First Constitution of Vallejar

Revision as of 04:45, 25 November 2023 by David (talk | contribs) (→‎Article 91.)

Preamble of the Constitution of Vallejar:

"In the dawn of our history, when the shadows of oppression loomed over us, the people of Vallejar rose with a unified cry in search of the freedom that would resonate through the ages. We forged our identity in the flames of struggle, weaved our unity in the fabric of resistance, and now, at the pinnacle of our destiny, we solemnly proclaim this Constitution, the cornerstone of our kingdom.

Centuries ago, when oppression manifested in tangible and spiritual chains, our ancestors bore the weight of a foreign yoke. But in the darkness of subjugation, the seed of freedom sprouted. Small rebellions, silent uprisings, and acts of individual bravery sowed the first cracks in the edifice of domination, signaling the awakening of a people that would not be contained.

The annals of our past are marked by echoes of those small revolutions, whispers that resonated in the valleys and mountains of Vallejar. In the years 1815, 1816, and 1817, the flames of resistance burned with increasing intensity. Each spark ignited the hearts of those who yearned for a tomorrow where oppression would find no dwelling.

It was in the grace-filled year of 1818 when the cry for independence reached its zenith. In an act of audacity and determination, we proclaimed Vallejar's sovereignty, asserting before the face of the world that we were, and would always be, masters of our destiny. The War of Independence unleashed was not just an armed conflict but a pilgrimage of sacrifice and resistance, where the motto "honor or death" echoed as a sacred refrain in every corner of our land.

From epic battles to negotiations imbued with the essence of our people, the war not only liberated us from foreign chains but also afforded us the opportunity to shape our own destiny. It was in Vallejar, on the summit of the sacred mountain of Vallejar, in the extinct locality of Vallejar, where we sealed our independence with the ink of resistance. The blood shed, the tears shed, and the lives offered became the enduring tribute to our freedom.

This Constitution is the testament to that struggle, a beacon that will guide future generations. It lays the foundations of a Vallejar where justice is intrinsic, freedom is inalienable, and brotherhood is the lifeblood that nourishes our community. We entrust our aspirations and values to the pages of this sacred document, pledging to preserve and protect the flame ignited by those who came before us.

Thus, with humility and determination, we proclaim this preamble as the echo of our past, the pulse of our present, and the promise of our future. May this Constitution, like an eternal covenant, lead Vallejar toward the greatness it deserves.

Given under our hand and sanctioned with the love and hope of the people of Vallejar, on this solemn and significant day.

May Vallejarian Christianity guide our path, and may the flame of freedom burn eternally on our horizon!"

[July 26, 1831]

(The constitution has changed due to the passage of time, the development of technologies, the occurrence of different events and important events, among other things...)

Constitutional Preamble:

National Sovereignty

Article 1:

1.1. Vallejar establishes itself as a social and legal State, advocating as supreme values in its legal framework freedom, justice, equality, and pluralism.

1.2. National sovereignty resides in the will of God, represented by the king on earth, from whom emanate the powers of the state, and upon whom falls the responsibility for the good governance of the state, always for the benefit of the people.

1.3. The political form of the Vallejarian State is an absolute theocratic monarchy.

1.4. The people have, in any case, the right to tyrannicide and revolution if the appointed head of state fails to fulfill their duties and obligations or engages in improper practices contrary to the ethical principles of the constitution and the law.

National Unity

Article 2:

The Vallejarian nation is absolutely indivisible under any circumstances; it is the common homeland of all Vallejarians and recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy for the ethnicities, nationalities, and regions that make up the state, promoting solidarity among them.

Cultural Identity and Language

Article 3:

3.1. Spanish is the official language of the State. All Vallejarians have the duty to know it and the right to use it.

3.2 The richness of the different linguistic modalities in Vallejar is a cultural heritage that will be subject to special respect and protection.

National Flag

Article 4:

4.1. The only official flag of Vallejar is the Cross of Santiago.

4.2. The flag is a symbol of unity and equality among Vallejarians; all citizens are represented by the flag.

4.3. Disrespecting the flag will be considered an affront to the nation and will entail a sanction determined by the law.

