Second Constitution of Olmeria

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The Second Constitution of Olmeria, known widely as simply the Constitution of Olmeria, has been the supreme constitutional document of Olmeria since the nation gained independence from Caergwynn in XXXX. The constitution is codified, entrenched and unitary, and has ultimate authority over executive, judiciary and legislative processes. It also protects essential individual and collective rights by securing them within sovereign law, where they cannot be overruled by the Senate without first amending the Constitution. The Constitution outlines the separation and sharing of power between the three branches, including the partial fusion of the Executive and Legislative branches. There are other protocols around governance not including in the constitution, but these do not carry the same authority, being usually merely conventions or written only in standard law.

Second Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Olmeria
Greindo Castle, where the constitution was formally signed into law in XXXX
Subordinate toNone
Date effectiveXX/XX/XXXX
SystemDemocratic Republic
Branches Executive, Legislative, Judiciary
Head of state President
ChambersUnicameral Legislature: The People's Senate
ExecutiveThe President and Council of Chiefs
JudiciaryThe Supreme Court
FederalismUnitary with local devolution
Last amended03/09/1962


Origins and Writing

The Second Constitution was begun to be drafted immediately following the declaration of Olmerian independence from Caergwynn on the XX of _____ XXXX. The primary authors were leaders and senior figures in the independence movement, in collaboration with the leaders of existing government structures left over from the last 3 centuries of colonisation. Many points of tension over the exact wording of the document meant it took almost 6 months for all parties to reach a consensus on the final draft.





Section One: Rights and Principles

Article I - Founding Principles

Article II - Individual Rights

Article III - Collective Rights

Section Two: Governance

Article IV - President

Article V - Cabinet of Chiefs


Amendments and Reform

Historic Amendments

Proposed Amendments

Calls for Reform