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Ancient sources tell of how the gods shaped Gilgeam from the trunk of a tree and breathed the Light of Life into him, making him come alive. At this stage he comes to be known in the stories as Gilgeam Man-Shaped, for he has the form of a man but no flesh, true sentience or emotions of his own; he is more akin to a golem. The gods instruct Gilgeam that he is to watch over all that they have created for eternity. To better understand that which he must keep safe, Gilgeam asks the gods to grant him the boon of Sapience, which they agree to. With this boon Gilgeam comes to understand the workings of the world and its creatures. Gilgeam sets out to guard the lands when he is confronted by a great beast that is described as a great heap of oozing flesh, with as many clawed limbs as there are stars in the sky. Gilgeam fights the beast but loses and is wounded greatly, he flees from the beast to recuperate. In order to defeat the beast of limbs, Gilgeam asks the gods for the second boon, that of Strength. With this boon Gilgeam first constructs a new body for himself, made of polished stone. With his new boon and body, Gilgeam goes out again to fight the beast of limbs. This time Gilgeam tears out the limbs of the beast before plucking out its singular eye with a sharpened stake, killing the creature. Gilgeam piles up the torn limbs of the beast, in this manner creating Mount Urum.
Ancient sources tell of how the gods shaped Gilgeam from the trunk of a tree and breathed the Light of Life into him, making him come alive. At this stage he comes to be known in the stories as Gilgeam Man-Shaped, for he has the form of a man but no flesh, true sentience or emotions of his own; he is more akin to a golem. The gods instruct Gilgeam that he is to watch over all that they have created for eternity. To better understand that which he must keep safe, Gilgeam asks the gods to grant him the boon of Sapience, which they agree to. With this boon Gilgeam comes to understand the workings of the world and its creatures. Gilgeam sets out to guard the lands when he is confronted by a great beast that is described as a great heap of oozing flesh, with as many clawed limbs as there are stars in the sky. Gilgeam fights the beast but loses and is wounded greatly, he flees from the beast to recuperate. In order to defeat the beast of limbs, Gilgeam asks the gods for the second boon, that of Strength. With this boon Gilgeam first constructs a new body for himself, made of polished stone. With his new boon and body, Gilgeam goes out again to fight the beast of limbs. This time Gilgeam tears out the limbs of the beast before plucking out its singular eye with a sharpened stake, killing the creature. Gilgeam piles up the torn limbs of the beast, in this manner creating Mount Urum.

As he wanders creation Gilgeam comes across a dying deer, a victim of the beast of limbs. As Gilgeam knows the workings of all things, he knows that the dying creature cannot be saved; Gilgeam gives it the gift of rest. Gilgeam feels since he has failed his duty to protect all things, he should weep both for failing his duty and the death of the deer. However Gilgeam has no heart and so he cannot cry, he asks the gods to give him a heart. The gods grant this third boon uneasily, unsure of what might happen. With a heart beating in his chest now, Gilgeam resumes his mission and moves across the world doing all he can. He is witness to wonders beyond counting, the gods erecting the Sun and the Moon, the calming of the tempestuous seas, the birth of new life and he knows joy and contentment. He is also witness to dark deeds, violence and the shedding of blood; for however powerful he is, Gilgeam is one being and cannot be in all places.  
As he wanders creation Gilgeam comes across a dying deer, a victim of the beast of limbs. As Gilgeam knows the workings of all things, he knows that the dying creature cannot be saved; Gilgeam gives it the gift of rest. Gilgeam feels since he has failed his duty to protect all things, he should weep both for failing his duty and the death of the deer. However Gilgeam has no heart and so he cannot cry, he asks the gods to give him a heart. The gods grant this third boon uneasily, unsure of what might happen. With a heart beating in his chest now, Gilgeam resumes his mission and moves across the world doing all he can. He is witness to wonders beyond counting, the gods erecting the Sun and the Moon, the calming of the tempestuous seas, the birth of new life and he knows joy and contentment. He is also witness to dark deeds, violence and the shedding of blood; for however powerful he is, Gilgeam is one being and cannot be in all places. Gilgeam knows sorrow, anger, fear and the blackest of rages for the creatures that do fell deeds are also creations of the gods.

Gilgeam knows sorrow, anger, fear and the blackest of rages for the creatures that do fell deeds are also creations of the gods. Determined still to set things to rights, he goes in search of the Lurker in the Shadow, a creature he has heard hunts and kills unwary creatures near a dark crevice. Upon nearing the crevice, the Lurker speaks out to Gilgeam, enticing him to step closer to the crevice so that they may talk as equals. Gilgeam does not fall for the trick, instead he jabs a thorn bush with a wooden stick and uses his makeshift weapon to force the Lurker from his hideout. Gilgeam demands he stop attacking other creatures but the Lurker replies that he only does as is his nature, and that it is the gods who made it as it is. Gilgeam recognizes the Light of Life within the Lurker and knows he is right, their origin is the same. Angry at the gods for creating such a wicked creature, Gilgeam stabs the Lurker in the heart with his thorn bush, killing it. With his heart filled with rage and outrage, he screams to the heavens, calling to his creators to account for their actions, and for giving him an impossible task. This defiant action outrages the gods, who strip his immortality from him and give him the curse of flesh and place the shadow of death upon him. In this moment Gilgeam becomes the first man, fated to die and pass from the world one day.
Determined still to set things to rights, he goes in search of the Lurker in the Shadow, a creature he has heard hunts and kills unwary creatures near a dark crevice. Upon nearing the crevice, the Lurker speaks out to Gilgeam, enticing him to step closer to the crevice so that they may talk as equals. Gilgeam does not fall for the trick, instead he jabs a thorn bush with a wooden stick and uses his makeshift weapon to force the Lurker from his hideout. Gilgeam demands he stop attacking other creatures but the Lurker replies that he only does as is his nature, and that it is the gods who made it as it is. Gilgeam recognizes the Light of Life within the Lurker and knows he is right, their origin is the same. Angry at the gods for creating such a wicked creature, Gilgeam stabs the Lurker in the heart with his thorn bush, killing it. With his heart filled with rage and outrage, he screams to the heavens, calling to his creators to account for their actions, and for giving him an impossible task. This defiant action outrages the gods, who strip his immortality from him and give him the curse of flesh and place the shadow of death upon him. In this moment Gilgeam becomes the first man, fated to die and pass from the world one day.

[[File:Fragment_Bau_Louvre_AO4572.jpg|thumb|Limestone relief depicting Ahunatum, wife of Gilgeam]]
[[File:Fragment_Bau_Louvre_AO4572.jpg|thumb|Limestone relief depicting Ahunatum, wife of Gilgeam]]
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The feats of Gilgeam are described in the Tablets of Fate and in other, lesser sources found in temples and vaults of Rusana's pre-Islamic civilization. An incomplete list of said feats below:
The feats of Gilgeam are described in the Tablets of Fate and in other, lesser sources found in temples and vaults of Rusana's pre-Islamic civilization. An incomplete list of said feats below:
* Slew the beast of many limbs by tearing apart its body and created Mount Urum from its remains
* Slew the beast of many limbs by tearing apart its body and created Mount Urum from its remains
*Defeated the Lurker in the Shadow with a thorny bush
* Created the first human woman, his wife Ahunatum and began humanity with her
* Created the first human woman, his wife Ahunatum and began humanity with her
* Created the first fruit trees and vegetables by planting snake eyes into the dirt
* Created the first fruit trees and vegetables by planting snake eyes into the dirt