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Tag: 2017 source edit
Tag: 2017 source edit
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=== Religious Demographics ===
=== Religious Demographics ===
Most of Malentina follows some variation of the Arcer Ænglican Church. Although the largest portion follows traditional Ænglicanism, more than half of all Ænglican followers are part of smaller divergent branches, only one of which, the Ænglic-Samuelites, is even close to being comparable to the mainline branch.
Outside of the Ænglican followers, the nation is mostly split between the various native beliefs. These beliefs developed mostly separately from the mainland religions because of the isolation of the island tribes. Wakabiism is therefore a group of beliefs and ideas only found on the islands, although it shares many similarities to other animist concepts of the coastal regions surrounding the Malentine Sea.
Wakabiism is split into three main groupings, with some smaller outliers most of which are slowly dying out. These focus on animist worship mainly focus on a few particular ideas. These include ancestral deification, the display of gratitude for both the natural elements such as plants and animals when harvesting them plus the people who harvested them for you, as well as the study and use of the phase of the moon and the position of the stars for use in religious guidance, the tracking of time and holiday ceremonies as well as astrological implications for the destinies of newborn.
The largest of the Wakabii branches is the Neomaalit branch, which is a reformed branch focused on implementing nationalistic and socialist ideas into the old religious ideas. These ideas include more conservative ideas such as the equity of the citizenry of the nation and the heavy taxation and regulation of international entities working within the nation. Some also hold more radical ideas such as the freeing of the nation from it's imperialist ruling class as well as a complete shift towards a fully planned economy. Even though the partaking in this group is still considered treason against the Confederation according to the Treaty that created the modern government, the enforcement of this policy has lost all it's power. At this point there is even political parties with seats in the parliament who not only espouse this position but actively campaign as it's representatives.
The other two main Wakabii branches, the Tinastii and Maalit, both hold much vaguer beliefs and ideas. Today for most of their followers they function more as philosophical guidelines to helping followers live a righteous and good life rather than a strict religious code. One of the few core ideas held among almost all of their followers however is a strong rejection of the Neomaalit as a group of desecrating heretics who actively corrupt the true path of the faithful.
While the Irreligious only make up 1.6% of the Malentinan population, they make up 21% of the top 1% most wealthy individuals. The irreligious demographic used to be closer to 7%, but they were one of the most heavily affected groups by the post-revolution cleansing, leading to the majority of them either fleeing or becoming victims of the crime.
{{Pie chart
{{Pie chart
| radius = 100
| radius = 100
| thumb = right
| thumb = left
| caption = Self-reported religious identity in the Confederacy (2025)
| caption = Self-reported religious identity in the Confederacy (2025)

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| color6 =Brown
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Most of Malentina follows some variation of the Arcer Ænglican Church. Although the largest portion follows traditional Ænglicanism, more than half of all Ænglican followers are part of smaller divergent branches, only one of which, the Ænglic-Samuelites, is even close to being comparable to the mainline branch.
Outside of the Ænglican followers, the nation is mostly split between the various native beliefs. These beliefs developed mostly separately from the mainland religions because of the isolation of the island tribes. Wakabiism is therefore a group of beliefs and ideas only found on the islands, although it shares many similarities to other animist concepts of the coastal regions surrounding the Malentine Sea.
Wakabiism is split into three main groupings, with some smaller outliers most of which are slowly dying out. These focus on animist worship mainly focus on a few particular ideas. These include ancestral deification, the display of gratitude for both the natural elements such as plants and animals when harvesting them plus the people who harvested them for you, as well as the study and use of the phase of the moon and the position of the stars for use in religious guidance, the tracking of time and holiday ceremonies as well as astrological implications for the destinies of newborn.
The largest of the Wakabii branches is the Neomaalit branch, which is a reformed branch focused on implementing nationalistic and socialist ideas into the old religious ideas. These ideas include more conservative ideas such as the equity of the citizenry of the nation and the heavy taxation and regulation of international entities working within the nation. Some also hold more radical ideas such as the freeing of the nation from it's imperialist ruling class as well as a complete shift towards a fully planned economy. Even though the partaking in this group is still considered treason against the Confederation according to the Treaty that created the modern government, the enforcement of this policy has lost all it's power. At this point there is even political parties with seats in the parliament who not only espouse this position but actively campaign as it's representatives.
The other two main Wakabii branches, the Tinastii and Maalit, both hold much vaguer beliefs and ideas. Today for most of their followers they function more as philosophical guidelines to helping followers live a righteous and good life rather than a strict religious code. One of the few core ideas held among almost all of their followers however is a strong rejection of the Neomaalit as a group of desecrating heretics who actively corrupt the true path of the faithful.
While the Irreligious only make up 1.6% of the Malentinan population, they make up 21% of the top 1% most wealthy individuals. The irreligious demographic used to be closer to 7%, but they were one of the most heavily affected groups by the post-revolution cleansing, leading to the majority of them either fleeing or becoming victims of the crime.
