Burgoignesc Security Forces

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The Burgundian Security Forces either fall under the Civil Defense and Security Ministry, the Ministry of Trade or the Interior Ministry. Military spending for the Civil Defense and Security Ministry accounts for 30% of discretionary funding or $1.23 trillion/year. Para-military spending for the Ministry of Trade accounts for 2% of its annual budget or $24.2 billion and 3% of the Interior Ministry or _%.

Burgundian Security Service

Servici Seguretat Borgondes

Founded 1004
Current form 1985
Service branches Army, Navy and Marines, Royal Air Service, Burgundian Military Intelligence, Revenue Guard, Interior Ministry
Captaine-Commandant Kliebold Christensen
Minister of Civil Defense and Security Adm. Florian d'Angquort
Chief of the Staff of the Security Forces Adm. Jaqueline Santems
Military age 18–38 years of age for compulsory military service
Conscription 1 year
Available for

military service

33,350,703 males, age 18-38,

33,433,919 females, age 18-38

Fit for

military service

18,993,989 males, age 18-38,

24,841,661 females, age 18-38

Reaching military

age annually

1,733,168 males,

1,672,477 females

Deployed personnel 28,950
Budget ~$1.6 trillion
Percent of GDP 1.6%
Domestic suppliers
  • Cross Trucking Company *Doppel Gangway *Lansing Lines *Lansing-Mitchell Weaponeering *O’Shea Container Shipping
Foreign suppliers
  • Quicksilver Industries *Paulastra
Related articles
Ranks Ranks in the Burgundian Security Forces

Burgundie does not own nuclear weapons or participate in any nuclear weapons programs.


Country Active military Reserve military Paramilitary Total Per 1000 capita
Per 1000 capita
1,172,900 772,406 290,000 2,235,306 5.8 3.1
  Army of Burgundie
158,099 173,486 N/A 331,585 .0867 .0453
  Navy of Burgundie
714,545 437,886 N/A 1,419,286 3.71 .23
  Royal Air Service of Burgundie
126,349 58,631 N/A 184,980 .0483 .033
Defense Intelligence 8,609 846 N/A 9,455 .002472 .002251
  Revenue Guard
N/A N/A 75,000 75,000 .0196 .0196
National Gendarmerie of Burgundie
N/A N/A 215,000 215,000 .0562 .0562

Civil Defense and Security Ministry

Entity 2028 Budget Allotment Percentage of Total Notes
Navy $516.6 billion 42% excluding Marine Corps
Royal Air Service $246 billion 20%
Defense Wide Joint Activities $184.5 billion 15%
Burgundian Army $123 billion 10% The Standardized Militia Program/Burgundischen Fremdenlegion
Marine Corps $98.4 billion 8% Total Budget taken allotted from the Navy
Defense Intelligence $61.5 billionEntity 5%

The professional Burgundian Security Forces are composed of volunteers, male and female citizens aged from 20 to 34 (in special cases up to 50) years. A permanent navy, air force and Revenue Guard are maintained, but there is no permanent professional land force, within Burgundie proper. Each of the four counties Burgundie, Dübenneck, Wintergen and Zelthaus maintain a standardized militia program, that can be federalized by decree of the Viceroy.

