LGBT rights in Cartadania

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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) rights in Cartadania have been among some of the most advanced in the world. Although same-sex sexual activity was a capital crime that often resulted in the death penalty during the Imperial era, all sodomy laws were repealed in 1710 following the Lusos Rebellion.

Cartadania, shown in dark green
StatusLegal since 1710,
age of consent (re)equalised in 1901
Gender identityTransgender people allowed to change legal gender without surgery
MilitaryLGBT people allowed to serve openly
Discrimination protectionsSexual orientation and gender identity protections (see below)
Family rights
Recognition of relationshipsSame-sex marriage since 1901
AdoptionLGBT individuals and same-sex couples allowed to adopt

Cartadania has frequently been named one of the most culturally liberal and gay-friendly countries in the world. Recent polls have indicated that a majority of the Cartadanian public support same-sex marriage and in 2015, another poll indicated that 87% of the Cartadanian population believed homosexuality should be accepted by society, the highest of the countries polled. Alahuela has been named by many publications as one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world, with Le Irisée, Bairro A Baunilha and Aibonito being said to have a thriving LGBT community and nightlife. Many of Cartadania's territories also serve as well-known tourist destinations for many members of the community.


Recognition of same-sex relationships

Adoption and family planning

Discrimination protections

Discrimination in schools

Hate crime laws

Transgender rights

Intersex rights

Conversion therapy

Military service

Blood donation

LGBT rights movements in Cartadania

LGBT culture


Cinema and television




Public opinion

See also