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'''Ardmore''' ([[Garán people|Garán Gaelic]]: ''Ardmór''), officially the '''Ardmori Cooperative Republic''' (Garán Gaelic: ''Ardmóri Comarchun Poblach''), is an archipelago country off the western shore of [[Levantia]] in the [[Odoneru Ocean]], consisting of one large island surrounded by four much smaller peripheral islands. Its closest neighbors are the [[Kiravian]] protectorate of [[New Ardmore]] to its west, [[Calinthia]] to its north, and [[Urcea]] to its east. Ardmore's government is a {{wp|parliamentary democracy}} under the guidance of {{wp|syndicalism}}; its ruling party has maintained {{wp|dominant-party system|dominance}} even after allowing for the formation of other political parties as part of its wide-sweeping [[Ardmori Millennium Reforms|Millennium Reforms]]. Although the country is a {{wp|unitary state}} and not a {{wp|federation}}, the principles of syndicalism means that Ardmore is largely decentralized with economic and political power being vested in autonomous [[Cooperative (Ardmore)|cooperatives]] both [[workers' cooperatives|worker-owned]] and [[community cooperatives|communitarian]].
'''Ardmore''' ([[Garán people|Garán Gaelic]]: ''Ardmór''), officially the '''Ardmori Cooperative Republic''' (Garán Gaelic: ''Ardmóri Comarchun Poblach''), is an archipelago country off the western shore of [[Levantia]] in the [[Odoneru Ocean]], consisting of one large island surrounded by four much smaller peripheral islands. Its closest neighbors are the [[Kiravian]] protectorate of [[New Ardmore]] to its west, [[Calinthia]] to its north, and [[Urcea]] to its east. Ardmore's government is a {{wp|parliamentary democracy}} under the guidance of {{wp|syndicalism}}; its ruling party has maintained {{wp|dominant-party system|dominance}} even after allowing for the formation of other political parties as part of its wide-sweeping [[Ardmori Millennium Reforms|Millennium Reforms]]. Although the country is a {{wp|unitary state}} and not a {{wp|federation}}, the principles of syndicalism means that Ardmore is largely decentralized with economic and political power being vested in autonomous [[Cooperative (Ardmore)|cooperatives]] both [[workers' cooperatives|worker-owned]] and [[community cooperatives|communitarian]].

The people of Ardmore, known as Ardmoris, are considered members of the [[Garán people]], sharing this identity with the people of [[Carolina]]. Much of their heritage results from the blending of [[Gaelic people|Gaelic]] and [[Gothic people|Gothic]] cultural traditions that occurred in Carolina and adjoining areas in the years leading up to the collapse of [[Great Levantia]]. Garáns are thought to have invaded Ardmore and settled it in the mid-6th century, though no unified Garán polity emerged on the main island of Great Ardmore; loose alliances of mainland cities and tribes were formed with the newly established Garán cities and tribes on the island. These cities and tribes were able to remain independent from the mainland Levantine powers through said powers perceiving the Ardmori Isles as being a backwater with little economic value, and soon these polities became various feudal polities before the 10th Century. These new polities frequently battled and raided against one another, often with grave consequences on its agriculture before resulting in an economic collapse in the 1140s after the end of a major power struggle between two of its major duchies.
The people of Ardmore, known as Ardmoris, are considered members of the [[Garán people]], sharing this identity with the people of the Urcean region of [[Carolina]]. Much of their heritage results from the blending of [[Gaelic people|Gaelic]] and [[Gothic people|Gothic]] cultural traditions that occurred in Carolina and adjoining areas in the years leading up to the collapse of [[Great Levantia]]. Garáns are thought to have invaded Ardmore and settled it in the mid-6th century, though no unified Garán polity emerged on the main island of Great Ardmore; loose alliances of mainland cities and tribes were formed with the newly established Garán cities and tribes on the island. These cities and tribes were able to remain independent from the mainland Levantine powers through said powers perceiving the Ardmori Isles as being a backwater with little economic value, and soon these polities became various feudal polities before the 10th Century. These new polities frequently battled and raided against one another, often with grave consequences on its agriculture before resulting in an economic collapse in the 1140s after the end of a major power struggle between two of its major duchies.

