Peace Brigade

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The Peace Brigade is a paramilitary force of the Republic of Corumm, formed in 2014 to operate abroad and staffed almost exclusively by Corummese Muslims. It is under the command of the Ministry of Interior. While called a brigade its combat strength is much closer to a regular division.

Peace Brigade
Active 2014-present
Country Corumm
Allegiance Republic of Corumm
Type Paramilitary
Size Division
Engagements The Deluge, Jalqolak-Corumm Border War


Lan Tao Kwan


The origins of the Peace Brigade lie with the leftist unrest of 2010 in the western regions and the use of gangs of undocumented Jalqolakis by Party officials to break up protests and terrorize dissidents. A system of patronage developed between these gangs and local Party bosses who employed them as hired muscle to help them advance their business interests or resolve local disputes through shocking violence. Eventually the central government came to object to the existence of such private fiefdoms and correspondent miniature armies. The Ministry of Interior disarmed the gangs and conscripted its members into a new unified force. The Peace Brigade has been extensively deployed in combat as part of the Army of Conquest during the Republic's wars in Western Crona. Unconfirmed reports point to it as one of the units most responsible for committing extensive war crimes and abuses.

Peace Brigadists are distinguished by their blue uniforms


Its first operation was the 2014 suppression of rioting in the border town of Khov precipitated by the arrest of locals protesting against extorsion at police checkpoints. For two days the Peace Brigade was set loose on Khov and shot upwards of 700 civilians and abducted the leaders of the riots, whose bodies were never recovered. After the successful pacification of Khov and with tensions flaring at the border with Jalqolak, the brigade was suddenly sent into combat alongside regular army units. Outfitted with surplus army equipment and ill prepared for the harsh conditions of frontline combat, the Peace Brigade suffered from tremendous attrition and were soon relegated to rear guard duties. It was during this time that it cemented its reputation for brutality and the general disregard for the rules of war.


The Peace Brigade is typically employed in peacekeeping duties and rearguard security in conflict areas where the Republic is involved to free up Corummese regular forces from such tasks. It also acts as an auxiliary guard for the Jalqolak border. Critics argue that one of its unstated missions could be to serve as a foreign born praetorian guard and last ditch force to quell an uprising against the Party.


The Peace Brigade recruits Muslim males between the ages of 16 to 45. With the exception of the ethnically Corummese upper echelon, 95% of the Peace Brigade members are drawn from the immigrant muslim populationm mostly from Jalqolak. The lack of legal employment opportunities for non Corummese makes joining the brigade a more attractive choice, since it comes with a permanent residence permit and the opportunity of future citizenship. Many others join under the threat of arrest and deportation. While the majority of recruits are holders of permanent residence, illegal migrants are also forcefully conscripted to serve in the brigade.


  • 2014 Khov Suppression
  • 2015 Jalqolak Border War
  • 2020 Cao Campaign
  • 2035 Ixa'Taka Campaign
  • 2036 Nanseetucket War