Energy in Arcerion

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Arcerion has considerable sources of oil and natural gas in the Northern portions of the Albion Sea and is ranked as one of the largest net exporters of natural gas and crude oil in the 21st Century, and is in the top three in Crona. Arcerion is energy self-sufficient based on its reserves of crude oil, natural gas, and coal mined from the Aileach Mountain Range. With gas resources expected to decline in usage as well as available stock, the Confederate Parliament has sought to invest in renewable and long-term energy investments such as nuclear energy.

Arcerion has been traditionally dominated in the energy sector by coal-fired powerplants due to the abundance of coal in the Aileach Mountains. However it still remains as one of the main components for fueling the energy production centers for the Arcer Power Grid. Coal amounts to 52% of energy and electricity production in Arcerion, followed by nuclear at 24% and natural gas at 19%. Solar, wind and renewable/'green' energy sources make up the remaining 5% of Arcerion's electricity production.

The Arcer government is expected by 2030 to publish a Memo on Energy Policy to better align with modern trends for green energy sources as a means for combatting climate change. While the Arcer government has not outright stated it will become independent of fossil fuels, it has stated that it intends to increase the amount of non-coal power plants by at least three by 2030, including the construction of a new pair of nuclear reactors in Easthampton and Presdale.

Arcerion's power grid is connected via large hydro towers and transmission lines to several other Cronan countries. It is considered to have the best energy security in Crona as of 2020, and provided the vast majority of the electricity for Washakara, the New Archduchy, and Telokona.


Energy Production by type in Arcerion since the discovery of the Albion Sea Gas Fields in 1977.


During the Occidental Cold War and the 20th century, Arcerion's energy consumption almost entirely came from coal-fired power plants. With the discovery in 1977 of vast reserves of natural gas and oil in the Albion Sea, Arcerion announced exploration and drilling operations, expanding its de facto exclusive economic zone in Howland Governorate by dozens of kilometers and increasing its naval presence to defend Arcer liquid gas interests. By 2000, natural gas and oil imports to Arcerion, in addition to new technologies in the coal industry and advanced deep-mining operations in Moorden resulted in Arcerion becoming energy self-sufficient.

Talk about shift towards current stats (more nuke plants online, coal decline, natural gas boom in 80s, 90s, and 2000s)

Renewable slow to get foothold

Energy Sources


Easthampton and Aileach Mountains, arco major coal users


Howland Governorate

Natural Gas

Howland Governorate


Limited but its getting there


Wind Power in Arcerion

Northlea dominant, Foxhey super dependent on it

Hydroelectric Power

River systems and hydroelectric dams, will need a map overviewing major energy locations

Nuclear Power and Nuclear Energy in Arcerion

Reactors in Norham and Moorden, plans for 2 additional, one in Easthampton and one in Presdale

Easthampton one will sell power to Washakara


Show a market cap summary of $billions by energy company


Energy plants in Arcerion. △ represent Nuclear Power Plants, of which 2 are planned (hashed border). ◇ represent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. □ represents coal-fired power plants. ○ represents natural gas power plants.

Power Stations


Howland has Natural Gas power plant

Nuclear plants x3-4, plans for 2

Northlea 2 solar plants

easthampton coal plant

chester has natural coal plant

kurst has coal plant being downsized

Producers and Companies

No national control but national standards and regulations (power grid redundancy and safety)


Undersea power lines to Foxhey? Maybe?

shipping to other countries via freighters from Port Northford (largets city and capital of Howland Governorate)

need a chart showing major arcer sea lanes across IX from Port Northford, makes Albion Sea now key naval terrain

Key Trading Partners

New Archduchy

Municipal and Governorates

Some non-federal plants but mostly centralized by Confederate control