Delepasian National Church

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The Delepasian National Church, officially named the National Catholic Church of Delepasia, is a Christian church that considers itself to be a part of the Traditionalist Catholic sedevacantist movement. Its episcopal see is located in Ciudad Ocampo in the Castadillaan state of Junu'urinia Ba'andasi-Navidadia. Despite the church's leadership claiming that it is a part the sedevacantist movement, the Delepasian Church has been formally denounced by every single sedevacantist movement on the basis that it is considered to be highly heretical to Traditionalist Catholic beliefs. Indeed the church has claimed that the Holy See, the formal institution of the Papacy and the Catholic Church, has moved to Ciudad Ocampo at the Delepasian Metropolitan Cathedral-Basilica, under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Delepasia, in 1996, due to the Catholic Church recognising the socialist government of Castadilla after the Velvet Revolution.

National Catholic Church of Delepasia
Latin: Ecclesia Catholica Nationalis Delepasiae
Pelaxian: Iglesia Católica Nacional de Delepasia
Cathedral of Ciudad Ocampo
The Delepasian Metropolitan Cathedral-Basilica of the True Catholic Faith, built in 1985 and completed in 2021, which the Delepasian National Church considers as the present location of the Holy See of the Catholic Church
OrientationTraditionalist Catholic
ScriptureThe True Bible of the Blessed Virgin of Delepasia
PolityPapal supremacyEpiscopal
GovernanceHoly See of Ciudad Ocampo
PopeBoniface X
RegionJunu'urinia Ba'andasi-Navidadia, Castadilla
LanguageLatin (liturgical), Pelaxian
HeadquartersDelepasian Metropolitan Cathedral-Basilica of the True Catholic Faith,
Ciudad Ocampo
Junu'urinia Ba'andasi-Navidadia, Castadilla
FounderJesus Christ (claims to be the legitimate Catholic Church since 1996)
Pope Boniface X (first Delepasian National Pope after excommunicating the "Levantine apostate")
OriginSeptember 12, 1996
Junu'urinia Ba'andasi-Navidadia, Castadilla
Separated fromCatholic Church
Congregations1 (with twenty other missions)
Members10,000 (claimed, 2031)
ClergyArchbishops: 1
Bishops: 261
Nuns: 378 (2034)
Other name(s)Delepasian Church
Delepasian National Church

The Delepasian National Church had first emerged in the early 1980s in protest to the liberal reforms implemented by Delepasian prime minister Nicolas Torres. Although the mainstream clerical leadership of the Catholic Church in Delepasia were open to Torres' reforms, the more traditionalistic Catholics in the country were largely still aligned with orthodox Pascualism. During these early years, a charismatic mystic and then-Archbishop of Las Joquis by the name of Luis la Guardia claimed to have been chosen by the Virgin Mary to become the embodiment of the second coming of Christ if he can return the Church to its true roots. With his friend Alfonso Iturbide, La Guardia established a traditionalist religious order known as the Marianites of the Lords' Domain where he had a number of his friends ordained as priests before elevating them to bishops. These arbitrary ordinations and elevations of laymen would lead to him being excommunicated in the mid-1990s. In response, La Guardia excommunicated the Pope for his recognition of the nascent socialist government in Castadilla. He would soon declare himself Pope Boniface X after having supposedly been mystically crowned pope by the Virgin Mary in another vision. In said vision, La Guardia was also told of where the new Holy See should be located, that being in an empty field in Navidadia where Ciudad Ocampo was established.

La Guardia remains as the pope to this day, though he has since delegated most of his ecclesiastical duties to his cardinals on account of his advanced age. The Delepasian National Church is universally described as a cult. Members can only watch television in communal "television houses", radio is banned due to lack of images, only newspapers published by the Church are approved, and all members vote for the far-right Delepasian Alternative. Most members are shown to believe in a wide range of conspiracy theories pertaining to Vallos. Shunning is a common punishment used against former members, and members outside of Ciudad Ocampo are expected to convert outsiders into members.