Army of Burgundie

Main article: Army of Burgundie

Army of Burgundie

Military history of Burgundie
Standard of the Army of Burgundie
CoA of the Army of Burgundie
Tropes della Metropol (Mainland Troops)
Legio Estrangers (Foreign Legion)
Guardia della Llar (Household Guard)
Chief of Staff of the Burgundian Army
Modern Equipment
List of current regiments
Ranks in the Burgundian Army
Components and Commands
Structure of the Burgundian Army
Army Commands
    • Forces
    • Training and Doctrine
    • Materiel
Service components
    • Audonia
    • Crona
    • Kiro-Borealis
    • Levantine
      • Levantine Union
    • Punth
    • Sarpedon
    • Special Operations
    • Surface Deployment and Distribution
    • Space and Missile Defense
    • Cyber Command
Direct reporting units
    • Medical
    • Intelligence and Security
    • Criminal Investigation
    • Corps of Engineers
    • Military District of the Capital
    • Test and Evaluation
    • Military Academy
    • Reserve
    • Acquisition Management
    • Installation Management
Field Armies
    • First
    • Second
    • Foreign
    • Acquisition Corps
    • Adjutant General's Corps
    • Air Defense Artillery Branch
    • Armor Branch
    • Aviation Branch
    • Army Band
    • Coastal Defense Artillery
    • Chaplain Corps
    • Chemical Corps
    • Civil Affairs Corps
    • Corps of Engineers
    • Dental Corps
    • Field Artillery Corps
    • Finance Corps
    • Infantry Branch
    • Inspector General's Corps
    • Judge Advocate General's Corps
    • Logistics Branch
    • Medical Corps
    • Medical Service Corps
    • Medical Specialist Corps
    • Military Intelligence Corps
    • Military Police Corps/Provost Gendarmerie
    • Nurse Corps
    • Ordnance Corps
    • Psychological Operations
    • Quartermaster Corps
    • Fire Seneschalcy
    • Signal Corps
    • Special Forces
    • Transportation Corps
    • Veterinary Corps
Bases and Installations
Joint Base Davidus, Levantine Command, Pumbria
Joint Base Ayermer, Ayermer
Joint Base Cin Novilla, Novilla
Joint Base Faramount, Central and High Command, Faramount
Joint Base Cronata, Cronan Command, Flordeterra
Joint Base Punth, Punthite Command, Nova Levantia
Joint Base Meriammajori, Levantine Ocean Command, Levantx

Because of its non-permanent status, the majority of Burgundie's Army is best suited to fourth generation warfare, which is the basic doctrine of force. It relies entirely on small unit tactics and small, fast armored vehicles. This doctrine is born from the Viking origins of the nation, that surmise that all citizens are soldiers and that standing armies are too expensive for the threat levels that Burgundie has historically encountered.

Tropes della Metropol (Mainland Troops)

Standardized Militia Program

Young Burgundians receive their federal conscription orders for training at the age of 18, or after they have completed their high school studies. About two thirds of the young Burgundians are found suited for military service; for those found unsuited, various forms of alternative federal service exist. Annually, approximately 42,000 persons participate in the militia program which consists of a 3 month basic training period, three 30 day special skills training (sabotage/explosives, amphibious operations, long-range shooting), a two month tactical decision making class, a two month review training period, culmination in a month long exercise. Four week-long leaves are provided as part of the program. Once the "year of service" is completed and voting citizenship is attained, citizens can volunteer to continue their participation in the Standardized Militia Program. Participates receive the following benefits: 100% of the first higher education degree paid for, non-competitive status for federal jobs, a $500 tax break/annum, $10,000 stipend/annum and access to housing programs/preferential lending rates.

Great Prince's Own Royal Zwallerkaddian Foot Guard

Main article: Great Prince's Own Royal Zwallerkaddian Foot Guard

The Great Prince's Own Royal Zwallerkaddian Foot Guard is an ethnic Zwallerkaddian Guard demi-regiment in the direct service of the Great Prince of Burgundie. The Guard is a non-mechanized infantry demi-regiment tasked with the protection of the Great Prince, his family and possessions. It is the only military unit permanently active in the Burgundian Metropol.

Foreign Legion

Despite the Foot Guard's distinction as the only military unit permanently active in the Burgundian Metropol, Burgundie does maintain 15 permanent active military units of various strengths across its thalossocracy. This Legió estrangers (Eng. Foreign Legion) number 57,936 soldiers and officers and make up the Rapid Response Corps of the Army of Burgundie.

Name Strength Headquarters Mission(s)
XIV Foreign Infantry Regiment 5,048


Fort LaRemie, Nova Levantia Amphibious Assault

Coastal Defense

I Foreign Engineer Regiment 2,684


TBD Amphibious Assault

Coastal Defense

VII Foreign Engineer Regiment 3,316


TBD Amphibious Assault

Coastal Defense

Flordeterran Imperial Camel Constablary 3,386


Garnisoenhuis, Monsunboch, Flordeterra Light Armor

Armored Reconnaisance

Cronan Alpine Constablary 5,374


Fort Hauptburg, Hohenseen, Flordeterra Alpine Infantry
Kandaran Mounted Scouts 3,757


Joint Base Meriammajori, Levantine Ocean Command


Mechanized Infantry
Puhkgundian Gorkha Rifles 8,594


Naval and Air Station Sudmoll

Joint KATI Base Sudmoll, Sudmoll

Airborne Light Infantry

Assault Pioneers

Kantotan Levies 2,167


Joint Base Cin Vhetin/Novilla, Novilla Heavy Infantry
Christensen's Own Horse Artillery 3,548


