Arco Determinism

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Arco Determinism is the governing political and cultural philosophy of Arcer citizens, a group of Cronan-naturalized Carnish and Gaelic peoples who arrived between the 18th and 20th centuries to Southern Crona. The central ideology of Arcerion is a cultural and societal belief that the Arcer people (of the two major migratory groups during the colonial era) are destined to settle, civilize, and create a modern Occidental state in Crona. Concurrent to this, it is a common goal of the society and culture to defend Arcerion and its people, and by extension extend the rule of the Carnish Crown. It also represents a common ethnic and cultural heritage from AEngles, Gaels, and Carnish peoples on values such as community, the family compact, and self-reliance.

Etymology and Philosophy



General Principles

Liberal Principles

Conservative Principles

Role in Arcer Society

Lasting Impacts

Effects on Foreign Policy

Relationship With Arcer Cultural Psyche