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The main ethnic group in the country is [[Canespa|Canespian]] which consists mainly of anyone from the 7 Houses. Though [[Canespa]] is a big place so most of the time its split into two, Southern [[Canespa|Canespian]] and Northern [[Canespa|Canespian]]. Northern [[Canespa|Canespian]] is the bigger of the two ethnicities being roughly 68 million strong. While there are only roughly 30 million southern [[Canespa|Canespians]] the culture is even more rural then its northern counterpart. Northern and southern [[Canespa|Canespian's]] have relatively good relations and have rarely fought in the past. The Northern [[Canespa|Canespian's]] were the only ones who were part of the original [[Wasi Kings]] kingdom which quickly fell apart.
The main ethnic group in the country is [[Canespa|Canespian]] which consists mainly of anyone from the 7 Houses. Though [[Canespa]] is a big place so most of the time its split into two, Southern [[Canespa|Canespian]] and Northern [[Canespa|Canespian]]. Northern [[Canespa|Canespian]] is the bigger of the two ethnicities being roughly 68 million strong. While there are only roughly 30 million southern [[Canespa|Canespians]] the culture is even more rural then its northern counterpart. Northern and southern [[Canespa|Canespian's]] have relatively good relations and have rarely fought in the past. The Northern [[Canespa|Canespian's]] were the only ones who were part of the original [[Wasi Kings]] kingdom which quickly fell apart.

Additional ethnic groups include cultures adjacent to [[Canespa]], as well as a large [[Bergendii]] minority and a fairly notable minority of [[Faneria|Fanerian's]]. The [[Bergendii]] minority is a fairly recent development that has come from small amounts of immigration caused by [[Port Extranjero]]. The [[Faneria|Fanerian]] minority is much more ancient as it comes from the short lasting coastal settlements created by [[Faneria]] along the [[Canespa|Canespian]] shoreline. These settlements were raided and the surviving citizens of these settlements were slowly integrated into [[Canespa|Canespian]] society.
===Language ===
[[Papasimi]] is the official language of [[Canespa]]. The language is thousands of years old and has not spread far out of [[Canespa]]. It was used for a small amount of time in the more western areas of the [[Northern Federation]] but it died out there after the collapse of the federation. The languages origin point is often debated by scholars. While some say it most likely came from the mountains do to many of the mountains in the region having there names deeply rooted in the language while others believe that it started along the coast which would have allowed it to spread faster. Even some believe that it didn't originate in the [[Cusinaut]] at all and came from the mainland thousands of years ago in small tribes.
[[Papasimi]] is the official language of [[Canespa]]. The language is thousands of years old and has not spread far out of [[Canespa]]. It was used for a small amount of time in the more western areas of the [[Northern Federation]] but it died out there after the collapse of the federation. The languages origin point is often debated by scholars. While some say it most likely came from the mountains do to many of the mountains in the region having there names deeply rooted in the language while others believe that it started along the coast which would have allowed it to spread faster. Even some believe that it didn't originate in the [[Cusinaut]] at all and came from the mainland thousands of years ago in small tribes.

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The ____ Pyramids are a group of pyramids going from [[Canastapa]] to the southern border of [[Canespa]]. They were built sometime before the [[Wasi]] era of [[Canespa|Canespian]] history. They were built for a multitude of reasons. One reason was related to the religious implications of the structures. They were built with natural gardens and places of natural worship. Most of the pyramids were built on areas of earth scorched by war. The pyramids were seen as a way to repay mother nature for the wrong doings of mans war. Another use for the pyramids was to show the power and wealth that the tribe who built it had. Some of the pyramids were massive and took decades to build.  
The ____ Pyramids are a group of pyramids going from [[Canastapa]] to the southern border of [[Canespa]]. They were built sometime before the [[Wasi]] era of [[Canespa|Canespian]] history. They were built for a multitude of reasons. One reason was related to the religious implications of the structures. They were built with natural gardens and places of natural worship. Most of the pyramids were built on areas of earth scorched by war. The pyramids were seen as a way to repay mother nature for the wrong doings of mans war. Another use for the pyramids was to show the power and wealth that the tribe who built it had. Some of the pyramids were massive and took decades to build.  