The new kingdom was established in 1277 after the conclusion of the Council of Moear, but it would not be until 1365 and after the wide-ranging Duke's War when it would emerge as a relatively centralized power. The royal consolidation and centralization of power allowed for Ardmore to become a major colonial power during the age of exploration, with the kingdom being the patron to the famed [[Ænglish people|Ænglish]] mariner [[Paul Aster]] when he  embarked on an [[Aster's expedition|expedition]] to find the source of all gold only to come across [[Crona]]. Ardmore took great advantage in establishing various colonies in Crona in the years after Aster's first arrival to Crona, with one of its largest colonies being what is now modern-day [[Arcerion]], itself having been a self-governing colony of Ardmore from 1890 until becoming independent after the end of the Ardmori monarchy in 1931. Largely unaffected by the sectarian disputes that caused the [[Great Confessional War]], Ardmore became prosperous in the 16th and 17th centuries, with its colonial holdings greatly expanding due to the [[Pharisedom|increased number of Protestant settlers looking to go abroad]].
The new kingdom was established in 1277 after the conclusion of the Council of Moear, but it would not be until 1365 and after the wide-ranging Duke's War when it would emerge as a relatively centralized power. The royal consolidation and centralization of power allowed for Ardmore to become a major colonial power during the age of exploration, with the kingdom being the patron to the famed [[Ænglish people|Ænglish]] mariner [[Paul Aster]] when he  embarked on an [[Aster's expedition|expedition]] to find the source of all gold only to come across [[Crona]]. Ardmore took great advantage in establishing various colonies in Crona in the years after Aster's first arrival to Crona, with one of its largest colonies being what is now modern-day [[Arcerion]], itself having been a self-governing colony of Ardmore from 1890 until becoming independent after the end of the Ardmori monarchy in 1931. Largely unaffected by the sectarian disputes that caused the [[Great Confessional War]], Ardmore became prosperous in the 16th and 17th centuries, with its colonial holdings greatly expanding due to the [[Pharisedom|increased number of Protestant settlers looking to go abroad]].
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Prior to the arrival of the [[Garán people]] to Great Ardmore, a wide variety of people are thought to have lived on the island and the adjoining parts of the archipelago. [[Adonerii]] cities were established on the island by 600 BC, representing the furthest northern outposts of that civilization. The Adonerii cities were relatively sparsely populated compared to the rest of the [[Latinic people|Latinic]] world, and few historical records survive from them. From what records do exist, historians believe the islands were mostly populated by a [[Paleo-Levantine peoples|Paleo-Levantine people]] likely known as the [[Paleo-Levantine_peoples#Ardmen|Ardmen]], from which the islands get their name. Very little is known about the Ardmen, though they continued to inhabit the interior of the island when it became a tributary of [[Great Levantia]] in ca. 50 BC. Great Levantine influence on the island was limited, with the few urban centers largely sending tribute to [[Urceopolis (City)|Urceopolis]] with little to no Levantine military influence on the island. Like much of the area, the earliest peoples of Great Ardmore - both Latinic and Ardmen - relied on fishing. The islands were not especially prosperous and were not along the main, [[Crotona]]-based trade route between [[Sarpedon]] and [[Levantia]], and were considered a backwater during antiquity.
Prior to the arrival of the [[Garán people]] to Great Ardmore, a wide variety of people are thought to have lived on the island and the adjoining parts of the archipelago. [[Adonerii]] cities were established on the island by 600 BC, representing the furthest northern outposts of that civilization. The Adonerii cities were relatively sparsely populated compared to the rest of the [[Latinic people|Latinic]] world, and few historical records survive from them. From what records do exist, historians believe the islands were mostly populated by a [[Paleo-Levantine peoples|Paleo-Levantine people]] likely known as the [[Paleo-Levantine_peoples#Ardmen|Ardmen]], from which the islands get their name. Very little is known about the Ardmen, though they continued to inhabit the interior of the island when it became a tributary of [[Great Levantia]] in ca. 50 BC. Great Levantine influence on the island was limited, with the few urban centers largely sending tribute to [[Urceopolis (City)|Urceopolis]] with little to no Levantine military influence on the island. Like much of the area, the earliest peoples of Great Ardmore - both Latinic and Ardmen - relied on fishing. The islands were not especially prosperous and were not along the main, [[Crotona]]-based trade route between [[Sarpedon]] and [[Levantia]], and were considered a backwater during antiquity.

As [[Great Levantia]] entered terminal decline, the region of what is today [[Carolina]] became a pourous frontier which saw the emergence of the [[Garán people]] as a blend of invading [[Gothic people]] and local [[Gaelic people|Gaels]] and Istroyans who had been resettled from [[Tromarine]] centuries before. Continued invasions of Goths led to many borderlanders seeking new lands elsewhere, and the first Garán warbands are thought to have arrived in Great Ardmore in the late 400s in small numbers, serving as mercenaries by the coastal cities against the Ardmen tribes in the interior. A major invasion of the island by Garáns occurred at some point in the mid-6th century, with the lightly populated island easily overcome by the numerous mainland invaders. The Ardmen and Latins, long thought by historians to have been slaughtered, were likely incorporated into the new social system, and many Ardmoris today are thought to have some descent from Ardmen.
As [[Great Levantia]] entered terminal decline, the region of what is today a part of Urcea known as [[Carolina]] became a pourous frontier which saw the emergence of the [[Garán people]] as a blend of invading [[Gothic people]] and local [[Gaelic people|Gaels]] and Istroyans who had been resettled from [[Tromarine]] centuries before. Continued invasions of Goths led to many borderlanders seeking new lands elsewhere, and the first Garán warbands are thought to have arrived in Great Ardmore in the late 400s in small numbers, serving as mercenaries by the coastal cities against the Ardmen tribes in the interior. A major invasion of the island by Garáns occurred at some point in the mid-6th century, with the lightly populated island easily overcome by the numerous mainland invaders. The Ardmen and Latins, long thought by historians to have been slaughtered, were likely incorporated into the new social system, and many Ardmoris today are thought to have some descent from Ardmen.

