanate]], and it had become a nuisance to govern such large territory from Qabór. The colonies in Ormatia, Soqweux's neighbor, would been granted their independence almost twenty years later, as the [[Woqalate of Tasokotee]], for similar reasons. The new Woqalate would become a vassal to Qabór, with a ruling dynasty implemented that followed practically the same views as the then-ruling dynasty of Qabór, the [[House of Qhamahee]]. This ruling dynasty was referred to as the [[House of Soqweux]], taking the same name as the Woqalate itself. The House of Soqweux would turn out to be the only ruling house in Porlosi history. The first [[Woqali of Porlos|Woqali]], [[Sonta I]], was formerly from modern-day [[Vernaza]], known at the time as Yaqoma. Sonta was a high-ranking official in Yaqoma's qoyalet, however in 1320, she had been exiled due to a false treason accusation against the Woqalate. Having disproved this accusation around the same time as Soqwuex's independence, the Qangreč had allowed her and her family to take control of the new Soqweux Woqalate as compensation for her troubles. Sonta ruled as Woqali until her death in 1351.
Following nearly 650 years of Qabóri colonization, the Woqalate of Soqweux was granted its independence in 1335. This had occurred due to the weakening of the Qabóri Woqalate by the [[Matokté Tashcanate]], and it had become a nuisance to govern such large territory from Qabór. The colonies in Ormatia, Soqweux's neighbor, would been granted their independence almost twenty years later, as the [[Woqalate of Tasokotee]], for similar reasons. The new Woqalate would become a vassal to Qabór, with a ruling dynasty implemented that followed practically the same views as the then-ruling dynasty of Qabór, the [[House of Qhamahee]]. This ruling dynasty was referred to as the [[House of Soqweux]], taking the same name as the Woqalate itself. The House of Soqweux would turn out to be the only ruling house in Porlosi history. The first [[Woqali of Porlos|Woqali]], [[Sonta I]], was formerly from modern-day [[Vernaza]], known at the time as Yaqoma. Sonta was a high-ranking official in Yaqoma's qoyalet, however in 1320, she had been exiled due to a false treason accusation against the Woqalate. Having disproved this accusation around the same time as Soqwuex's independence, the Qangreč had allowed her and her family to take control of the new Soqweux Woqalate as compensation for her troubles. Sonta ruled as Woqali until her death in 1351.

Following the death of Sonta I, her daughter, [[Sonta II]], took the throne as the Woqali. Her reign lasted slightly longer, and she established some of the first instances of land reforms in the Woqalate, similar to the Qabóri land system. The remaining years of the 1300s were characterized by increased competition within the Woqalate, as the Winnecom tribe had increased their power projection, taking over the southeastern qoyalets of the Woqalate.
Following the death of Sonta I, her daughter, [[Sonta II]], took the throne as the Woqali. Her reign lasted slightly longer, and she established some of the first instances of land reforms in the Woqalate, similar to the Qabóri land system. The remaining years of the 1300s were characterized by increased competition within the Woqalate, as the Winnecom tribe had increased their power projection, taking over the southeastern qoyalets of the Woqalate. It was also around this time that [[Aster's expedition]] occurred in the late 1380s, by [[Ardmore|Ardmori]] explorer [[Paul Aster]], occurring in various areas of Crona, including Soqweux. Originally, the Woqalate established passive relations with Aster and his crew. However, this would soon pave the way for Levantine and Sarpedonian colonization in the early 1700s. By the beginning of the 15th century, Soqweux had essentially been split into three major tribes. By this time, the Woqalate had moved its capital city from Naqili (then-called Abikaali), to present-day Pacuí, in a much more mountainous area of the Woqalate. It was at this time as well that the Matokté Tashcanate was reaching its declining stages. Because of this, the Qabóri Woqalate was able to divert more attention towards its vassal states, resulting in a massive spike in Soqweux trading activity. Woqali [[Sonta IV]], who took the throne in 1477, reigned for close to 49 years, and as of today, she is the longest-serving monarch in Porlosi history.
