List of Vallejarian companies: Difference between revisions

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|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Todas las fragatas
|[[Neva Group]]
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Todos los portaaviones
|Fusiles, sufusiles y ametralladoras
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Fusiles, sufusiles y ametralladoras
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Lanzamisiles y sistemas antimisiles
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Lanzamisiles y sistemas antimisiles
|Tanques y vehículos de combate de infantería
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Tanques y vehículos de combate de infantería: Mekava, T90, M2,M3 bradley.
|Tanques, vehículos de combate de infantería y transporte de personal
|[[Bulkan Higs]]
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Amx-30e, BMP-3, YPR-765, BMR, Boxer
|Tanques y vehículos de transporte de personal
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|M113, VAD, AMZ
|Pistolas y revólveres
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Pistolas y revólveres
|Sistemas automáticos de defensa antiaérea
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Sistemas automáticos de defensa antiaérea
|Drones/Aviones de combate/reconocimiento
|[[General Fornictar]]
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Drones de combate/reconocimiento MQ (Los 2)
|Drones/Aviones de combate/reconocimiento
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Loong (Los 2)
|Drones/Aviones de combate/reconocimiento
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Orion, TB2
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Submarino Peral
|[[Lunj Hax]]
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Tipo 094
|Embarcaciones de control marítimo
|[[Astilleros Larmón]]
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Embarcaciones de control marítimo
|Obúses autopropulsados
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Obuses autopropulsados M109 y NLOS
|Obúses remolcados
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Remolcados M
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Helicópteros Mi-35M, AW101 y chinook
|[[Suppy Graf]]
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|AH-64, Bell
|Aviones de combate/transporte/Extinción de incendios
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Aviones de combate/transporte/Extinción de incendios, J-20, CASA (los 2), 415
|Aviones de combate
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Aviones de combate (Con colaboración de Luah Humu)
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Boramae, J-16 colaboración con Luah Humu
|Aviones de Transporte
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Aviones de transporte menos los CASA
|Aviones de reabastecimiento
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Aviones de reabastecimiento
|Aviones/Helicópteros de extinción de incendios
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Aviones/Helicópteros de extinción de incendios, Beriev, Bell 204/205
|Aviones/Helicópteros de extinción de incendios
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Short, kamov
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
|Manufacturing, production, development and sale of military/Defense