4.4. The use of unofficial flags with claims or demands contrary to the law and the values of the state will be prohibited. Moreover, those who engage in such actions will be sanctioned by the specified law.

4.5. The national flag will be displayed and taught in all official and public buildings, aiming to represent the nation throughout the state.


Article 5:

The capital of the state is the city of Alhama la Nueva; this city is where the power emanating from God, represented by the king, resides.

Representative Organizations

Article 6:

6.1. The creation of political parties is unnecessary due to the state's mode of government; likewise, unions are not recognized by the government. However, representative organizations or social representative organizations are validated and recognized.

6.2. Representative organizations will not be funded by the state but will be maintained by the members themselves. These organizations must be organized by the members themselves and have the sole objective of improving the areas concerning the members.

6.3. The right of representative organizations to be heard by the necessary government bodies is guaranteed if the objective or cause is valid. Additionally, government bodies are obliged to listen to representative organizations if the objective or cause is valid.

Armed Forces and Defense

Article 7:

7.1. The Armed Forces consist of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force, with the mission of ensuring Vallejar's sovereignty and independence, defending its territorial integrity, protecting all citizens in every situation, and safeguarding the constitutional order.

7.2. The law may modify the organization and composition of the army, as well as add, modify, or eliminate its functions according to the context, situation, and need.

Compliance with the Constitution and its Application

Article 8:

8.1. All citizens and government bodies are subject to the Constitution and the rest of the legal framework.

8.2. It is the responsibility of public authorities to promote conditions for the real and effective freedom and equality of individuals and groups; to remove obstacles that hinder or impede their fullness; and to facilitate the participation of all citizens in political, economic, cultural, and social life.

8.3. The Constitution guarantees the principles of legality, normative hierarchy, the publicity of norms, the non-retroactivity of punitive or restrictive provisions of individual rights, legal security, responsibility, and the prohibition of arbitrariness by public authorities.


Article 9:

9.1. Vallejarian nationality is acquired, preserved, and lost according to the law.

9.2. No Vallejarian by birth can be deprived of their nationality.

9.3. The State may establish dual nationality treaties with countries that have had or have a particular connection with Vallejar.

Legal Age

Article 10:

The legal age is reached at 18 years.


Article 11:

11.1. Foreigners in Vallejar enjoy the public freedoms guaranteed by this Title, as determined by treaties and the law.

11.2. Extradition will only be granted in compliance with a treaty or the law, following the principle of reciprocity. Extradition for political crimes is excluded, with acts of terrorism not considered as such.

11.3. The law will establish the terms under which citizens of other countries and stateless persons may enjoy the right of asylum in Vallejar.

Dignity and Fundamental Rights

Article 12:

Vallejarians are equal before the law, with no discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion, or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

Human Dignity and Fundamental Rights

Article 13:

13.1. Human dignity, the inviolable rights inherent to individuals, the free development of personality, respect for the law, and the rights of others are the foundation of the political order and social peace.

13.2. Rules regarding fundamental rights and freedoms recognized by the Constitution will be interpreted in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international treaties and agreements on the same matters ratified by Vallejar.

Right to Life

Article 14:

Everyone has the right to life and physical and moral integrity, although, in necessary cases, they may be subjected to torture. The death penalty is recognized as a measure of justice.

Freedom of Ideology, Religion, and Worship

Article 15:

15.1. Freedom of ideology, religion, and worship of individuals and communities is guaranteed, with limitations only as necessary for public order protected by law.

15.2. No one can be compelled to disclose their ideology, religion, or beliefs.

15.3. No confession will have state status. Public authorities will consider the religious beliefs of Vallejarian society and maintain corresponding cooperative relationships with the Vallejarian Church.

Right to Freedom and Security

Article 16:

16.1. Every person has the right to freedom and security. No one may be deprived of their freedom except in accordance with the provisions of this article and in cases and forms established by law.

16.2. Preventive detention may not last longer than strictly necessary for the investigation of the facts, and, in any case, within a maximum period of seventy-two hours, the detainee must be released or made available to the judicial authority.

16.3. Any detained person must be immediately and understandably informed of their rights and the reasons for their detention and cannot be compelled to testify. The detained person is guaranteed the assistance of a lawyer in police and judicial proceedings, as established by law.

