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Most Serene and Federative Republic of Lucrecia

Serenísima e República Federativa de Lucrecia (Isurian)
Serenísima y República Federativa de Lucrecia (Pelaxian)
Flag of Lucrecia
Coat of arms of Lucrecia
Coat of arms
Motto: Ο Θεός ευνοεί τους γενναίους
God Favours The Brave
and largest city
Mérida Frente al Mar
Administrative centerToledo dos Prados
Official languagesIsurian
Ethnic groups
  • 73% Lucrecian
  • 27% Non-Lucrecian
Demonym(s)Lucrecian (Noun)
Lucrecian (Adjective)
Lucrecians (Plural)
GovernmentFederal semi-presidential diarchic aristocratic directorial republic
Amadeo II
• Consuls
• Pretor
• Edile
• Censor
LegislatureGeneral Assembly
Centuriate Assembly
Tribunal Assembly
• Military Junta takeover
• People's Republic of Lucrecia established
• Archontia of Lucrecia established
• Estimate
• Census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$33.6 billion
• Per capita
CurrencyKommáti (KMT)
Driving sideright

Lucrecia, officially the Most Serene and Federative Republic of Lucrecia (Isurian: Serenísima e República Federativa de Lucrecia; Pelaxian: Serenísima y República Federativa de Lucrecia), is an archipelago country in the Kindreds Sea's Catenias, consisting of three major islands. It is characterized by its bilingual, bicultural nature, consisting of both both Isurians and Pelaxian cultures.

A popular tourism spot, the Lucrecian economy has begun to grow with the rising service sector to accompany the otherwise agriculture dependent nation.



It is generally accepted that Lucrecia was settled by the broader Glaistic civilization during the prehistoric period, but when they arrived and the extent of their settlement is the source of considerable debate. The only record of them comes from the first Adonerii settlers on the archipelago, who arrived in 750 BC. Until the 21st century, it was generally accepted that Lucrecia was the southernmost Adonerii settlement during the Latin Heroic Age, though some modern archaeology and scholarship has suggested Lucrecia served as a staging ground for further expeditions south into modern Chrobonsk. Whatever the case, the Latin city of XYZ was established at their first arrival and became the predominant cultural and political force in the archipelago. Historians generally agree XYZ served as the primary southern outpost of the intricate Adonerii trade network, filtering exotic goods from South Sarpedon back to the other Adonerii cities in exchange for weapons, food, and other goods more common in Urlazio and beyond.

The remains of the Lucrecian senate, located near the modern capital of XYZ.

With the collapse of the Adonerii league, XYZ became an independent power in the south Kindreds Sea. It began to establish its own colonies and trade network throughout eastern Vallos.

Domination by the Imperium

The islands now comprising Lucrecia and particularly XYZ gradually fell under the sway of the cultural changes occurring in the western portion of the Imperium, becoming recognizably part of what would become the Pelaxian culture in terms of language and traditions.



Second Great War

Staying neutral throughout the First Great War to focus on the development of its infrastructure and economy, Prime Minister Empastiro who was in office during the years leading up to the Second Great War and its initial years was interested in joining the war to curry favor with Caphiria. Described as a nationalist and an idealist, Empastiro had ignored how damaging the war would be to the nation economically and demographically, especially with its military equipment consisting mostly of outdated weapons from the First Great War. The military eventually found out about Empastiro's ambitions, and staged a coup to overthrow the Prince and Prime Minister. General Demethanos, already a popular figure with the people, assumed a leadership position in the nation, declaring that the military intends to only hold power for the duration of the Second Great War, holding free elections after the end of the conflict to ensure no foreign influence in the election.

Demethanos then passed in 1951, with his second in command, Myriolio assumed office, but after the end of the war, refused to give up power, claiming it to be in interest of the people due to foreign influence in the nation being widespread. While the reign of Demethanos is remembered rather fondly by the people, Myriolio never won the hearts of the people, despite his efforts of creating a cult of personality.

