Royal Family of Sortvit

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House Sortvit is the current ruling family of Vithinja with an origin in Carna.

House Sortvit
Royal Family
Country Vithinja
Place of originCarna
Founder"Carnish name"
Current headRolv XI
  • King of Vithinja
MembersRolv XI, Prince Ruth, Prince Tyre, Princess Ruthina, Princess Kristina, Prince Valker
Connected families-Carnish Royal Family-
TraditionsHead of the Church of Rolv


The house of Sortvit originates from dynastic union in 1743 between the only living member of the historical ruling house of Vithinja, Ruthina Sorthän and a member of the Carnish royal family at the time. The main reason behind the union was the death of Ruthina's brother, after whomst death the male line of the royal family died out.

While the early years of house Sortvit came with some success, before even a hundered years has passed the nation fell into crisis and the ruling body was deposed to be replaced by a republic in the middle of the 19th century. While many were seeking the heads of the monarchs they were able to escape the country with the help of the church.

The family did not live in exile for long. The church invited them back with guarantees for their safety only 50 years after they had been deposed. The family lived in some luxury, with their only political power now stemming from the church.

During the Internal Crisis caused by the republics failure to fight in the great war, prince Riordan, the youngest of the princes was able to gain popular support thanks to his scholarly ways and helped reshape Vithinja by being the royal counterpart in the Vithinjan Compromise that founded the state as it exists today.


A family tree (descendants of Ruthina Sortvit)