16.4. The law will regulate a "habeas corpus" procedure to bring the immediate availability of anyone illegally detained before a judicial authority. Also, by law, the maximum duration of pretrial detention will be determined.

Right to Privacy

Article 17:

17.1. The right to honor, personal and family privacy, and one's own image is guaranteed.

17.2. The domicile is inviolable, and no entry or search may be made without the consent of the owner or a judicial resolution, except in the case of a flagrant crime.

17.3. Communication secrecy is guaranteed, especially for postal, telegraphic, and telephone communications, except by judicial resolution.

17.4. The law will limit the use of information technology to ensure the honor and personal and family privacy of citizens and the full exercise of their rights.

Right to Free Movement

Article 18:

Vallejarians have the right to freely choose their residence and move freely within national territory. Likewise, they have the right to enter and leave Vallejar freely, under terms established by law. This right cannot be limited for political or ideological reasons.

Recognition and Protection of Rights

Article 19:

The rights to express and disseminate thoughts, ideas, and opinions freely through speech, writing, or any other means of reproduction are recognized and protected.

The right to literary, artistic, scientific, and technical production and creation is also recognized and protected.

Freedom of teaching is guaranteed.

The right to freely communicate or receive truthful information through any means of dissemination is recognized and protected. The law will regulate the right to the confidentiality clause and professional secrecy in the exercise of these freedoms.

Right to Peaceful Assembly

Article 20:

20.1. The right to peaceful assembly without arms is recognized. The exercise of this right does not require prior authorization.

20.2. In cases of gatherings in public places and demonstrations, prior notice to the authority will be given, which can only prohibit them when there are well-founded reasons for disturbing public order, with danger to people or property.

Right to Association

Article 21:

21.1. The right of association is recognized.

21.2. Associations that pursue illegal ends or use means classified as crimes are illegal.

21.3. Associations formed under this article must be registered for publicity purposes only.

21.4. Associations can only be dissolved or suspended in their activities by a motivated judicial resolution.

21.5. Secret and paramilitary associations are prohibited.

Right to Participate in Public Affairs

Article 22:

22.1. Citizens have the right and duty to defend Vallejar.

22.2. The law will establish the military obligations of Vallejarians and regulate, with due guarantees, conscientious objection, as well as other causes of exemption from compulsory military service. It may impose, where appropriate, a substitute social service.

22.3. Civil service may be established for the fulfillment of general interest purposes.

22.4. By law, the duties of citizens in cases of serious risk, catastrophe, or public calamity may be regulated.

Financial Contribution and Tax System

Article 30:

30.1. Everyone will contribute to the support of public expenses through a fair tax system for all Vallejarians, which, in no case, will have confiscatory scope.

30.2. Public spending will allocate resources equitably, and its planning and execution will respond to the criteria of efficiency, economy, and necessity.

30.3. Only personal or property contributions of a public nature may be established in accordance with the law.

Right to Marriage

Article 31:

31.1. Men and women have the right to marry with full legal equality.

31.2. The law will regulate the forms of marriage, age and capacity to contract it, the rights and duties of spouses, causes for separation and dissolution, and their effects

Right to private property

Article 32.

32.1. The right to private property and inheritance is recognized.

32.2. The social function of these rights will delimit their content in accordance with the laws.

32.3. No one can be deprived of their property and rights except for justified reasons of public utility or social interest, through the corresponding compensation and in accordance with the provisions of the laws.

Right to establish foundations

Article 33.

33.1. The right to establish foundations for general interest purposes is recognized, in accordance with the law.

Right and duty to work

Article 34.

34.1. All Vallejarians have the duty to work and the right to work, to freely choose a profession or trade, to promotion through work, and to sufficient remuneration to meet their needs and those of their family, without discrimination for any reason.

34.2. The law will regulate a statute for workers.

Professional Associations

Article 35.

The law will regulate the specific characteristics of the legal regime of Professional Associations and the practice of qualified professions. The internal structure and functioning of the Associations must be democratic.

Right to collective labor negotiation

Article 36.

36.1. The law will guarantee the right to collective labor negotiation between the representatives of workers and employers, as well as the binding force of agreements.