===Medieval period===
===Medieval period===
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[[File:Brain_Boru_sculpture_outside_Chapel_Royal_outside_Dublin_Castle.JPG|thumb|left|200px|Sclupture of Duke [[Con Rose of Rosmore|Con Rose]] of [[Duchy of Rosmore|Rosmore]], one of the greatest heads of the ducal [[House of Rose]] and ancestor of the royal [[House of Cannan]].]]
[[File:Brain_Boru_sculpture_outside_Chapel_Royal_outside_Dublin_Castle.JPG|thumb|left|200px|Sclupture of Duke [[Con Rose of Rosmore|Con Rose]] of [[Duchy of Rosmore|Rosmore]], one of the greatest heads of the ducal [[House of Rose]] and ancestor of the royal [[House of Cannan]].]]
The early medieval era in what is now Ardmore began with the Age of Raiders when the various clans of the Ardmori Isles began to transform into feudal dynasties. These clans were under a loose cooperative organization that consisted of the chief's extended family, with each having a common set of shared values of honor and a strict code of discipline within a social hierarchy. Indeed, this organization would eventually transform into the basis for a formal feudal structure alongside the development of feudal dynasties. Due to many of these feudal dynasties not having much in terms of means to produce a sizeable amount of wealth due to the largely non-arable geography of the Ardmori Isles, the heads of these dynasties soon resorted to conducting land raids against both [[Calinthia]] and, to a much lesser extent due to its ability to effectively fight back, [[Urcea]]. Indeed, one of Ardmore's earliest greatest heroes, Pádraig MacDowell of the House of Kilkken, was killed in 877 while conducting a raid on the Urcean coast.
The early medieval era in what is now Ardmore began with the Age of Raiders when the various clans of the Ardmori Isles began to transform into feudal dynasties. These clans were under a loose cooperative organization that consisted of the chief's extended family, with each having a common set of shared values of honor and a strict code of discipline within a social hierarchy. Indeed, this organization would eventually transform into the basis for a formal feudal structure alongside the development of feudal dynasties. Due to many of these feudal dynasties not having much in terms of means to produce a sizeable amount of wealth due to the largely non-arable geography of the Ardmori Isles, the heads of these dynasties soon resorted to conducting land raids against both eastern mainland Levantia and, to a much lesser extent due to its ability to effectively fight back, [[Urcea]]. Indeed, one of Ardmore's earliest greatest heroes, Pádraig MacDowell of the House of Kilkken, was killed in 877 while conducting a raid on the Urcean coast.

The practice of raiding would soon disappear before 910 with the advent of border skirmishes, the rise of a landed gentry, and the introduction to the practice of knighthoods into the Ardmori Isles. The first major outbreak to have occurred on the Ardmori Isles was the North Island War, which started when Conn Rose, Duke of Rosmore and head of the House of Rose, began to attack the settlements of the County of Kilinmuir to capture the eastern port town of Granway and to subjugate the ruling Clan O'Coffey in 933. In response, Kilinmuir launched raids against Rosmore settlements the year after. The conflict would not escalate until the Battle of Ballyhill in 939. The Duchy of Rosmore would emerge victorious in 981, and the borders between it and Kilinmuir were delineated for the first line; Kilinmuir, however, was able to maintain its independence and would not have to swear an oath of fealty to Rosmore. The next major conflict on the isles was the South Island War which began in 944 when the Duchy of Dunval attempted to conquer the Duchy of Kilkken and fought alongside its ally the Lord Mayorship of Craignaisaig against Kilkken's ally the County of Balnaessie; the conflict ended in failure for Dunval in 962.
The practice of raiding would soon disappear before 910 with the advent of border skirmishes, the rise of a landed gentry, and the introduction to the practice of knighthoods into the Ardmori Isles. The first major outbreak to have occurred on the Ardmori Isles was the North Island War, which started when Conn Rose, Duke of Rosmore and head of the House of Rose, began to attack the settlements of the County of Kilinmuir to capture the eastern port town of Granway and to subjugate the ruling Clan O'Coffey in 933. In response, Kilinmuir launched raids against Rosmore settlements the year after. The conflict would not escalate until the Battle of Ballyhill in 939. The Duchy of Rosmore would emerge victorious in 981, and the borders between it and Kilinmuir were delineated for the first line; Kilinmuir, however, was able to maintain its independence and would not have to swear an oath of fealty to Rosmore. The next major conflict on the isles was the South Island War which began in 944 when the Duchy of Dunval attempted to conquer the Duchy of Kilkken and fought alongside its ally the Lord Mayorship of Craignaisaig against Kilkken's ally the County of Balnaessie; the conflict ended in failure for Dunval in 962.