The 16th century for Soqweux saw massive spikes in mining activity, as technological advancements made finding new pockets of valuable resources fairly easy for the Woqalate. Soqweux became one of the first South Cronan nations to trade with Levantine powers. Despite the advancements, the Woqalate's territory would begin to see massive reductions at the hands of said Levantine powers. In the early 1600s, the [[Burgundie|Burgoignesc Colonial Empire]] would arrive in what is now [[Veraise]], and establish many trading posts along the province's coastline. This would eventually evolve into the [[Veraise Colony]], with Burgundie expanding further inland, until a massive chunk had been taken from the Soqweux. While the Soqweux had attempted to defend itself, it received very little assistance from Qabór. The reason for this is debated, however most scholars believe that the Qabóri Woqalate allowed the Levantine power into Soqweux, as to not jeopardize the two nations' relationships.
Despite the bad blood from Burgundie's advances, both the Empire and Woqalate came to an agreement, and Burgundie returned small portions of land to Soqweux, which contained many valuable resources. Soqweux, along with Qabór, fought alongside the Burgoignesc colony and [[Alstin]] in the [[Orixtal Crusade]], which involved [[Zurgite Varshan]] attempting to raid parts of South Crona, which was then met with fierce resistance from said coalition, and it had ended in the Varshani Navy being completely obliterated. The [[Battle of Naqili]] in 1656 emphasized Soqweux's ability to hunker down against a much more powerful enemy. Despite the victory for Soqweux, the conflict had left the Woqalate's defenses in ruins. While surrounding nations offered to assist in rebuilding efforts, they proved futile due to the demoralization of the Soqweux people. This would begin the downfall of the Soqweux Woqalate.
=== Levantine and Sarpedonian colonization ===
Towards the end of the 18th century, settlers from [[Faneria]] had begun establishing permanent settlements in the southern qoyalets of the Woqalate. This would also pave the way for [[Cartadania|Cartadanian]] settlers to colonize the land, though in more northern areas. In 1791, Naqili was captured by Cartadanian forces, and the Soqweux Woqalate was reduced to small pockets of land in the Qalhéqs. Cartadania would establish the colony of Porlos, where it would rule over for over a century. Owing to the collapse of many of the South Cronan Woqalates in favor for total [[Occident|Occidentalization]]. The many native groups of Porlos would be suppressed by their colonial overlords, and a large majority of the resources extracted over the 138-year period were sent back to the Cartadanian metropole, with the bare minimum being used for Porlosi infrastructure.
Towards the end of the 19th century, the Qabóri Woqalate had returned to its previous state, under the [[House of Havqanoq]]. The Woqalate began to amplify the pressure against Cartadanian colonization, as they had done throughout the country's colonization of Ceylonia, though not as severe. Despite this, Ceylonia's independence was granted in 1813, during the [[Takosenic Wars]]. This was seen as inspiration for the people of Porlos, and with the assistance of a much more aggressive Qabóri foreign policy against the Occident, it had prompted them to begin small insurgencies in the mountainous areas of the colony. The [[PLIAD|Porlosi Liberation and Anti-Colonization Front]], or PLIAD<ref>PLIAD stands for the Porlosi translation of the organization's name, Porsaahi Laatekiat Ikti-Akuusamita Dushcaati</ref>, was founded in 1902, with funding from Qabór, as the main rebel militia in the Porlosi independence campaign. The 1910s through the 1930s had been a period of increased support for Porlosi independence, which mostly fell under deaf ears due to Cartadania's high-demanding involvement in the [[Second Great War]]. Because of this, PLIAD had begun to find different ways of garnering the country's attention.
The two main leaders of PLIAD, [[Saula Sá]] and [[Elísio Medina]], originally Ceylon nationals, were sent to Porlos by the [[Walakee State]] of Tierrador in 1935, to reorganize the militia. They began to plan for a massive revolution against Cartadania, and needed to gain much more support from indigenous Porlosi groups. They traveled to the city of [[San Ysidro (Porlos)|San Ysidro]], where they began to rally the local population. This would begin a domino effect which culminated in the Carto-Porlosi Conflict.