36.2. The right of workers and employers to take collective conflict measures is recognized. The law regulating the exercise of this right, without prejudice to the limitations that may be established, will include the necessary guarantees to ensure the functioning of essential community services.

Freedom of enterprise

Article 37.

The freedom of enterprise is recognized within the framework of a market economy. Public authorities guarantee and protect its exercise and the defense of productivity, in accordance with the requirements of the general economy and, where appropriate, its planning.

Family and children

Article 38.

38.1. Public authorities ensure the social, economic, and legal protection of the family.

38.2. Public authorities also ensure the comprehensive protection of children, who are equal before the law regardless of their filiation, and of mothers, regardless of their marital status. The law will enable the investigation of paternity.

38.3. Parents must provide assistance of all kinds to children born within or outside of marriage, during their minority, and in other cases provided for by law.

38.4. Children will enjoy the protection provided in international agreements that safeguard their rights.

Employment and work

Article 39.

39.1. Public authorities will promote favorable conditions for social and economic progress and for a more equitable regional and personal income distribution, within the framework of an economic stability policy. They will especially carry out a policy aimed at full employment.

39.2. Likewise, public authorities will promote a policy that guarantees professional training and adaptation; they will ensure safety and hygiene at work and guarantee necessary rest, through the limitation of the working day, paid periodic vacations, and the promotion of suitable centers.

Vallejarian Backpack

Article 40.

A "Vallejarian Backpack" system will be maintained for all citizens in a generic manner, ensuring private management of the workers' own assets in all cases.

Protection of the worker's rights

Article 41.

The State will especially ensure the safeguarding of the economic and social rights of Vallejarian workers abroad and will orient its policy towards their return.

Right to health

Article 42.

42.1. The right to health protection is recognized.

42.2. Public authorities are responsible for organizing and supervising public health through preventive measures and the necessary services. The law will establish the rights and duties of all in this regard.

42.3. Public authorities will promote health education, physical education, and sports. They will also facilitate the appropriate use of leisure.

Right to culture

Article 43.

43.1. Public authorities will promote and protect access to culture, to which everyone has the right.

43.2. Public authorities will promote science and scientific and technical research for the benefit of the general interest.

Protection of the environment

Article 44.

44.1. Everyone has the right to enjoy an environment suitable for the development of the individual, as well as the duty to preserve it.

44.2. Public authorities will ensure the rational use of all natural resources, in order to protect and improve the quality of life and defend and restore the environment, relying on indispensable collective solidarity.

44.3. For those who violate the provisions of the previous paragraph, sanctions will be established, as provided by law, both criminal and, where appropriate, administrative, as well as the obligation to repair the damage caused.

Conservation of culture's people

Article 45.

Public authorities will guarantee the conservation and promote the enrichment of the historical, cultural, and artistic heritage of the peoples of Vallejar and the assets that make it up, regardless of their legal status and ownership. The law will penalize offenses against this heritage.

Right to housing

Article 46.

All Vallejarians have the right to enjoy decent and adequate housing. Public authorities will promote the necessary conditions and establish relevant regulations to make this right effective, regulating land use according to the general interest to prevent speculation.

Participation of youth

Article 47.

Public authorities will promote conditions for the free and effective participation of youth in political, social, economic, and cultural development.

Special needs

Article 48.

Public authorities will carry out a policy of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and integration of physically, sensory, and mentally impaired individuals, to whom they will provide the specialized attention they require and will protect them especially for the enjoyment of the rights granted to all citizens in this regard.

Vallejarian Backpack for old age

Article 49.

The "Vallejarian Backpack" will be the method used to ensure economic sufficiency for citizens during old age. Additionally, and regardless of family obligations, public authorities will promote their well-being through a social services system that will address their specific health, housing, cultural, and leisure problems.

Internal comerce

Article 50.

50.1. Public authorities will guarantee the defense of the economic and social rights of Vallejarian workers, protecting, through effective procedures, their safety, health, and legitimate economic interests.

50.2. Public authorities will promote information and education for consumers and users, encourage their organizations, and hear them on issues that may affect them, in the terms established by law.

