Property Ownership in Puertego

Historically, land ownership in Puertego has been a large status symbol among citizens however historically land ownership has been very concentrated in the hands of plantation owners who were often , however during the rule of the Red Flag Communist party all property was seized by the state and the government actively tried to break down people's assumption of property ownership equating to wealth and success, however after the fall of the Red Flag Communist Party and its replacement with the White Flag Communist Party much of the land was privatized with only the government owned cash crops plantations staying as nationally owned land.


Current historical records show that a tradition of owning land dates all the way back to ancient Puertegan civilizations where citizens were able to purchase land from the government and had legal rights in order to protect their land from confiscation. This ended almost completely however when the nation was colonized with all fertile land and land with minerals on it being claimed by plantation and mine owners, this only got worse when the country gained independence with the land owners became the new government and gave themselves the power to seize privately owned land and give it to whoever they wished, It was around this time that land ownership became to be associated with wealth and success in Puertegan culture. This continued for decades until the Red Flag Communist Party took power and began land collectivization putting formerly privately owned land in government hands, alongside this they put out propaganda portraying former land owners as greedy and generally unattractive to try and destroy the culture of land ownership being attractive. With the fall of the Red Flag Communist Party and the return of land to mostly private hands the culture has returned to its original opinions on land ownership, though most land is owned by private corporations there is a small class of small land owning farmers.

A privately owed banana plantation in eastern Puertego

Cultural Significance

In Puertegan culture land ownership is considered one of the most desirable thing in a partner with 32% of Puertegans surveyed saying that land ownership is the most attractive things they could have in a partner. Despite the cultural significance property ownership in Puertego is extremely low with only 10% of Puertegan citizens owning the land they live and work on, young men also face a lot of societal pressure in order to eventually work their way up to owning land with around 80% of Puertegan men surveyed stating that they feel they need to buy and own land in order to feel like they've succeeded in life.