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The Mid-Atrassic States, with the general exception of the Self-Administered Zones, are the primary beneficiaries of the Human Capital Transfer Programme (''Ruvastra Hanplátidherá'') operated under the auspices of the [[Overseas Development Executive]].  
The Mid-Atrassic States, with the general exception of the Self-Administered Zones, are the primary beneficiaries of the Human Capital Transfer Programme (''Ruvastra Hanplátidherá'') operated under the auspices of the [[Overseas Development Executive]].  

[Colonisation via land reform]<br>
===Land reform===
The most important asset underlying the Mid-Atrassic States' economic potential is its abundant {{wp|Land (economics)|land}}, which must be substantially reällocated to maximise productivity and value through {{wp|land development}}. Mid-Atrassic land is made available for capital-intensive development through the Commonwealth Land Bureau, which manages an immense inventory of properties sourced from former Nanzitolclatl and Varshan state land, property vacated by emigrants and forfeit under General Ordinance #67, the estates belonging to 'proscribed elements' (e.g. parts of the [[Arzalism|Orthodox Arzalist]] temple system and Varshani 'militarist enterprises') or ruled as proceeds of corruption, and land identified as abandoned under the Agricultural Capital Act of 2034 (uncultivated and unoccupied for five solar years without documentary title).
The most important asset underlying the Mid-Atrassic States' economic potential is its abundant {{wp|Land (economics)|land}}, which must be substantially reällocated to maximise productivity and value through {{wp|land development}}. Mid-Atrassic land is made available for capital-intensive development through the Commonwealth Land Bureau, which manages an immense inventory of properties sourced from former Nanzitolclatl and Varshan state land, property vacated by emigrants and forfeit under General Ordinance #67, the estates belonging to 'proscribed elements' (e.g. parts of the [[Arzalism|Orthodox Arzalist]] temple system and Varshani 'militarist enterprises') or ruled as proceeds of corruption, and land identified as abandoned under the Agricultural Capital Act of 2034 (uncultivated and unoccupied for five solar years without documentary title). Land may also be made available on the open market or by voluntary forfeiture to reduce tax liability. In the Northern Division the 2029 Land Value Tax Act passed by Mid-Atrassic Crona came into effect in 2032, creating financial incentives to encourage the efficient and equitable distribution of land.

[Internal resettlement]
===Internal Resettlement===
In the immediate aftermath of the Nanzitolclatl War, Kiravian authorities directed the relocation and resettlement of numerous communities on the territory of the former country under their control. The Overseas Governance Executive officially refers to this policy as "Internal Resettlement" (''Yētrix Ōrkurva Trébikorsk'') and describes it as "a proactive intervention to permanently resettle and socially reïntegrate {{wp|internally displaced persons}} and to defuse ethnic-tribal tensions via the physical clarification of ethnic boundaries." Critics allege that so-called Internal Resettlement was in fact a programme of {{wp|ethnic cleansing}} under a thin humanitarian guise, and that its true motive was to consolidate the former Nanzitolclatl civilian population into {{wp|bantustan|manageable, homogenous ethnic homelands}} and depopulate strategically and economically valuable pockets of territory for military use and {{wp|settler colonialism|settler colonisation}}.
In the immediate aftermath of the Nanzitolclatl War, Kiravian authorities directed the relocation and resettlement of numerous communities on the territory of the former country under their control. The Overseas Governance Executive officially refers to this policy as "Internal Resettlement" (''Yētrix Ōrkurva Trébikorsk'') and describes it as "a proactive intervention to permanently resettle and socially reïntegrate {{wp|internally displaced persons}} and to defuse ethnic-tribal tensions via the physical clarification of ethnic boundaries." Critics allege that so-called Internal Resettlement was in fact a programme of {{wp|ethnic cleansing}} under a thin humanitarian guise, and that its true motive was to consolidate the former Nanzitolclatl civilian population into {{wp|bantustan|manageable, homogenous ethnic homelands}} and depopulate strategically and economically valuable pockets of territory for military use and {{wp|settler colonialism|settler colonisation}}.

