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==Government and Politics==
==Government and Politics==
''How is your country ruled or governed?''
''How is your country ruled or governed?''
===Executive and Legislative===
''Who is responsible for making high level choices in your country? Does it have a President or King?''
As an Absolute Monarchy, the monarchist in charge makes all political, legislative, and military decisions. Since 1999, Queen Syrilla Constatine II is the executive decision maker and Absolute Monarch of Calinthia.
''Who decides the laws for your country? Is there political parties and a legislature?''
===Federal subdivisions===
===Federal subdivisions===
''How is your country divided? Are there states or provinces, or is the country directly governed from the capital as a unitary state?''
There are multiple counties within Calinthia, all of which owe and have sworn allegiance to the Constatine royal family.
''What political factions exist? Who has ruled predominantly?''
There are no political factions within the Kingdom of Calinthia. All political decisions are made at the behest of the Queen/monarch.
''What kind of laws and legal system does your country employ?''
''What kind of laws and legal system does your country employ?''
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''What kind of people live in your country?''
''What kind of people live in your country?''
''What ethnic groups make up your country?''
The main ethnic group of Calinthia is Calinthian at 96.3%. Followed up by an Ænglish minority at 2.7%. The remaining 1% is Gaelic people. Calinthian is described as a Latin-Gothic mix. Due to the high intermixing during the existence of the Kingdom of Calinthia, this new admixture of Latin-Gothic peoples came to be referred to simply as 'Calinthian'.
''What language or languages do your country's people use? Are there any previously used languages no longer common? Are these languages native to your country or shared with another?''
''What language or languages do your country's people use? Are there any previously used languages no longer common? Are these languages native to your country or shared with another?''
Due to the [[Anti-Anglei Laws of 1952]], any non-Calinthian languages are outlawed in any official capacity. Legal documents, public signs, hand-written notes, and even public speaking must be in Calinthian.
''What do your country's people believe in religiously, if anything? How many groups are there?''
Due to the [[Anti-Anglei Laws of 1952]], any non-Catholic religions are banned. Any religious practice outside of the Catholic church is illegal. The laws are heavily enforced, with the punishments for breaking the law being life imprisonment to death.
''How many people in your country are educated?''
State-Education within Calinthia is enforced. All children age 5-16 years of age are required to attend state-funded schools. After reaching age 16, males are given the option between technical school, university, or military education. Females are given the option between home-education, or military education. University is strictly male only as women are expected to begin raising a family.
==Culture and Society==
==Culture and Society==
''What do your people do, and what are they like?''
''What do your people do, and what are they like?''
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''What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?''
''What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?''
===Attitudes and worldview===
===Attitudes and worldview===
''How do your country's people view life?''
Calinthians are extremely devout and religious people. They attend church every Sunday, pray before eating, and wear crosses. The Catholic church plays a large role within the cultural foundations of Calinthia. Thus an attack on Catholicism is viewed as an attack on Calinthia. Many Calinthians are anti-Ænglish, and anti-Protestant. Military expansionism is seen as natural to Calinthians.
===Kinship and family===
===Kinship and family===
''How are families or kinship groups structured in your country?''
Due to Catholicism playing a large role in the everyday lives of Calinthians, families are no different. The average Calinthian family has around 4 children per household. Having just one child is viewed almost as a cultural taboo. This is taken into consideration when building homes with most houses being built with 5 bedrooms.
''What do your people eat?''
''What do your people eat?''
''What do your people believe? Rather than demographics, as above, think about how important religion is to your people and their view about their own and other religions. What is the relationship between the prevailing view and minority religious groups? Is it an official religion, and do any laws exist about free worship?''
Catholicism is extremely rooted within Calinthian culture and way of life. Whether through art, language, politics, military, or even family, the impact of Catholicism is apparent.  
===Arts and Literature===
===Arts and Literature===
''What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?''
''What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?''
