Cronan Emergency Resolution

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Cronan Emergency Resolution
League of Nations General Assembly
  • Resolution 1 of 2015
Passed14 January 2015
GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION relating to the status of Crona
Status: In force

The Cronan Emergency Resolution was a resolution proposed to the League of Nations General Assembly in 2015 by representatives from the Apostolic Kingdom of Urcea in relation to the ongoing instability and war in northern Crona and Cusinaut. Following a lengthy debate, the resolution was adopted in November of 2015, and subsequently was adopted by the League of Nations Security Council.

The resolution included recommendations to the League of Nations Security Council to deputize non-permanent and non-Security Council members to help join the Council in the effort to pacify the region. The Security Council selected Alstin and Daxia.


Criticism and legacy

The Cronan Emergency Resolution has been criticized by opponents as "legal sanction for imperialism" and "the textual backdrop of The Deluge".

External Links