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Territory of Isidar

Country United Republic
Capital Droyn
Largest City Droyn
Population TBA
Governor Craig Macbeth
Legislature TBA
Official languages Template:English, Burgoignesc
Recognised languages
Postal Abbreviation IS
Time Zone Central Cronan Time

Isidar, officially the Isidar Territory is an overseas incorporated territory of the United Republic, located in mainland southern Crona bordering Credesia to the south, and Ehemo to the north and east.


Isidar, along with Veraise and Credesia, occupies a wide stretch of coastal plains between the mouth of the River Marcian in neighboring Kartejya in the south and the River Matrelis to the north; Speciffically, in the case of Isidar, it occupies the portion between the latter river in the north, and the Bay of Dantès.

The territory has a Mediterranean climate characteristic of much of central Crona.


Isidar was inhabited by the Cartesian people and their ancestors for several millennia before the arrival of Levantines. During the Age of Exploration, Isidar was settled by the Kiravians in an attempt to counter Burgundine influence in the region. During the Kiro-Burgundian Wars, Isidar was used as a base for raids against Burgundine holdings in Crona. By 1801, it was ceded to Ehemoan control as the costs in holding the territory began to outweigh its benefits.

Under Ehemoan rule, Isidar became the commercial center of the country, as its location allowed major trade and transit routes to be established in the region, connecting the southern regions with the Ehemoan core of the Matrelisian Valley. Nevertheless, the local Veroui (people of Burgundine descent) increasingly grew discontent over the next two centuries as a result of their unofficial status as second-class citizens, as well as a lack of autonomy in regional affairs. This culminated in the Isidarian Revolt, in which the local populace assisted the United Republic in driving the Ehemoans out of Isidar, as part of the then-concurrent Ehemoan front of the Final War of the Deluge. As part of the Treaty of Reglavine, which closed the Ehemoan Front in February 2023, Isidar was transfered to and annexed by the United Republic as an autonomous territory.


Isidar is an incorporated territory of the United Republic. Its governmental structure and fundamental law are prescribed by the Isidar Territorial Charter, promulgated by President Benjamin Ryder and validated by Parliament in 2023. The Governor of Isidar is elected by the residents of Isidar, and is prescribed a four-year term by the Charter, though a Governor may be replaced or recalled at any point in their term.

The territorial legislative body is known as the Citizens' Assembly. It is a part-time body that meets twice annually at for a period of 15 weeks. The Assembly comprises of 64 seats, apportioned according to population, with a guaranteed minimum of two seats per precinct.

Isidar sends a single non-voting Delegate to the National Council.

Society & Culture

Isidar has an ethnically diverse population. 29% of residents are identified as being of Kirivian-descent, 21% are native Cartesians, and 33% are of other origins, mainly descended from migrants from Kartejya, Ehemo, and Anta Carda.

Isidar is a multilingual society, with the most widely spoken languages in the territory being Alsintian Ænglish, Burgoignesc, and Vertannes. 62% of Isidarians are Catholic, with minorities practicing other Christian traditions, most prominently the Chantry of Alstin.


Isidar has long had a diversified economy with strong agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing sectors, as well a growing tourism, retail trade, and other service-oriented sectors.