50.3. Within the framework of the provisions of the previous sections, the law will regulate internal trade and the authorization regime for commercial products.

Professional organizations

Article 51.

The law will regulate professional organizations that contribute to the defense of their economic interests.

The king

Article 52.

52.1. The King is the Head of State, a symbol of its unity and permanence, arbitrates and moderates the regular functioning of institutions, assumes the highest representation of the State in international relations, especially with the nations of its historical community, and exercises the functions expressly attributed to him by the Constitution and laws. 52.2. His title is King of Spain and may use others corresponding to the Crown.

52.3. The person of the King is not inviolable and can be charged with any crime or illegality contrary to the constitution, the law, or the will of the people.

The monarchy

Article 53.

53.1. The Crown of Vallejar is hereditary in the successors of the king, the legitimate heir being the firstborn, that is, the eldest son of the king, without gender preference.

53.2. The female gender can inherit just like males.

53.3. The succession of the throne implies the succession of the head of state, that is, when the position of the monarch is inherited, the management of the nation is inherited as well.

53.4. If the king abdicates, the position of head of state automatically passes to the firstborn; if the firstborn is not of legal age, he must be advised by the principal minister of God until he reaches the age of majority.


Article 54.

The Queen consort or the consort of the Queen cannot assume constitutional functions, except as provided for the Regency.

King's powers

Article 55.

The King has the following powers:

a) Make, review, change, and eliminate laws.

b) Supreme command of the Armed Forces.

c) Exercise the right of pardon in accordance with the law, which cannot authorize general pardons.

d) The High Patronage of the Royal Academies.

e) The management and administration of the state.

f) The correct international image of the state.

g) The management of the royal family.

h) The management and administration of the Vallejarian Church.

i) Declare war and make peace.

j) Express the consent of the State to be bound internationally by treaties, in accordance with the Constitution and laws.

k) Accredit ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives.

Economical support to monarchy

Article 56.

56.1. The King receives a global amount from the State Budget for the support of his Family and House, and distributes it freely.

56.2. The King freely appoints and relieves civilian and military members of his House.

king's duties

Article 57.

57.1. The monarchy and the king represent the Vallejarian people.

57.2. The king exercises the legislative power of the State, approves its Budgets, controls the action of the Government, and has other powers attributed to him by the Constitution.

57.3. The royal house is inviolable unless there is evidence of any illicit activity.

Royal Decree

Article 58.

There is only one type of decree, the "Royal Decree", which serves to communicate laws and decisions of the king for the management and good administration of the state in general.

Basic duties of government

Article 59.

The Government directs domestic and foreign policy, civil and military administration, and the defense of the State. It exercises regulatory power in accordance with the Constitution and laws.

Government composition

Article 60.

60.1. The government is composed of the king, the principal minister of God, and the secondary ministers of God, the latter with specialized training in the areas assigned to them for the proper management and administration of the state.

60.2. The king has all the functions mentioned in Article 55, although they are not limited to those alone.

60.3. The principal minister of God is the second most important person in the state; they must be highly qualified to assume the position, must hold the title of bishop, and have the official title of believer granted by the Vallejarian Church. Their main function is to advise the king on all necessary matters and assist in all state affairs.

60.4. Secondary ministers of God must be highly qualified in their respective fields, and their functions are designated by the king, with no specific number of secondary ministers of God.

Public Administration

Article 61.

61.1. The Public Administration serves the general interests objectively and acts in accordance with the principles of effectiveness, hierarchy, centralization, concentration, and coordination, with full submission to law and justice.

61.2. The organs of the State Administration are created, governed, and coordinated in accordance with the law.

61.3. The law will regulate the status of civil servants, access to public service based on the principles of merit and capacity, the peculiarities of exercising their right to unionization, the system of incompatibilities, and the guarantees for impartiality in the exercise of their functions.

Armed Forces and Security Forces

Article 62.

62.1. The Armed Forces and Security Forces, under the government's authority, have the mission to protect the free exercise of rights and freedoms and guarantee public safety.

62.2. A law will determine the functions, basic principles of action, and statutes of the Armed Forces and Security Forces.

Regulation laws

Article 63.

