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Æonara is a continental island off the northeastern coast of Crona in Ixnay. Along with its smaller sister island of Snávin, Æonara was colonised by Coscivians from 20762 and has been governed in its entirety by the Kiravian Federacy and its predecessors since the 20780s. The island is divided among the Kiravian states of Central Æonara, North Æonara, South Æonara, and West Æonara, as well as the Kiravian territories of Snávin, Eriada, and Liberantia.

LocationEast Crona Sea, Ixnay
Adjacent bodies of waterÆonara Sound
Additional information
Time zone
  • Valēka Standard Time


Æonara is laid out roughly in the form of a scalene triangle, extending from the Kanaveron Peninsula in North Æonara south to Xsādiróva, West Æonara and southeast to Kesta Kobra, Liberantia Territory. Snávin lies just to the southeast of the main island, separated by the Snávin Strait. The most prominent landforms on the island are two mountain ranges, the Emerald Mountains, which trace along the northern and western coast, and the Jade Mountains, which rise near the geographic centre of Æonara and continue in a southeasterly direction toward Kesta Kobra.

Æonara is well within the tropical belt has a tropical climate overall, though with altitudinal variation. Many lowland areas east of the Jade and Emerald mountains (i.e. in Central Æonara and Eriada) have a tropical maritime climate, as do some areas directly on the southern coast. Other lowland areas generally have a more classical tropical wet-and-dry climate. Upland areas exhibit variations on a subtropical highland climate with more moderate temperatures. Locally there are three customatry gradations of the different life zones resulting from this altitudinal variation, known in Æonaran Coscivian as the bréaśad ("hot land"), lúaśad ("mild land"), and thóaśad ("cool land").

Important cities in Æonara include Portmór, Sar-i-Paul (Saripáuv), Prevarda, Saravena, Vaśyansar, and Ærhorn.



Æonara was already known to Coscivian cartographers by Template:H:title. The first Coscivian settlement, a coastal stockade, was built in Template:H:title near what is now [PLACE], [STATE]. [Confer with Bolis' history to construct framework and dates for settlement]. 1800s AD for second wave of settlement?

In [DATE], the Æonara Territory was split into five separate territories: Central, North, South, East, and West Æonara. Central Æonara became a state in 211XZ, followed by North Æonara in 211XA. South and East Æonara were further divided to create the new territories of Eriada, Liberantia and Snávin. Eriada and Liberantia became states in 211XB.


When the Kirosocialist Party promulgated a new constitution establishing single-party rule, opposition forces denounced the new constitution as illegitimate, and non-Kirosocialist Delegates led by the Renaissance Party convened a rump Stanora in Vaśyansar, North Æonara. With the backing of conservative elements in the Kiravian armed forces and civil service who refused to serve the new régime on the mainland, as well as partisan militia, the rump Stanora organised a government-in-exile in Æonara under the leadership of [Whoever the Fuck] as Prime Executive.

Politics and Governance

Æonara is divided among six Kiravian federal subjects: Four states (Central Æonara, North Æonara, South Æonara, and West Æonara) and three territories (Eriada, Liberantia, and Snávin). A Pan-Æonaran Conference based in Portmór facilitates coöperation among the several federal subjects. The seven state/territorial defence forces in Æonara are in the process of organising into an Æonaran Battlegroup with a joint command structure.

Æonara is regarded as a solidly conservative region that has historically rejected revolutionary movements such as Bannerism, Novialism, Kirosocialism, communism, and the national-revolutionary Restarkism prevailing in its neighbour, the Cape. Æonara reliably elects slates of Delegates that sit with the Shaftonist-Republican Alliance and Reservatives-Conformists caucuses in the Federal Stanora.

Society and Culture

The Æonaran Coscivians, who trace their ancestry back to the first and (to a lesser degree) second waves of Coscivian settlers, form the largest ethnic group on the island. They share most of their culture in common with the Umcaran Coscivians. Their language, Æonaran Coscivian, is characterised by many archæic and divergent features that differentiate it from modern Kiravic Coscivian (with which it is not mutually intelligible), as well as by a great many loanwords from local Cronan languages. It is an official language in all states of Æonara; and is spoken natively by an outright majority of the population in South Æonara. The second largest Coscivian ethnic group on the island are the closely related Umcaran Coscivians.