=== Unification to Porlos ===
=== Carto-Porlosi Conflict ===
=== Carto-Porlosi Conflict ===
[[File:Ricardo_and_Enrique_Flores_Magon.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Saula Sá and Elísio Medina, two local leaders of PLIAD, held in San Ysidro Jail in 1938]]
[[File:Ricardo_and_Enrique_Flores_Magon.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Saula Sá and Elísio Medina, two local leaders of PLIAD, held in San Ysidro Jail in 1938]]
The Carto-Porlosi conflict, sometimes referred to as the Luso Wars, was a series of conflicts between Cartadania and an insurgency in Porlos in the late 1930s, supported by the [[Walakee State]] of Tierrador. Cartadania had been the sovereign of much of southwestern Crona for just over 200 years at the beginning of the conflicts, reflecting a colonial ambition that was, at the time it began in 1691, one of the most far-flung in the western world. The conflict stemmed from a rebel militia, known as PLIAD, that had previously been present in the Porlosi capital city, Pacuí, storming the Aster-Porlosi border town of [[San Ysidro (Porlos)|San Ysidro]], where the toponymously named San Ysidro Army Base was located. Initially, the group of approximately 250 men and women entered the town square, looting a local department store and assaulting its employees and patrons. The group continued causing civil unrest, and while San Ysidro was quite small for a "city", with just over 8,000 inhabitants at the time, the community was largely military personnel, and the assault occurring throughout the area triggered a response from the Department of Defense.
The Carto-Porlosi conflict, sometimes referred to as the Luso Wars, became a series of conflicts between Cartadania and a very successful insurgency in Porlos in the late 1930s, at this point being publicly supported by the Walakee Stat, which caused an even larger rift between Tierrador and Cartadania. Cartadania, having been the sovereign of much of southwestern Crona for just over 100 years at the beginning of the conflicts, reflected a colonial ambition that was, at the time it began in 1791, one of the most far-flung in the western world. The conflict stemmed from PLIAD, that had previously been present in the Porlosi capital city, Pacuí, storming the [[Cartadanian Armed Forces]] base in San Ysidro. Initially, the group of approximately 250 men and women entered the town square, looting a local department store and assaulting its employees and patrons. The group continued causing civil unrest, and while San Ysidro was quite small for a "city", with just over 8,000 inhabitants at the time, the community was largely military personnel, and the assault occurring throughout the area triggered a response from the Department of Defense.

Initially, military police began the response effort to curtail the rebellion by a series of arrests primarily around San Ysidro Falls, but when members of the militia began to storm the base itself, the Army mobilized in an effort to quell the rebellion altogether. In the coming days and weeks, the rebel militia, at this point known as Internal Liberal Party for Action and Defense (Cartadanian: Partido liberal interno para ação e defesa, PLIAD), had grown to well over a thousand people in the area, accounting for 1/8th of the bodycount in San Ysidro. The base was instructed to refrain from using live ammunition as Alahuela wanted to avoid a global response, but due to PLIAD's unbiased usage of lethal weaponry, President Leila Cavalcani executed the order. The basis for the conflict was assumed to be independence due to ongoing talks about an autonomous government, but due to Alahuela's grasp on the region, it was reluctant to let go, and as similar sentiments continued to form across Porlos, the military had to mobilize its other forces.
Initially, military police began the response effort to curtail the rebellion by a series of arrests primarily around San Ysidro Falls, but when members of the militia began to storm the base itself, the Army mobilized in an effort to quell the rebellion altogether. In the coming days and weeks, the rebel militia, at this point known as Internal Liberal Party for Action and Defense (Cartadanian: Partido liberal interno para ação e defesa, PLIAD), had grown to well over a thousand people in the area, accounting for 1/8th of the bodycount in San Ysidro. The base was instructed to refrain from using live ammunition as Alahuela wanted to avoid a global response, but due to PLIAD's unbiased usage of lethal weaponry, President Leila Cavalcani executed the order. The basis for the conflict was assumed to be independence due to ongoing talks about an autonomous government, but due to Alahuela's grasp on the region, it was reluctant to let go, and as similar sentiments continued to form across Porlos, the military had to mobilize its other forces.