All remaining pyramids in [[Canespa]] are protected by the government as areas of worship. Only peoples identifying to the [[M'acunism|M'acunist]] faith may enter the vicinity of the temples. They attract many visitors from other nations who are all of the [[M'acunism|M'acunist]] faith.  
All remaining pyramids in [[Canespa]] are protected by the government as areas of worship. Only peoples identifying to the [[M'acunism|M'acunist]] faith may enter the vicinity of the temples. They tend to attract many visitors from other nations who are all of the [[M'acunism|M'acunist]] faith.  

==Economy and Infrastructure==
==Economy and Infrastructure==
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[[Hamuq City|Hamuq city]] will also double as the largest research site in [[Canespa]]. Focused on researching the limits of plant genetic modification. The city will test everything from the modification of taste, to size, to growth speed. Genetically modified plants are already in use in the city helping to increase growth speed.
[[Hamuq City|Hamuq city]] will also double as the largest research site in [[Canespa]]. Focused on researching the limits of plant genetic modification. The city will test everything from the modification of taste, to size, to growth speed. Genetically modified plants are already in use in the city helping to increase growth speed.

The city around [[Hamuq]] is also in construction as the [[Canasta Company]] heads all major construction sites in the area. There is currently a wait list in [[Canespa]] slowly building up. Any employee of the [[Canasta Company]] can sign up to be moved to [[Hamuq]] once the city has been completed. Currently there is at least one director of the board on sight at all times monitoring the construction[[File:Hamuq City.jpg|thumb|A zoomed in and zoomed out view of Hamuq City]]
The city around [[Hamuq]] is also in construction as the [[Canasta Company]] heads all major construction sites in the area. There is currently a wait list in [[Canespa]] slowly building up. Any employee of the [[Canasta Company]] can sign up to be moved to [[Hamuq]] once the city has been completed. Currently there is at least one director of the board on sight at all times monitoring the construction. Production of small amounts of the food in some of the towers has started as construction nears its end.[[File:Hamuq City.jpg|thumb|A zoomed in and zoomed out view of Hamuq City]]

===Industries and Sectors===
===Industries and Sectors===
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[[Canespa]] has a small science department in most fields and usually relies on importing new technology into the country. One of the only major focuses of [[Canespa]]'s science department is its agriculture division. [[Hamuq City]] relies heavily on this new farming technology that revolutionizes the amount of food that can be produced per worker. The department has experimented with genetically modifying plants and has made strides in the amount of time it takes the Potato plant and Tobacco plants to regrow. The potato plants growth time alone has been cut in half to around 30 days. The department also works on the development of new field equipment and has produced the [[Granjero Gen V]] and Gen Vl Tractors. These Tractors are absolute beasts that use treads instead of wheels causing less soil damage. They also have a 745 horsepower Biofuel engines. The department has already started work on the [[Granjero Gen Vll]] which is expected to come out in 2036.
[[Canespa]] has a small science department in most fields and usually relies on importing new technology into the country. One of the only major focuses of [[Canespa]]'s science department is its agriculture division. [[Hamuq City]] relies heavily on this new farming technology that revolutionizes the amount of food that can be produced per worker. The department has experimented with genetically modifying plants and has made strides in the amount of time it takes the Potato plant and Tobacco plants to regrow. The potato plants growth time alone has been cut in half to around 30 days. The department also works on the development of new field equipment and has produced the [[Granjero Gen V]] and Gen Vl Tractors. These Tractors are absolute beasts that use treads instead of wheels causing less soil damage. They also have a 745 horsepower Biofuel engines. The department has already started work on the [[Granjero Gen Vll]] which is expected to come out in 2036.

Military wise the department has made the [[Mayu Uywa]]. A mechanical beast of a machine that was designed for the defense of [[Canespa]]. The [[Mayu Uywa]] crawls along the bottom of the canals, if there is a threat it will pop out of the water within 10 seconds and begin an onslaught of fire from its 4 mini turrets. The [[Mayu Uywa]] also has a main battle turret that is large enough to completely destroy enemy tanks within range. The country currently has 17 of these beasts roaming the depths of the canals.  
Military wise the department has made the [[Mayu Uywa]]. A mechanical beast of a machine that was designed for the defense of [[Canespa]]. The [[Mayu Uywa]] crawls along the bottom of the canals, if there is a threat it will pop out of the water within 10 seconds and begin an onslaught of fire from its 4 mini turrets. The [[Mayu Uywa]] also has a main battle turret that is large enough to completely destroy enemy tanks within range. The country currently has 17 of these beasts roaming the depths of the canals.  
