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The single largest sector of Puertego's economy is manufacturing with it making up 64% of the economy and employing 33% of the workforce, the primary manufacturing products in the country are steel, aluminum, various chemicals, and textiles with Puertego also having become a very attractive place for companies to outsource jobs to due to the of their workforce and the low taxes and regulations on business there. Resource extraction is also a very large section of the economy with it making up 28% of the economy and employing 57% of the population, the primary resources sold off by Puertego are often minerals such as iron, gold, tin, nickle, and copper, and agriculture products such as rubber and sugar, all of the natural resources in Puertego including minerals, oil, non-food agriculture, fishing products, and even fresh water and owned and operated by government run companies. Services are a relatively small section of the economy only making up 8% of the economy and employing 10% of the population with most of the people working in this sector working in finance, banking, or utilities though construction has become a growing sector as well due to the large demand by both the government for its infrastructure and by private companies however construction is also an industry largely occupied by companies operating in the informal sector and allowed to keep existing via corruption.
The single largest sector of Puertego's economy is manufacturing with it making up 64% of the economy and employing 33% of the workforce, the primary manufacturing products in the country are steel, aluminum, various chemicals, and textiles with Puertego also having become a very attractive place for companies to outsource jobs to due to the of their workforce and the low taxes and regulations on business there. Resource extraction is also a very large section of the economy with it making up 28% of the economy and employing 57% of the population, the primary resources sold off by Puertego are often minerals such as iron, gold, tin, nickle, and copper, and agriculture products such as rubber and sugar, all of the natural resources in Puertego including minerals, oil, non-food agriculture, fishing products, and even fresh water and owned and operated by government run companies. Services are a relatively small section of the economy only making up 8% of the economy and employing 10% of the population with most of the people working in this sector working in finance, banking, or utilities though construction has become a growing sector as well due to the large demand by both the government for its infrastructure and by private companies however construction is also an industry largely occupied by companies operating in the informal sector and allowed to keep existing via corruption.
Puertegan workers are forbidden to unionize by law in any state or privately-owned company, the Puertegan government has a long history of violently putting down any attempt by their workers to unionize and or strike, things such as workers co-ops are also explicitly banned by law. Puertego has very few laws regarding labor particularly in regard to workplace safety standards, mandatory benefits and minimum wage though this has also made Puertegan workers famously cheap which is another reason many companies are outsourcing production to there. Unemployment in Puertego currently sits at approximately 1.2% due to the almost universally guaranteed job offered to citizens in government run industries, the 1.2% of the workforce that are unemployed are often some of the most destitute members of society due to the lack of many welfare programs that many other countries offer, workforce participation in Puertego sits at 80% of the population or 96,000,000 citizens.
Unions in Puertego are technically legal though they are heavily restricted with the government having co-opted all unions in the country, the government has made laws forcing all unions that attempt to be formed must be monitored and approved by the government with them allowed to make any changes they wish without the unions input needed, most of the time the government using this opportunity to fill up with the upper levels of the union with government loyalists to make sure the unions won't impeded on the economic progress of the nation and discourage investment due to them demanding better pay and benefits. Unemployment in Puertego currently sits at approximately 1.2% with the government having a program to almost guarantee employment among the population, this is supplemented a lack of unemployment assistance offered by other countries encouraging people to find work rapidly once they are able to. Puertego is a large exporter of its human capital to other countries around it due to the young average age of its population and the cheapness its workers are willing to work at with it having agreements with several countries to allow workers to be trained in a skill such as welding and go over to another country on a temporary work visa in exchange for the government taxing the money they send back in reminiscences. Puertego has very controversially had a policy of allowing child labor in the country with many families relying on the practice in order to collect an extra income since often one income isn't enough for low income families to survive on in Puertego.

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Almost all of the energy in Puertego is provided by non-renewable sources with the nation being a large importer of oil, natural gas, and coal as well as a large extractor of these resources in its own borders, though it has been attempting to transition to more green methods of energy production with three nuclear power plants currently under construction in the country and expected to be fully operational in the next 3-4 years along with new hydro power being introduced for the first time in Puertego's history. Close to all the nation's electricity is provided by the state-owned utility company which provides electricity to the nation's citizens. The government has been trying to provide more of its citizens with electricity by building new infrastructure for it, but this has proven difficult for the government due to the large amount of shanty towns in Puertego's cities with it being estimated that as many as 54% of Puertegans live in a slum, currently only around 45% of Puertegan citizens have access to electricity in their home.
