Iseul Oh

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Iseul Oh (born 30 March 1946) was an ethnic Metzettan who later lived in Urcea following a landmark court case.

Iseul Oh shortly after hearing he had won his case

Early life

Oh reports his early life was not a happy one, with his parents arguing often when he was young and eventually separating. He was rarely afforded his favourite treat of Daxian aspic (charcoal flavour) and disliked his schoolteachers. Spending his school years skipping classes led to failed exams and limited career prospects, leading him to seek alternative citizenship.

Court Case

In 1980 Oh travelled to Urcea on a one-way ticket to make what he felt was a convincing case for citizenship; by describing in detail the date, location and position in which he was conceived he convinced the Archducal Court to grant him citizenship in Urcea, after which he renounced Metzettan citizenship and lived as a burden on the Urcean state for the rest of his life. The evidence presented was considered compelling as his parents consummated their marriage only once, with Oh's mother's diary from 1946 presented as evidence.