Structure of the Arcer Air Force

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Arcer Air Force Roundel


Second Great War

20th Century & Fourth Bush War

Modern Period

Active and Reserve Components


Current Structure (2020s)

Air Command Arcerion

Airfield and major Air Force Garrison locations in Arcerion.

National Air Operations Centre

Joint Movement and Transportation Section

Air Transport Wing (5 squadrons, 2 heavy lift 24 airframes, 3 tac air lift 30 air frames)

School Squadrons (trainer, jet trainer, helo, special operations, JTAC, staff college)

Arcerion Fighter Command

Oakham 3 squadrons (30)

Presdale 2 squadrons (20)

Dunborough 1 squadron (10)

Port Gibson 2 squadrons (20)

Foxhey 1 squadron (20)

Kinnaird nil

chester 1 squadron (10)

Port Hughes 3 squadrons (30)

Easthampton 1 squadron (10)

Dalfearn 1 squadron (10)

150ish fighter air frames plan for up to 180 (+3 sqns)



Current Inventory