Almost all of the energy in Puertego is provided by non-renewable sources with the nation being a large importer of oil, natural gas, and coal as well as a large extractor of these resources in its own borders, though it has been attempting to transition to more green methods of energy production with three nuclear power plants currently under construction in the country and expected to be fully operational in the next 3-4 years along with new hydro power being introduced for the first time in Puertego's history. Close to all the nation's electricity is provided by the state-owned utility company which provides electricity to the nation's citizens. The government has been trying to provide more of its citizens with electricity by building new infrastructure for it, but this has proven difficult for the government due to the large amount of shanty towns in Puertego's cities with it being estimated that as many as 54% of Puertegans live in a slum, currently only around 45% of Puertegan citizens have access to electricity in their home.
The constitution of Puertego specifically states that the government must offer free healthcare to all its citizens though the quality is notoriously poor with overcrowding meaning that often times patients have to share beds, unsanitary conditions, and long wait times, there is also lots of corruption in the government run healthcare with embezzlement being commonplace in the nation's hospitals and many patients reporting doctors demanding bribes to write prescriptions for them. However there have been attempts by the government to increase the quality by cracking down on corruption in the industry with much heavier monitoring of staff and administrators, additionally the government has begun building clinics in rural communities with no access to regular hospitals and also provides cheap clean drinking water and free vaccinations to all citizens with the latter being attributed to a large reason for the country almost eradicating certain diseases like Polio. The government spends around 7% of its annual budget on its healthcare system. In the nations hospitals there are 11 doctors per 10,000 citizens.
The constitution of Puertego specifically states that the government must offer free healthcare to all its citizens though the quality is notoriously poor with overcrowding meaning that often times patients have to share beds, unsanitary conditions, and long wait times, there is also lots of corruption in the government run healthcare with embezzlement being commonplace in the nation's hospitals and many patients reporting doctors demanding bribes to write prescriptions for them. However there have been attempts by the government to increase the quality by cracking down on corruption in the industry with much heavier monitoring of staff and administrators, additionally the government has begun building clinics in rural communities with no access to regular hospitals and also provides clean drinking water and free vaccinations to all citizens with the latter being attributed to a large reason for the country almost eradicating certain diseases like Polio. The government spends around 7% of its annual budget on its healthcare system. In the nations hospitals there are 11 doctors per 10,000 citizens.
Technology has long been an area where Puertego has struggled to make a large impact in with many innovations coming from Puertego being made in areas such as mining equipment, it is thought that a large reason for this lack of technological innovation is a general lack of education in the country with higher level education for the most part being reserved for the upper class in Puertego. For this reason, Puertego is a large importer of new technologies though in recent years the large numbers of foreign companies investing in Puertego has brought the nation's manufacturing and energy sectors up to scratch with the rest of the world thanks to the governments payments to them for a more modernized infrastructure though areas such as healthcare remain behind the rest of the world by 10 years according to some metrics. Military technology has also been one area where Puertego has been rapidly improving with the countries latest Type-22 Torres missile being considered fairly top of the line and the Type-45 Heavy Tank having made many large advancements to the countries previous models, these advancements in military technology have primarily been attributed to the government offering very generous payments to any foreigner who has had previous experience with the technology of other countries militaries to come and work on the Puertegan militaries technology.
Technology has long been an area where Puertego has struggled to make a large impact in with many innovations coming from Puertego being made in areas such as mining equipment, it is thought that a large reason for this lack of technological innovation is a general lack of education in the country with higher level education for the most part being reserved for the upper class in Puertego. For this reason, Puertego is a large importer of new technologies though in recent years the large numbers of foreign companies investing in Puertego has brought the nation's manufacturing and energy sectors up to scratch with the rest of the world thanks to the governments payments to them for a more modernized infrastructure though areas such as healthcare remain behind the rest of the world by 10 years according to some metrics. Military technology has also been one area where Puertego has been rapidly improving with the countries latest Type-22 Torres missile being considered fairly top of the line and the Type-45 Heavy Tank having made many large advancements to the countries previous models, these advancements in military technology have primarily been attributed to the government offering very generous payments to any foreigner who has had previous experience with the technology of other countries militaries to come and work on the Puertegan militaries technology.