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Critics, e.g. ''[[Ğábravik]]'', allege that before the consolidation of the Mid-Atrassic States, the Kiravian administration applied transmigration policies targeting Mid-Atrassic Crona that could be described as "social dumping". These policies are alleged to have involved the recruitment of immigrants to Mid-Atrassic Crona from among the Kiravian {{wp|working poor}} and {{wp|underclass}} through the use of inexpensive incentives and possibly unethical practices on the part of contracting "emigration agencies". Those pushing the "social dumping" narrative claim that the policy was motivated by territorial avarice, and that its goal was to maximise the Kiravian minority population in Mid-Atrassic Crona as quickly and inexpensively as possible in order to legitimise Kiravian military and political control of the country and justify future interventions. ''Ğábravik'' also claims (without evidence) that Kiravian municipal governments such as those of [[Valēka]] and [[Escarda]] were complicit in implementation of this policy, hoping to offload members of their {{wp|unhoused}} community.
Critics, e.g. ''[[Ğábravik]]'', allege that before the consolidation of the Mid-Atrassic States, the Kiravian administration applied transmigration policies targeting Mid-Atrassic Crona that could be described as "social dumping". These policies are alleged to have involved the recruitment of immigrants to Mid-Atrassic Crona from among the Kiravian {{wp|working poor}} and {{wp|underclass}} through the use of inexpensive incentives and possibly unethical practices on the part of contracting "emigration agencies". Those pushing the "social dumping" narrative claim that the policy was motivated by territorial avarice, and that its goal was to maximise the Kiravian minority population in Mid-Atrassic Crona as quickly and inexpensively as possible in order to legitimise Kiravian military and political control of the country and justify future interventions. ''Ğábravik'' also claims (without evidence) that Kiravian municipal governments such as those of [[Valēka]] and [[Escarda]] were complicit in implementation of this policy, hoping to offload members of their {{wp|unhoused}} community.

[Future: [[Atrassic Union]] or piecemeal federalisation?]<br>
===Future: Atrassic Union or Piecemeal Federalisation?===
The long-term future of the Mid-Atrassic states remains an {{wp|List of unsolved problems in mathematics|open question}} and hotly debated. The future relationship of the Mid-Atrassic States or any successor entity thereto with the Kiravian Federacy will likely be contingent on domestic political developments in Kiravia; however, at the present time full Kiravian withdrawal and unqualified independence are generally considered to not be in the proverbial cards. The two most likely scenarios touted by {{wp|Kashmiri pandits|pundits}} are "[[Atrassic Union]]" - whereunder the Mid-Atrassic States continue to develop as a unified and separate country that will gradually engage in ever-closer {{wp|economic integration}} with Kiravia - and "Piecemeal federalisation" - whereunder the Mid-Atrassic States is ultimately a transitional entity from which the better-developed states will be detached over time to become [[federal subjects of the Kiravian Federacy]] or take on some other bilateral constitutional status within the Collectivity short of incorporation.
The long-term future of the Mid-Atrassic states remains an {{wp|List of unsolved problems in mathematics|open question}} and hotly debated. The future relationship of the Mid-Atrassic States or any successor entity thereto with the Kiravian Federacy will likely be contingent on domestic political developments in Kiravia; however, at the present time full Kiravian withdrawal and unqualified independence are generally considered to not be in the proverbial cards. The two most likely scenarios touted by {{wp|Kashmiri pandits|pundits}} are "[[Atrassic Union]]" - whereunder the Mid-Atrassic States continue to develop as a unified and separate country that will gradually engage in ever-closer {{wp|economic integration}} with Kiravia - and "Piecemeal federalisation" - whereunder the Mid-Atrassic States is ultimately a transitional entity from which the better-developed states will be detached over time to become [[federal subjects of the Kiravian Federacy]] or take on some other bilateral constitutional status within the Collectivity short of incorporation.