Canespa-Daxia relations

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The Zanoma Deal

A deal signed between the Canasta Company (Canespa), and the Zanoma Regional Administration (Daxia). The deal includes the leasing of Varshani land.


Daxia and Canespa have been determining the deals conditions since its propsal in 2028 by the Canasta Company. With all the paperwork finally being finished on november 11th 2032. Though Canespa started setting up the infrasturcture back in 2031 the farming of the land/ownership was not offical until 2032. Canespa rapidly picked up the pace of the infrastructure since the offical lease date, with about half of the lands infrasturure already in place the build up is going smoothly so far. The first shipment of food left ports on Janurary 2nd 2033.


The Zanoma deal was made in order to ease the burden of reconstruction in Varshan while also getting some profit out of it. Under the agreed terms the regional government of Zanoma agrees to lease seven thousand hectares to the Canasta Company for 25 years. This land includes rural localities within the Zanoma Regional Administration; it also includes several refugee camps. These refugees are permitted to work on the farms for a salary while Canespians administrate the land. Additionally the Canasta Company is permitted to transport these crops through Xisheng by paying a reduced customs duty of 11% on agricultural produce. Thirty five percent of all crops produced are required to be sold exclusively to the Zanoma government at below market prices to help relieve the burden of food shortages in the region. Along with all this the Canasta Company was able to set up a consular office within the Zanoma region in order to monitor Canespian interests and liaison with local authorities.

The farms

The farms are leased and administered by the Canasta Company and its administration. Only about 20% of the workers on the farms are Canespian's while the rest are native Varshani. These farms are run in an llaqta system similar to the one in Canespa. The Varshani took a while to get used to the system especially since it was more crude then the Canespian version but it eventually stuck thanks to the relatively better conditions. The Canasta Company did have to make some adjustments to the design though. One such change was the inclusion of schools within the llaqta's in order to cut down on fuel costs. All children were ordered into child-llaqta's which were the ones with the school houses. This came with the added challenge of making the llaqta's bigger with each holding over 200 people. Canespa does not pay the workers and instead it considers the food, housing and schooling sufficient pay for the Varshani's work.

Due to the winter the farms have not started there full production yet but small indoor crops and Canespian genetically modified crops have been in use around the farms.

The route

With the lack of the Qumir Canals Canespa had to improvise with the transportation method of the crops. Instead of a waterway the crops are transported used massive biofuel run trucks that go from llaqta to llaqta picking up food. Once a truck is full it starts its route through Xisheng. Eventually reaching XXX port where it is them picked up by Canespian ships and transported to other parts of the globe. After the selling of the crops 7% of the net revenue is transferred to Daxia in the form of Capesa or its equivalent value in energy (Which ever is requested). Unlike Canespian grown crops Canespa itself ships the food grown in Varshan instead of Burgundie. This is to create a more independent economy and it also racks in more profit due to the smaller scale nature of the Varshan farms.

Canespa exports all of the Varshani grown food that is not sold to the Zanoma Regional Administration directly to nations within the Nysdra Sea Basin. This is in part due to a deal made between Canespa and the Nysdra Sea Treaty Association. Under the conditions of this deal Canespa may export its Varshani grown food to nations within NSTA but it most only export said crops to these countries. This cuts down massively on Canespian fuel costs and it helps create a thriving economy for many of the nations in NSTA.

Colonial Era Relations