Ixnay & The Levantias (OOC)

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Ixnay & The Levantias (OOC) was a proposal by Kirav in 2019 to functionally reboot Ixnay to account for the presence of "white" countries and other outstanding lore issues dating back to the cancelled 2017 Lore Council. Together with The Decline of the Ix (OOC), it makes up the "big ideas" of the late 2010s. While Ixnay & the Levantias as envisioned was not implemented exactly as written, it was the basis for the current lore settlement as of 2024 and also led to the dissolution of Crona as it existed prior to 2019. It is presented below in its entirety. Please note that the original text was presented in purple comic sans, so the effect of the document may be lost on Wiki. The formatting has otherwise been presented exactly as written.

For the purposes of this text, "Ixnay", "Ixnay Proper" and "IxProp" refers to Sarpedon.

Ixnay & The Levantias

There are two core components to this idea: Ixnay and The Levantias.

Ixnay - The idea of Ixnay Proper as the spiritual core of the region is reflected on our flag, on our maps, and in the hearts and minds of our people. In our collective lore, however, IxProp has been, by and large, peripheral, with comparatively little historical significance of its own. It has been something of an afterthought, drawn over with outgrowths from other continents/civilisations (e.g. Euro-Levantian nations, Islamo-Audonian nations, the Corummese Heavenly Kingdom), and used as a parking lot for nations that we don’t really know what to do with (Talion, Rigo Season 1-2, Sawra). Although there is nothing inherently wrong or unrealistic about this, would it not be more artistically fitting for Ixnay to play a more central and coherent role in the regional lore?

I will stop waxing poetic here so that I can get the idea out:

  • Ixnay
    • The purpose of Ixnay will be to anchor the regional lore
    • Ixnay will be populated primarily (if not entirely) by historic NPCs
      • Some drawn from earlier incarnations of Ixnay (Pel, Xelphia)
      • Others crafted to meet the region’s needs
    • Ixnay can be home to “root cultures” that migrated out to other continents, and can be the place where crucial events deep in world history occurred.
    • By locking certain deep world-historical lore behind NPCs, we can limit the degree to which we have to rewrite regional history whenever a key player leaves the region/becomes inactive.
    • The NPCs on IxProp would be OOCly sacrosanct (that is to say, not a killing field like Punth), and the lore would be collectively written and managed to ensure long-term stability and broad consensus.

So basically Ixnay will go from being shit continent to being the Axial Continenttm.

Ixnay is conceptually very important, but the real kicker here are THE LEVANTIAS.


In brief, and you’ll want to consult the maps for this part: (Removed to gallery)

  • There would be a North and South Levantia, like North and South America.
  • Levantia as we know it today would become North Levantia and be norf of the Equator.
  • South Levantia would be a newly-drawn continent, souf of the Equator.
  • Between the two would be a transitional zone of some sort (think Mexico-Central

America and the Caribbean), the geographical particularities of which don’t matter much.

  • Ixnay Proper would be generally to the east of the Levantias
  • Heku, Insui, Palm, Vachena, and the like would be moved off IxProp and onto South Levantia.


  • Proto-Latins would migrate from IxProp to Central Levantia, either as part of a larger

Proto-Indo-Wypipo migration, or as it’s own thing. Whatever y’all prefer. It’s your continent(s).

  • Central Levantia, or the IxMediterranean, if you prefer, will assume a historical role

comparable to the real Mediterranean as the cradle of Classical civilisation, and take on the role that y’all have already written for the Ecinis neighbourhood as the Latin urheimat.

  • Ur-Rome could be some city in Central Levantia (think Mexico City). Less like actual

Rome historically and more like, say, Babylon. In before Prot Burg makes a joke about Rome being literally Bablyon. This part doesn’t matter as much tho.

In any case,

  • Latinic peoples migrate both northwards (into north Levantia, settling in southern to

south-central Urcea) and southwards (settling as far down as northern to north-central Heku)

  • Non-Latin peoples (Celts, Levevezaiszish, Basques, Germanglos if you insist in the North, whoever you want in the South) inhabit the parts that Latins haven’t taken over.
  • Imperial Levantia
  • The First/Great Roman/Latin/Levantine Empire will be built around the IxMediterranean, and Central Levantia will be its core, though it will extend into most/all of modern Heku and a significant (but smaller) portion of Urcea. It will grow out of the expansion of the Venceian/Nova Roman city-state, and that will be its capital.
  • Hekuvians will march over the Alpes/Andes where they find a fairly advanced non-Latin civilisation, bang them, and turn them into proto-Insuians
  • This is where you have the IxVersions of pagan Roman history with your big ol’ empire and all.
  • The dawn of the Christian Era makes things interesting. Possibly dual capitals (Rome vs. Urceople), North Levantine Empire vs. South Levantine Empire, proto-Urc and Heku.
  • The Empire splits, possibly in large part over religion. Schism between the Imperial Catholic Church and Urceopolitan Church.
  • Both empires either decline or evolve after the split, depending on one’s historiographic taste.
  • Heku, closer to the seat of power, becomes more centralised and authoritarian and cæsaropapist.
  • Urcea, more on the frontier, does not centralise as much. Stronger landed local nobility, nested vassalage, etc. Evolves into the Holy Levantine Empire at some point, Church is able to gain institutional autonomy and even cuck the temporal power at times. This frontier ethos also engenders some of the more American-inspired elements of Urcean society and culture. Absorbs and is shaped by Celts, Welutes, etc.
  • Burg and other Levantine nations grow out of the HLE much as they do in the current lore
  • Insui’s independence is facilitated by geographic barriers (mountains)
  • I feel like 85% of y’alls lore will be the same, just tied together better
  • Okay, y’all good? Let’s head to MODERN LEVANTIA(S)

MODERN LEVANTIA (Get it” I typed this part in Monotype Corsiva)

  • Bipolar disribution of power. Urcea is the kingpin of North Levantia, Heku kingpin of South Levantia
  • Rivalry between the two for hemispheric dominance throughout the modern era, and of course before that.
  • Geopolitical chess, and Central Levantia is the main chessboard, fractured and pulled apart by the Urceo-Hekuvian rivalry, filled with small states with wavering allegiances. Maybe some feudal-remnant microstates and island baronies.


  • We can get Greeks in somehow. Just say the word and we cna integrate Istroyaland into this easy.
  • 90% of all lore will be the same, I sorta swear
  • The whole point of this is to be vague and flexible, especially with regard to time depth
  • Okay, I’m tired now, night!

Removed to gallery

Ixnay - Ixnay Proper will be populated primarily (if not entirely) by historic NPCs. Some will be drawn from early incarnations of Ixnay, on the order of Pel, Xelphia, and the like; while others will be crafted to meet the region’s needs.

The purpose of Ixnay will be to anchor the regional lore.

It will do this by creating a common historical nexus


Editor's note: An Imgur gallery was linked to several times throughout the document. It has been reproduced here with its original notes.

Super-duper ancient Ixnay. Goes up tot eh bre the BRonze age at the Latest or whatever works for you

Classical Levantias under the Hekmanate

The Levantias Today
i forgot IxProp but it is still there obviouls