Post-Pascual Estado Social

In 1980, longtime Delepasian Prime Minister Fernando Pascual had suffered a stroke and was subsequently replaced with Nicolas Torres by Commander-in-Chief Francisco de Costa. Torres was aligned with the emerging technocratic faction of the Estado Social regime, and was a reformist who wished to ensure the regime's survival into the 21st Century and maybe even an eventual democratisation. These reforms were popular amongst many of the Delepasian populace, with significant opposition coming from both traditionalist Catholics and from the upper echelons from Delepasian society who were largely loyal to orthodox Pascualism. This culminated in the assassination of Torres in 1983 and the subsequently appointment of his replacement Alberto Bahamonde. The assassination of Torres would backfire greatly and in 1984, the Estado Social was overthrown in a mass armed uprising which started the Velvet Revolution and a ten-year-long period of armed conflicts between various ideological factions that would ultimately end in a socialist victory.

La Guardia's first Marian vision

Archbishop Luis of Las Joquis, later Pope Boniface X, attributed his Marian visions to his partial blindness.

During the latter years of the Estado Social, the Archbishop of Las Joquis was Luis la Guardia. Born in 1945, La Guardia was enthroned as archbishop in 1978, making him at the age of 33 one of the youngest archbishops enthroned, having began his ecclesiastical journey ever since he lost partial vision in his eyes before the age of 20. At the beginning of his time as archbishop, La Guardia was initially a traditionalist Catholic who greatly admired Pascual and was a firm Delepasian exceptionalist. When Pascual suffered a stroke in 1980 and was replaced with Nicolas Torres, La Guardia became an outspoken critic and opponent of the new prime minister's reforms. In 1981, he was allegedly visited by a vision of the Virgin Mary who told him that he was chosen to become the embodiment of the second coming of Christ and that he needed to restore the Catholic Church to its original roots in order to ensure the world's eternal salvation.

Being a traditionalist, these visions aligned very closely to what La Guardia felt the Catholic Church should be headed towards, but the idea that it was not only necessary, but also needed if the world was to be saved. Feeling inspired, La Guardia would begin to express an interest in being made a cardinal, but was ultimately turned down due to his age and the short amount of time it has been ever since he was made an archbishop. Regardless, he began to amass a following amongst orthodox Pascualists and traditionalist Catholics due to his Marian vision and he soon developed a reputation for being a respected mystic within the Church.

Marianites of the Lords' Domain

In 1983, about a month after the assassination of prime minister Torres, La Guardia announced the formation of a new religious order that he stated would be "the culmination of the best in every religious order of the Church; all who believe that the Church should return to its roots are welcome whether they be in the clergy or the laity." In truth, the new order, named the Marianites of the Lords' Domain, was simply a front for La Guardia to ordain his friends into the clergy before subsequently elevating them to bishops.

TO BE COMPLETED: LG gets caught and excommunicated in the 1990s; he excommunicates the Pope in retaliation before declaring himself a sedevacantist and subsequently being crowned as Pope Boniface X in a vision

The Delepasian Holy See

Early reign of Pope Boniface X

Initially a traditionalist conclavist, LG goes crazy and bans radio and private televisions

The True Bible

Visions transcribe a supposed "purified" Bible to LG

Migration to Navidadia

LG gets another vision about the Holy See being moved to Navidadia; DNC moves to purpose-built city

21st Century

LG gets old and delegates to his archbishop


Separation of soul and body

Souls were created first, long before their mortal vessel is created

Sedevacantism and conclavism

Basically what made the DNC possible

Marian mysticism

Mary is the arbiter of truth in the DNC

Afterlife and the Second Coming

Apocalypses, return of Jesus, Mary has her own universe


Holy texts

Lists all of LG's liturgical texts

Obligatory Tridentine rites

Only the Tridentine Rites are accepted; any rites written in the common tongues are considered invalid

Organisation and members

Delepasian National Pope

LG himself

Archbishop of Ciudad Ocampo

Iturbide and his role

Living members

Bishops, priests, nuns, monks, laymen

Beatified and canonised members

Everyone whom the DNC honours

Social and cultural issues

Protocols of Decency in the True Faith

The rules of the DNC

Pontifical political leanings

LG hates Urceo-Woqalism

True Catholic supremacy

LG hates other religions

See also