<option weight=10>-337 days left to "claim the high horse but take the low road."</option>
<option weight=10>-337 days left to kick George W. Bush around.</option>
<option weight=10>-337 days until the US signs Kyoto.</option>
<option weight=10>-337 days until the US rejoins real world.</option>
<option weight=10>-337 days until George Bush becomes eligible for war crimes tribunal.</option>
<option weight=10>-337 days left until we find out if Barack Obama actually is a secret Muslim.</option>
<option weight=10>Free world to hold party in -337 days!</option>
<option weight=10>World War III starts in Iran within -337 days.</option>
<option weight=10>Only another -337 days to "connect Iraq to the war on terror" (it's hard).</option>
<option weight=10>Only another -337 days to "put food on your family."</option>
<option weight=10>Only another -337 days to ask, “Is our children learning?"</option>
<option weight=10>Only another -337 days to "misunderestimate" the Great Decider.</option>
<option weight=10>Only another -337 days to help Ob-Gyns "practice their love with women."</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 days left to add anti-Bush snark to this template! (metajoke).</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 days left for Bush to cause the Rapture!</option>
<option weight=10>So a woman, a Mormon, a grizzled Viet Nam vet and a black guy and Mike Huckabee walk into a bar. What's the punchline? Find out in Template:Electdays days!</option>
<option weight=10>-337 days until the nightmare finally ends...</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days to clamber aboard the gravy train.</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days until you will no longer be able to coexist peacefully with fish.</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days to be "thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people."</option>
<option weight=10>-337 more days until some village in Texas gets its idiot back.</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days to stay off the booze and cocaine, Dubya!</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days to collect hilarious Bushisms.</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days to find the weapons of mass destruction.</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days for George W. Bush to finish reading The Pet Goat.</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days to improve border relations between Canada and Mexico. </option>
<option weight=10>-337 more days that George W. Bush has to wake up drooling over Iran.</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days until Shaving Day. Whaddya mean you don't get it? Go watch some porn and tell me what's missing.</option>
<option weight=10>Only -337 more days of reused Bush jokes!</option>