Canasta Company

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The Canasta Company is an international firm that deals mainly in the agricultural industry but has other offshoots. It was founded in 1814 and has only grown in size since.


Before 1900

The Canasta Company officially began in Extranjero in 1814 during a period of chaos within the Canespian economy. New upstarts were happening all over the place and competition was fierce. The company was founded by Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru, interestingly the current CEO of the Canasta Company, Túpac Amaru, is a descendant of of Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru, this is the product of pure coincidence and has served as a tool to keep Túpac Amaru in the spotlight when his approval ratings are down. Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru was a genius man who's IQ is estimated to be anywhere from 160-200 by modern standards. After going away to study in Burgundie in 1802, he soon met and married a Bergendii woman named ____. This is also interesting as it means that current CEO of the Canasta Company, as well as the entirety of House Wasi is part Bergendii. after getting married and finishing his studies in 1810 he made his way back to Canespa. He was confident in his ability to become a high ranking government official following his over seas training. But upon arrival in Extranjero in 1811 he was met with a depression in the countries young economy. A famine had recently hit and it was in its highest degree upon Tȟatȟáŋka's return. He soon fell into poverty and began to think of ways to work his way out of it. The official announcement of the alliance with Burgundie and the impending "Extranjero" project as it was called hit the streets of the city. While many people were initially shocked and refused to participate in the foreign project, Tȟatȟáŋka immediately signed up for the project. To sign up he needed to provide evidence of a formal company and goods that it sold. After surveying the city for any and all competition Tȟatȟáŋka recognized the lack of basket manufacturing. If anyone had a basket it had been woven by owner through a long process. Tȟatȟáŋka started the company after acquiring a cart. His wife made hats and he started selling them all around the city. He also started selling them to Bergendii sailors who needed to collect food for shipment around the world.

The business quickly picked up as Tȟatȟáŋka made enough money to hire someone to manufacture the baskets instead of his wife. After that The Canasta Company started growing exponentially. As he hired more and more employees and even opened a full time store and manufacturing building he started to realize the potential of the company. Over the next three decades the Canasta Company would continue to grow and grow. Eventually it started its first farming operations, and that's where the rest of the story unfolds.

The competition

The Canasta Company was not alone when the Extranjero project was announced. Hundreds of companies started to form around farming and anything to do with the process of getting food onto ships. Before 1850 Burgundie has enough ships to handle the meager exports that Canespa was producing at the time. But as things began to ramp of the competition became fierce. Companies began to directly compete with each other on what they could export. This is where Tȟatȟáŋka’s knowledge of Burgundie came in. He knew there culture and he knew their language. Through this Tȟatȟáŋka slowly forged a path through the food market and soon became one of the top producers of food in the area. He made deals with the canal owners in secret, making sure the Canasta Company could maintain the lowest prices. This slowly bankrupted smaller companies that got absorbed in the Canasta Company. This was the start of the Canasta Companies aggressive control plan, and its how the Canasta Company would forge its way into the history books.

Aggressive control

Government control


2000 and onward





All others

Current projects


Hamuq City

Nuclear Reactor's



The Daxian-Zone was the first one that the Canasta Company dipped its toes into. It started with the Zamona deal between Daxia and the Canasta Company. The Zamona deal consists of ...






Maloka is a relatively new project that began in 2020. Its aim is to help grow the Malok economy through the Canasta Company. The deal consisted of a few large land grants that extend into much of Maloka, in exchange the Canasta Company has agreed to dedicate 15% (unless a market is not sufficient enough) of its sales to the region and help feed the Malok people. Additionally the company has a guaranteed 60% Malok workforce employed in the area at all times. The Canasta Company will also receive tax cuts and access to ports along the southern Malok coast. This project has no end date and no end date is predicted.


Shipping and trading

Isles Evangeline


The Netansett project is currently underway in Netansett and is predicted to be a large expansion for the company, heavily endorsed and funded by the Canespian government the project involves the buying of any and all auctioned off Planter land for sale. The company then pours funding into the land that helps it adapt to modern farming techniques. The plan has been heavily funded by the enriched planter class as well. Most Planters end up overseeing the land the company bought that used to be theirs. The projects end date is unknown but it has been underway for years.

