Political Parties of Rusana

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This articles discusses the political parties of the Republic of Rusana, with or without representation in the National Assembly, at the State or local levels or in state legislatures. Current legislation greatly facilitates the creation of political parties with minimal paperwork, financial requirements or even proof of a minimum of adherents. Parties catering to particular ethnicities and religious affiliations are permitted under Rusani law.

Rusana Patriotic Alliance

Rusana Patriotic Alliance

القائمة العربية الموحدة
Secretary-GeneralRostam Khosa
IdeologyFree Market
Big tent
Sloganاليهود احذروا
National Assembly
152 / 300

The Rusana Patriotic Alliance is a big tent party created in the 1970's during the Rusani civil war. Initially a coalition composed of the most important eastern tribes ideologically opposed to the islamist government of the time, they attracted more support from urban middle classes and some ethnic minorities by advocating for a relaxation of religious restrictions on public life, supporting free market economics and lower taxes for businesses and by championing the language rights of Rusana's minority groups.

After the ceasefire that ended the civil war, the RPA gained legal status and defeated the islamist camp in the 1978 election. The RPA then initiated a political and security crackdown on islamist parties that included legal threats of outlawing them entirely. The party is mainly funded by donations from wealthy donors, including many Corummese billionaries. The party supports a continued strategic and economic alignment with Corumm. Critics say the party is just a vehicle for eastern elites to keep their power and for foreign Corummese interests to run rampant.



جماعتِ اسلامی
Secretary-GeneralHabibullah Gorshani
Islamic Democracy
Economic Protectionism
Sloganرافيديس احذر
National Assembly
45 / 300

Jamaat-e-Islami is an islamist political party advocating the centrality of Islam and Sharia law in the governance of the State. Founded by a group of notable islamic scholars in 1960 as a splinter from the now defunct Islamist General Congress, the party seeks to make Sharia law the only source of legislation as the law of God transcends any laws made by man. It also supports the banning of alcohol, pornography and strict abortion regulations. In government from 1974 to 1978, the party's polarizing stances led to the outbreak of the Rusani civil war which ended in a ceasefire and elections, in which Jamaat was electorally trounced by its secular rivals.

Out of power, Jamaat has worked to slowly reconstruct its elecotral base. Most of the party's support lies in poor urban Sunnis and people from western rural areas who feel neglected by a government dominated by eastern elite groups. The party is staunchly anti Corummese and has proposed in the past to deport anyone who self identifies as an ethnic Corummese unless they take an oath of loyalty to Rusana.

Party of God

Party of God

حزب الله
Secretary-GeneralMirwais Baqri
IdeologySocial Conservatism
Islamic Nationalism
Sloganفَإِنَّ حِزْبَ ٱللَّهِ هُمُ ٱلْغَالِبُونَ
National Assembly
5 / 300

The Party of God is a Shi'a political party that supports the implementation of velayat-i feqi, political rule by islamic jurists. The party maintains that since in their view an Ayatollah stands above islamic scholars from any other sect, therefore Ayatollah Mojtaba Golchin should be appointed as Supreme Leader to rule the country according to sharia law. The party supports the implementation of sharia based punishments such as lashes, stoning, maiming and decapitation for crimes and the use of the full body burqa for all women regardless of religious affiliation. The party funds a system of religious madrassas across northern Rusana from where it draws most of its support. Most of Rusana's Shiite population favor the Rusana Patriotic Alliance with the Party of God only drawing in the most ultraconservative and religiously strict voters.

Party of Rusani Democrats

Party of Rusani Democrats

حزب دموکرات های چین
Secretary-GeneralKaveh Meskini
Pro Corummese
Sloganبا هزار خورشید
National Assembly
7 / 300

The Party of Rusani Democrats is a small, centrist political party advocating for maintaining a strong strategic alliance with Corumm to ensure Rusana's security and interests. The party models its organization after its Corummese counterpart, the Party of Corummese Democrats. The party advocates the abolition of all political parties but itself, shutting down the national assembly and the creation of a police state. Its leader Kaveh Meskini styles himself as the Brother Leader and he is rumored to be an active Corummese intelligence agent. The party is funded entirely by Meskini, who owns some of the largest soap factories in the country for which its also called the Soap Party. The PRD has its own security force that it deploys to guard its political rallies, protect Meskini himself and his soap factories and picket and disrupt islamist and communist events.

Kassar Front

Kassar Front

калмик фронт
Secretary-GeneralBiktimer Timerxan
IdeologyMinority rights
Sloganтатарларга бар
National Assembly
11 / 300

The Kassar Front is a political party that represents the interests of the Kassar people in Rusana.

Christian Defense Party

Christian Defense Party

حزب دفاع مسیحی
Secretary-GeneralMusa Taghi
IdeologyMinority rights
National Assembly
4 / 300

Green Ecologist Party of Rusana

Bakers Party

Communist Party of Rusana