The law will regulate:

a) The hearing of citizens, directly or through organizations and associations recognized by law, in the procedure for the preparation of administrative provisions that affect them.

b) Citizens' access to administrative files and records, except in matters affecting the security and defense of the State, the investigation of crimes, and the privacy of individuals.

c) The procedure through which administrative acts must be produced, ensuring, when appropriate, the hearing of the interested party.


Article 64.

64.1. Courts control the regulatory power and legality of administrative action, as well as its submission to the purposes that justify it.

64.2. Individuals, as established by law, have the right to be compensated for any damage they suffer in any of their property and rights, except in cases of force majeure, provided that the damage is a consequence of the operation of public services.

Council of State

Article 65.

The Council of State is the supreme advisory body to the Government. A law will regulate its composition and competence.

Declaration of alarm, exception and siege status

Article 66.

66.1. An law will regulate states of alarm, exception, and siege, as well as the corresponding powers and limitations.

66.2. The state of alarm will be declared by the Government for a maximum period of fifteen days. The decree will determine the territorial scope to which the effects of the declaration extend.

66.3 The state of exception will be declared by the Government through a decree . The authorization and proclamation of the state of exception must expressly determine its effects, the territorial scope to which it extends, and its duration, which cannot exceed thirty days, extendable for another equal period, with the same requirements.

66.4. The state of siege will be declared by the king. The king will determine the territorial scope, duration, and conditions.

66.5. The declaration of states of alarm, exception, and siege will not modify the principle of the Government's and its agents' responsibility as recognized in the Constitution and laws.


Article 67.

67.1. Justice emanates from the people and is administered in the name of the King by Judges and Magistrates who are members of the judiciary, independent, immovable, responsible, and subject only to the rule of law.

67.2. Judges and Magistrates may not be separated, suspended, transferred, or retired except for reasons and with the guarantees provided by law.

67.3. The exercise of judicial authority in all types of proceedings, judging and enforcing judgments, is exclusively the responsibility of the Courts and Tribunals determined by the laws, according to the rules of competence and procedure established by them.

67.4. The Courts and Tribunals shall not exercise functions other than those indicated in the preceding paragraph and those expressly attributed to them by law to safeguard any right.

67.5. The principle of judicial unity is the basis for the organization and functioning of the Tribunals. The law will regulate the exercise of military jurisdiction in strictly military matters and in cases of a state of siege, in accordance with the principles of the Constitution.

67.6. Special courts are prohibited.

Article 68.

Compliance with judgments and other final decisions of Judges and Tribunals is mandatory, as well as providing the collaboration required by them during the process and in the execution of what has been decided.

Article 69.

Justice will be free when so provided by law, and in any case, with respect to those who demonstrate a lack of resources to litigate.

Article 70.

70.1. Judicial proceedings will be public, with the exceptions provided by procedural laws.

70.2. The procedure will be predominantly oral, especially in criminal matters.

70.3. Judgments will always be motivated and pronounced in public hearings.

Article 71.

Damages caused by a judicial error, as well as those resulting from the abnormal functioning of the Administration of Justice, will entitle to compensation paid by the State, in accordance with the law.

Article 72.

72.1. The organic law of the judiciary will determine the constitution, functioning, and government of the Courts and Tribunals, as well as the legal status of career Judges and Magistrates, who will form a single body, and of the personnel serving the Administration of Justice.

72.2. The General Council of the Judiciary is its governing body. The organic law will establish its statute and the regime of incompatibilities of its members and their functions, particularly in matters of appointments, promotions, inspection, and disciplinary regime.

72.3. The General Council of the Judiciary will be composed of the President of the Supreme Court, who will preside over it, and twenty members appointed by the King for a period of five years.

Article 73.

73.1. The Supreme Court, with jurisdiction throughout Vallejar, is the highest judicial body in all orders, except in matters of constitutional guarantees.

73.2. The President of the Supreme Court will be appointed by the King, upon the proposal of the General Council of the Judiciary, in the manner determined by law.

Article 74.

74.1. The Public Prosecutor's Office, without prejudice to the functions entrusted to other bodies, has the mission of promoting the action of justice in defense of legality, the rights of citizens, and the public interest protected by law, ex officio or at the request of the parties, as well as ensuring the independence of the Courts and seeking before them the satisfaction of the social interest.

