Kiravian cuisine

Revision as of 01:43, 12 August 2020 by Kir (talk | contribs)

In this era of "molecular gastronomy" it has become fashionable to claim that fine cooking can be rationalised into a sort of science. In most parts of the world, this is of course preposterous. Kiravian cuisine, however, can be easily reduced to gradeschool arithmetic. In 21203 years all they have managed to come up with is a dozen or so different ways to combine potatoes with meat and a savoury green that pair well with beer. I will not waste any more breath discussing it.

— Antoine Lebâtard, Plates Uncharted, S3 E6 - "Vomiting in Valēka"

idk, some shit
Barley cultivation in Co. Lurgan
idk, some shit
Kiravian bison in far western Îkodha
idk, some shit
Sausage rolls
idk, some shit
Full breakfast in the Far Northeast
idk, some shit
Iltixákuv ("Fine hash")
idk, some shit
Whitefish soup with onion
idk, some shit
Potato skins