Tributary system of Imperial Daxia

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The tributary system of Imperial Daxia was a structure built and maintained by successive Daxian dynasties to manage their international relations with various states on the periphery of the empire. As the Daxian state expanded throught the centuries it encountered states and peoples who it was deemed inauspicious to absorb because of their customs, their appearance or because they could serve as useful geographic buffers. Tributary nations were required to submit large amounts of tribute, the specific terms of what was required being inscribed in the Imperial Tallies. In addition to the substantial tribute, tributaries were also expected to heed Daxian dictums on their relations with other states and to provide auxiliary troops for the imperial armies when requested. Inclusion in the system was often involuntary, the result of catastrophic military defeat but sometimes states voluntarily acceded to it to gain the military protection and political support of Daxia. The system survived into the early 19th century until the Qian dynasty began to adopt new and more direct extractionist methods on its neighbors. The Xie created idea that neighboring nations were inferior and their subservience was a natural thing was retroactively justified in the writings of the First Minister of Yang, Heian Xiujian, who wrote down treatises on notions of national belief he called Zhangwo. This concept became one of the foundational pillars of the Empire's expansionist mindset and its extraction of tribute.


The use of tribute to establish a relation of subordination between states dates back to the Xie dynasty who first formed networks of patronage with proto-Degei and proto-Hurch frontier tribes to its northwest, receiving tributes of warhorses, tin utensils and concubines. The Xie in exchange granted titles such as Marshall of the Great Wastes and Yellow Khan of the North to the nomad chiefs; titles that conferred political credibility to the holders but at the same time were specifically subordinate to the Xie Emperors. When one of these title holders grew too strong the Xie would usually contrive a reason to withdraw the title and award it to a different tribe, playing the nomads against each other. The implosion of Xie into many states did not stop the practice of extracting tribute, only now it was Daxian statelets doing it to one another. The state of Yang who grew to cover most of the historic core lands of Daxia maintained its own tributary system with the states of Mung and Chen. In some cases the system used by the Xie was turned on its head, with frontier Daxian states becoming subordinate to nomad kingdoms in hopes of the latter using their military power inside Daxia to alter the balance of forces.






List of tributaries

Kingdom of Guangbei

Kingdom of Nasrad

Emirate of Ghanim

Emirate of Lakdu

Degei Confederation

Tribes of Australis

Walis of Truk