74.2. The Public Prosecutor's Office exercises its functions through its own bodies in accordance with the principles of unity of action and hierarchical dependence and subject, in any case, to legality and impartiality.

73.3. The law will regulate the organic statute of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

73.4. The Attorney General of the State will be appointed by the King, hearing the General Council of the judiciary.

Article 75.

Citizens may exercise popular action and participate in the Administration of Justice through the institution of the Jury, in the manner and with respect to those criminal proceedings determined by law, as well as in customary and traditional Tribunals.

Article 76.

The judicial police depend on the Judges, Tribunals, and the Public Prosecutor's Office in their functions of investigating the crime and discovering and securing the offender, on the terms established by law.

General economic interest

Article 77.

77.1. All the wealth of the country in its various forms and regardless of its ownership is subordinated to the general interest.

77.2. Public initiative in economic activity is recognized. By law, resources or essential services, especially in the case of a monopoly, may be reserved for the public sector, and companies may be intervened when the general interest so requires.

Cooperative societies

Article 78.

Public authorities will effectively promote various forms of participation in the company and encourage, through appropriate legislation, cooperative societies. They will also establish the means that facilitate workers' access to the ownership of the means of production.

Modernization of economic sectors

Article 79.

79.1. Public authorities will attend to the modernization and development of all economic sectors and, in particular, agriculture, livestock, fishing, and craftsmanship, in order to equalize the standard of living of all Vallejarians.

79.2. For the same purpose, special treatment will be given to mountainous areas.

General economic activity

Article 80.

80.1. The State, by law, may plan general economic activity to meet collective needs, balance and harmonize regional and sectoral development, and stimulate income and wealth growth and its fairer distribution.

80.2. The Government will develop planning projects, according to the needs of each area and part of the state. To this end, a Council will be constituted, whose composition and functions will be developed by law.

Public property

Article 81.

81.1. The law will regulate the legal regime of public domain and communal assets, inspired by the principles of inalienability, imprescriptibility, and non-seizability, as well as their disaffection.

81.2. State public domain assets will be determined by law and, in any case, include the maritime-terrestrial zone, beaches, territorial sea, and natural resources of the economic zone and the continental shelf.

81.3. By law, the State's Heritage and National Heritage, its administration, defense, and conservation will be regulated.


Article 82.

82.1. The original power to establish taxes belongs exclusively to the State, by law.

82.2. The Local Corporations may establish and demand taxes, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

82.3. Any tax benefit affecting State taxes must be established by law.

82.4. Public administrations may only incur financial obligations and make expenditures in accordance with the laws.

Duties, obligations and functions of the government

Article 83.

83.1. The Government is responsible for the preparation, examination, amendment, and approval of the General State Budgets.

83.2. The General State Budgets will be annual, include all expenses and revenues of the state public sector, and will specify the amount of tax benefits affecting State taxes.

83.3. Once the General State Budgets are approved, the Government may present bills that involve an increase in public spending or a decrease in the corresponding revenues for the same budgetary year.

83.4. The Budget Law cannot create taxes. It may modify them when a substantive tax law so provides.

Article 84.

84.1. All Public Administrations will adapt their actions to the principle of budgetary stability.

84.2. The State may not incur a structural deficit that exceeds the established

limits. An organic law will establish the maximum structural deficit allowed to the State in relation to its gross domestic product. Local Entities must present a balanced budget.

84.3. The State must be authorized by law to issue public debt or incur credit. Credits to meet the interest and capital of the public debt of the Administrations will always be considered included in the expenditure budget, and their payment will enjoy absolute priority. These credits cannot be subject to amendment or modification, as long as they comply with the conditions of the issuance law.

84.4. The limits of the structural deficit and public debt volume can only be exceeded in the event of natural disasters, economic recession, or extraordinary emergencies beyond the control of the State that considerably harm the financial situation or economic or social sustainability of the State.

