Structure of the Arcer Air Force
Second Great War
20th Century & Fourth Bush War
Modern Period
Active and Reserve Components
Current Structure (2020s)
Air Command Arcerion
National Air Operations Centre
Joint Movement and Transportation Section
Air Transport Wing (5 squadrons, 2 heavy lift 24 airframes, 3 tac air lift 30 air frames)
School Squadrons (trainer, jet trainer, helo, special operations, JTAC, staff college)
Arcerion Fighter Command
Oakham 3 squadrons (30)
Presdale 2 squadrons (20)
Dunborough 1 squadron (10)
Port Gibson 2 squadrons (20)
Foxhey 1 squadron (20)
Kinnaird nil
chester 1 squadron (10)
Port Hughes 3 squadrons (30)
Easthampton 1 squadron (10)
Dalfearn 1 squadron (10)
150ish fighter air frames plan for up to 180 (+3 sqns)