Joint Base Cin Vhetin/Novilla, Novilla Amphibious Assault

Marine Infantry

Frederick Wilhelm Guide Sipahis 4,576


TBD, Port de Vent Light Armor

Armored Reconnaisance

KilPatrick Rangers 2,635


TBD, Wintergen Paratroopers
Fianna Tuath 2,548


Fort Fearann ​na Treubh, Flordeterra Heavy Infantry
Raulie Bushrangers 4,584


Joint Base Davidus, Latin Command, Pumbria Heavy Infantry
Punthite Cacaires 2,473


Fort Occident, Ayermer Light Armor
Umardi Askaris 3,246


Fort Safasi, Umardwal Airborne Light Infantry
TOTAL 57,936 N/A N/A

Navy of Burgundie

Main article: Navy of Burgundie

Royal Air Service

Main article: Royal Air Service

Type County Class Role Date Status Total
Airbus A400M Atlas Spain Propeller Transport 2014 10 10
Boeing E-3F Sentry USA Jet Patrol 1980 4 4
Boeing C-135FR USA Jet Utility 1964 14 14
CASA/IPTN CN-235 Spain Propeller Transport 2012 27 27
Dassault Falcon 7X France Jet Transport 2 2
Dassault Falcon 900 France Jet Transport 2 2
Dassault Mirage 2000 B/C France Jet Trainer/fighter 1983 22 154
Dassault Mirage 2000-5 France Jet Trainer/fighter 2000 26 37
Dassault Mirage 2000N/2000D France Jet Fighter-bomber 1988 84 161
Dassault Rafale B/C France Jet Trainer/multi-role 2006 108 108
Falcon 2000 France Jet Transport 2 2
General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper USA UAV Patrol 3 3
Lockheed C-130 Hercules USA Propeller Transport 14 14

Defense Intelligence

There is no public record of a military intelligence service in Burgundie, but conspiracy theorists have pointed to the over-funded Department of Ornithology as a likely cover for such an operation.

Department of Total Defense of Burgundie

Ministry of Trade

Entity 2028 Budget request Percentage of Total Notes
Revenue Guard $12.826 billion 53%

Revenue Guard

Main Article: Revenue Guard

Established in 1148, the Revenue Guard is an Burgundian law enforcement agency under the authority of the Minister of Economy and Finance. The Revenue Guard are a Military Police, but not part of Ministry of National Security and Safety. It is responsible for dealing with financial crime and smuggling; it has also evolved into Burgundie's primary agency for suppressing the drugs trade. As a military corps, it maintains over 600 boats and ships and more than 100 aircraft to serve in its mission of patrolling Burgundie's territorial waters.

The Revenue Guard also maintains a number of specialized units:

  • International Waters Fast Action Team- also known as Dolphin Team Whiskey, or Delta Tango Whiskey, this team has special dispensation from the League of Nations with limited legal powers in international powers, primarily search and rescue missions but of note they have the "powers to maintain a safe working environment, by the means deemed vernacularly appropriate by the team leader". In the events resulting in the loss of life, the team is required to brief the League of Nations Security Council.
  • Fire Brigade of Burgundie- the brigade des engenheuer-pombeuers Burgundie (BEPB), (Eng: Fire Brigade of Burgundie) is a militarized firefighting unit of the Revenue Guard. It oversees all multi-jurisdictional firefighting activity in Burgundie.
  • Penal Service Department- administers all of the batalhons penaux (Eng. penal battalions) across the various overseas territories of Burgundie.
  • Imperial Revenue Guard- a hold over from the days of the Holy Levantine Empire, the Vectigal Praesidio Imperium (Eng. Imperial Revenue Guard) conduct the business of the Revenue Guard in Burgundian Dericania.
  • Burgundian Maritime Navigation Administration- maintains the infrastructure, collects and disseminates the data relevant to maritime navigation in and around Burgundie. The Administration is unique in that its purvue includes Faneria and in some cases also works in seamless tandem with the Kiravian Northern Lights Authority.

Interior Ministry, Security Services Bureau

Policie nacional

Main article: National Police of Burgundie

National Police (France) esp. Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité WIP

Gendarmerie nacional

Main article: National Gendarmerie of Burgundie

Gendarmerie WIP