The Snávian or Sinyolan peoples (Snávic: Sanyao-lako) are the autocthonous Cronite inhabitants of Æonara, tracing their ancestry to before Coscivian colonisation. Homogeneous Snávian communities are mostly found in lowland areas and on the island of Snávin, though just under half of the ethnic Snávian population is urbanised and lives in Coscivian cities and towns at higher elevations. Snávians are considered to have been absorbed into Coscivian civilisation centuries ago, having adopted the Coscivian script and adapted their language to Coscivian literary culture by the XXXXXs. Most Snávians living in Æonara consider themselves non-Coscivian and distinguish themselves sharply from the Æonaran Coscivians, Umcaran Coscivians, and "Mainlanders" (more recent immigrants from Great Kirav or other parts of the Coscivian world). However, most Snávians living elsewhere in the Federacy consider themselves Coscivians and are accepted as such. They are classified as a Coscivian people for most purposes by the federal government, but not by the governments of the states and territories that make up Æonara.

The Æonara Migration Act of 211XX gave the Æonaran territorial governors authority to grant expedited sponsorship of 3,000 guest worker and medium-term residency permits annually to eligible Capetian citizens wishing to settle in Æonara and Snávin, exempting them from normal immigration procedures. The Capetian population is concentrated in West Æonara, South Æonara, Snávin, Eriada, and Liberantia, making up 14% of the total population in South Æonara and 19% in Liberantia.

Whiskey-cola is recognised by law as the official drink of every federal subject in Æonara

After Capetians, Pauldustllahanis account for the majority of foreign nationals living and working in Æonara. Pauldusllahani is the most widely-spoken foreign language among Æonarans after Portuguese and along with it is the language taught in schools, whereas in most other parts of the Federacy Latin or Lebhan are preferred. In Sar-i-Pául, the largest city of West Æonara, some 72% of Coscivian-Kiravian (including Sinyolan) residents reported having a "good command" of Pauldustllahani or better. The total percentage of residents speaking Pauldustllahani is estimated to be around 90-94%, accounting for Pauldustlaahani nationals living in the city and Kiravian citizens of Pauldustllahani origin or ethnicity.


Coscivian Orthodoxy is the largest religion in Æonara by number of adherents, followed by Lutheranism. Æglasta-i-Xristul, an Adoptionist denomination founded in Æonara, also has a significant presence. Other religions with a significant presence in Æonara include Roman Catholicism, Ruricanism, and Reformed Orthodoxy.

Æonara has a large Protestant population, composed mostly of Lutheran Umcarans and Sinyolans of various denominations, including Methodists, Lutherans, [Some Paulreich denomination], and Adventists. The Mormon Church has a long history of missionary activity on the island, and has left a significant Mormon population, especially among the indigenous. There is also a visible Cronan Orthodox presence, due to the influence of nearby Cronzcovina, escpecially in North Æonara.


Nicknamed Nassán Sorolá ("Continental Island of Abundance") since the 207th century, Æonara is one of the Federacy's most productive overseas regions, boasting a diversified economy with strong agriculture, mining, and manufacturing sectors. The island's most important economic asset, however, is its strategic position between Great Kirav and the Cronan mainland, which has made Æonara a major conduit for commerce between Kiravia and its major trading partners on Crona, most importantly Pauldustllah and Umcara. The highly-developed Saripául-Portmór Corridor between the island's two principal ports, also known as the "Whiskey-Cola Road", links the cities of the Kiravian West Coast to [Paulreich city across the strait]. An estimated 32% of direct trade between Pauldustllah and Kiravia travels along this route.

Imperial Cola vending machines are ubiquitous throughout the island, located in nearly all employee breakrooms, waiting rooms, apartment complexes, schools, transit stations, laundromats, and even churches. Snávin has the highest level of Imperial Cola consumption per capita of any Kiravian federal subject at 822 standard eight-ounce cans per person in 211206.