84.5. An organic law will develop the principles referred to in this article, as well as the participation, in the respective procedures, of the bodies of institutional coordination between Public Administrations in fiscal and financial policy matters. In any case, it will regulate:

a) The distribution of deficit and debt limits among the different Public Administrations, exceptional cases of exceeding them, and the form and deadline for correcting deviations from both.

b) The methodology and procedure for calculating the structural deficit.

c) The responsibility of each Public Administration in case of non-compliance with budgetary stability objectives.

State divisions

Article 85.

The State is territorially organized into municipalities and administrative areas. Municipalities have autonomy for the management of their respective interests.

Equality and freedom of movement

Article 86.

86.1. All Vallejarians have the same rights and obligations anywhere in the territory of the State.

86.2. No authority may take measures that directly or indirectly obstruct the freedom of movement and establishment of individuals and the free movement of goods throughout Vallejar's territory.

Autonomy of municipalities

Article 87.

The Constitution guarantees the autonomy of municipalities. They will have full legal personality. Their government and administration belong to their respective City Councils, composed of Mayors and Councilors. Councilors will be elected by the residents of the municipality through universal, equal, free, direct, and secret suffrage, in the manner established by law. Mayors will be elected by the Councilors or by the residents. The law will regulate the conditions under which the open council regime is applicable.


Article 88.

88.1. The municipalities are the local entities for each municipality and locality, municipalities and territorial division for the fulfillment of State activities. Any alteration of provincial boundaries must be approved by the Cortes Generales by means of an organic law.

88.2. The government and autonomous administration of the municipalities will be entrusted to Councils or other representative Corporations.

88.3. Associations of different municipalities may be created.

Local Treasuries

Article 89.

Local Treasuries must have sufficient means to perform the functions that the law assigns to the respective Corporations and will be mainly funded by their own taxes and participation in those of the State.

State competences

Article 90.

The State has exclusive competence over the following matters:

1. The regulation of the basic conditions that guarantee the equality of all Vallejarians in the exercise of rights and compliance with constitutional duties.

2. Nationality, immigration, emigration, foreign affairs, and the right of asylum.

3. International relations.

4. Defense and Armed Forces.

5. Administration of Justice.

6. Commercial, criminal, and penitentiary legislation; procedural legislation.

7. Labor legislation.

8. Civil legislation.

9. Legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

10. Customs and tariff regulations; foreign trade.

11. Monetary system: currency, exchange, and convertibility; bases of credit regulation, banking, and insurance.

12. Legislation on weights and measures, determination of the official time.

13. Bases and general coordination of economic activity planning.

14. General Finance and State Debt.

15. Promotion and general coordination of scientific and technical research.

16. External health. Bases and general coordination of health. Legislation on pharmaceutical products.

17. Basic legislation and economic regime of social plans.

18. The basic rules of the legal regime of Public Administrations and the statutory regime of their officials, which, in any case, will guarantee common treatment to those administered by them; common administrative procedure.

19. Maritime fishing.

20. Merchant shipping and flagging of ships; coast lighting and maritime signals; ports of general interest; airports of general interest; control of airspace, transit, and air transport, meteorological service, and aircraft registration.

21. Railways and land transport; general communication regime; traffic and circulation of motor vehicles; postal and telecommunications services; aerial cables, submarine cables, and radiocommunication.

22. Legislation, organization, and concession of hydraulic resources and uses.

23. Legislation on environmental protection, forest legislation, logging, and livestock routes.

24. Public works.

25. Bases of the mining and energy regime.

26. Production, trade, possession, and use of arms and explosives.

27. Basic rules of the press, radio, and television regime and, in general, of all media.

28. Defense of the Vallejarian cultural, artistic, and monumental heritage against export and looting; museums, libraries, and archives owned by the State.

29. Public security.

30. Regulation of the conditions for obtaining, issuing, and homologating academic and professional titles and basic rules for their development to guarantee compliance with the obligations of public authorities in this matter.

31. Statistics for state purposes.

32. Authorization for the convening of popular consultations by referendum.

King's special power

Article 91.

This article gives the monarch absolute power over the state and all the goods and resources within it to face situations of extreme urgency and danger to the state in any of its areas. It also allows the king to ignore the constitution and act according to his own assessment in situations that require immediate urgency. This article will only be implemented under direct order of the monarch.