The Giswi (Giswinus Domesticus) also known as the Corummese chicken is a domesticated flightless bird native to Corumm. With an estimated population of 20 billion it is the most breeded type of poultry in Corumm above even the common chicken. Of this population, only a small minority still lives in the wild. It is raised in mega factories for its famously tough meat and prodigiously large eggs.
Habitat and Diet
Giswi in the wild have lived in the wooded areas in the lowlands near Corumm's eastern and southern coasts for thousands of years. Giswi in captivity can live up to 15 years if kept in sufficient numbers, solitary Giswi tend to have a much reduced lifespan due to their gregarious nature. Giswi are omnivorous birds and with their powerful beak and its high force load can eat anything from seeds, fruits, insects, fish, crustaceans and even smaller birds or mammals they may be able to catch. Giswi are noted for having a strong sense of smell.