Cusinaut Area Socio-Economic Initiative

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The Cusinaut Area Socio-Economic Initiative (CASEI) is an intergovernmental alliance between native nations in the Cusinaut. CASEI was founded in 2025 with the original membership of Ashkenang and Canespa. The alliance consists of multiple trade agreements completing removing some tariffs and lowering others. In addition to the trade agreements the alliance has a joint fund that is used to help build infrastructure in impoverished areas around the alliance while a cultural sector ensuring the culture of all native tribes is represented in each nation has also been set up. The alliance has been viewed by critics as an indirect way for Canespa to influence the nations around it. In addition to this nations can opt into certain portions of the alliance via becoming a participating observer. participating observers must have the areas they participate in accepted by at least 2/3 of the alliance.

The headquarters for CASEI are located in Extranjero, Canespa.



CASEI is governed and managed by the Cusinaut Initiative Commitee (CIC) which has been in place since the beginning of the alliance but has taken different forms.


Flag Country Membership Year
Canespa full member 2025
Ashkenang Full member 2025
Caldera Full member 2034
Netansett Participating Observer 2027





Shared Development
