Atomic bombing of Shimrra

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Atomic bombing of Shimrra
Part of Final War of the Deluge
Detonation over Shimrra city
LocationShimrra, Varshan
Date24 February 2022
9:32 AM
Target3rd Varshan Rocket Corps (specifically)
Shimrra (generally)
Attack type
Atomic bombing

The atomic bombing of Shimrra was the detonation of a nuclear warhead on the Varshani city of Shimrra in response to the Atomic bombing of Zakan Rot. Shimrra served as an important logistics hub for the Varshani army near the Quetzenkel and Xisheng fronts. Preliminary estimates point that over half of the city's population may have perished in the initial blast.


Corummese tactical difficulties and underperformance of theater units on the Southern Xisheng Front led Corummese political leadership to authorize increasingly radical methods. The use of tactical nuclear weapons was first discussed on December 2022 when Corummese defenses near Waguo were close to being overrun by Varshan's renewed offensive. Stabilization of the front eventually shelved these discussions. Following the nuclear attack on Urcean forces fighting in the Seneca Isles, a decision on the matter was forced by Chancellor Dodd. A preemptive nuclear attack would be carried out to both cripple Varshani logistics, morale and supply and also send a clear signal to the leaders of Varshan that further use of nuclear weapons would carry uncontrollable consequences.


At approximately 9:32 AM, around two hours after the Zakan Rot blast, a nuclear submarine off the western coast of Varshan received authorization to fire a ballistic missile carrying a 2 megaton warhead. Minutes later the detonation was confirmed via sattelite imagery.
