Party of Daxian Democrats

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The Party of Corummese Democrats is the ruling party of the Democratic Republic of Corumm. It holds a majority of the seats in the federal People's Assembly and this dominance is also extended to the state and local level. The Party maintains that its arrival to power heralds the end of Corummese political history.

Party of Corummese Democrats

Slogan There‘s nothing left to be loyal to now but the Party
Headquarters Mirzak
First Secretary Prib Dodd
Whip Ding Biu
Platform Totalitarianism
Voter Base All Peoples
Conferences Apalachin meeting
Lushan conference

People's Assembly
495 / 500



The overarching and ultimate goal of the Party as enunciated in Linge Chen's seminal book, On the Nature of Earthly Power, is the accumulation and consolidation of unrivaled power in all spheres of Corummese life. Rigid values and principles are to be discarded in a mercenary search for advantage and an amorphous and vulgar pragmatism is to be followed at all times. Rather than principles, the Party sees its political positions only as tools to manipulate public opinions and perceptions. While always subject to change should the situation call for it, the post Linge Chen Party has more or less settled on a fixed number of policies that have historically maximized its appeal. While tentatively sensitive to public opinion as a basis for legitimacy, the Party historically answered any challenge by viciously unleashing the organs of repression.


Historical Orthodoxy


The otherization and ostracizing of the foreign dates back to the Imperial era and remains in vogue with vast segments of the population. The Party maintains that non-Corummese are inferior in intellect, untrustworthy and devious by nature and must be dealt with in the best of cases, at arms length. While violence against foreigners is not supported, their movement is heavily restricted and monitored and permanent residence is unavailable for them.


The Corummese state must forever engage in expansion; not in a civilizing endeavor, for non-Corummese are by themselves unworthy of being civilized, but to aggrandize, enrich and be of use to the Corummese. Always mindful of the international environment and the technical and manufacturing capabilities of the Corummese state, it shall nonetheless attempt to expand its reach through all means necessary.