A statue of Demethanos erected in his hometown.

1967 coup and COUNTRYan intervention

On June 8 1967, the Lucrecian Revolutionary Front seized power from the military junta which had lead the country since 1934. Following the coup, the name of the island country was changed to the People's Republic of Athíva, and began preparing the country for self-sufficiency. The leaders of the newly established People's Republic imprisoned and executed all leading figures of the former military junta, and eventually began to imprison and execute anyone with ties to the military junta.

Following the Athívan imprisonment and execution of COUNTRYn ambassador to Lucrecia Viceri Battanari, the COUNTRYLEADER declared the People's Republic a rogue state and dispatched two Imperial Guard battalions to spearhead the liberation of Lucrecia. The Imperial Guard battalions and the accompanying companies quickly seized the capital, but the Lucrecian resistance continued until 1969 when the last leading figures of the People's Republic were captured. Close friend of the COUNTRYLEADER, Spiraklis Anastrotsis was appointed as the Archon of the new Archontia of Lucrecia, and both their constitution and legislature was recreated, basing it on the COUNTRY constitution and legislature.


The country consists of three major islands and several dozen smaller islands and rocky promontories.



The rising tourism industry has also brought many non-nationals into the country as permanent residents.



The Lucrecian economy is a capitalist, primarily service-based economy, based on extensive entrepôt trade, Lucrecia is an established global logistical and financial centre. It is known to be one of the world’s freest, easiest to do business in, most competitive and most innovative economy worldwide, characterized by low corporate taxation and minimal government intervention. Although it has consistently ranked high in economic freedoms, the nation also has a high level of income disparity.

From 1972 to 2005, the Lucrecia economy grew by an average of over 7% annually. Today, it is highly developed]. It attracts a large amount of foreign investment, as well as indirect influence, as a result of its location, economic freedoms, low taxation, and global trade connections. Lucrecia is party to a variety of free-trade agreements, and has one of the world’s largest foreign exchange reserves.

The tertiary sector comprises a major proportion of the nation’s economy, with banking, finance and shipping as its primary components. It is the 7th largest trading entity measured by imports and exports, trading an amount of goods worth more than its total GDP. The nation’s Admiralty Stock Exchange is among the largest in the world by market capitalization, at $5.9 trillion as of Q1 of 2037. Its major banks, Dominion Bank, Chartered Bank and Standard Bank, are among the largest in the world, and have been ranked as the 3rd, 4th, and 6th most stable and strongest banks respectively. Lucrecia also maintains a small secondary sector; focused on the manufacturing of electronics and the refining of oil.

The nation’s currency, the Lucrecia dollar, is pegged at a ratio of 5.1 to 1 with the Caphirian Aureus. Notes are issued by one of three banks, Chartered Bank, Dominion Bank, and Standard Bank, each of which has to deposit an equivalent sum in Aureus’ with the central bank when issuing currency. This ensures that the dollar is backed by one of the largest foreign reserves in the world, guaranteeing a stable exchange rate.

Income, poverty and wealth

Although with the 4th highest GDP per capita, Lucrecia continues to have one of the world’s lowest rates of income mobility and the highest rates of wealth inequality, with a Gini coefficient of 48.2. With the exception of healthcare services, a majority of the nation’s welfare programs have gone underfunded in recent years, exacerbating these issues.

According to the national census, after years of growth, median household income has reached an all-time high, although income inequality has as well. Wealth remains tightly concentrated; with just 10% of the population possessing over 80% of the nation’s household wealth. As maintained by the Central Bank, the top 1% of income earners continue to control 41.2% of the nation’s wealth, with the number growing as Lucrecia continues to develop as a tax haven.


With high amounts of investment into Lucrecian property, real estate values have risen sharply since 2000. Exacerbated by limits of land area and the limited number of public housing units available, the city-state today has a remarkably low rate of home ownership. Over 67% of the nation’s housing stock comprises private permanent housing, with only 10% and 23% being subsidized or public housing, respectively. As private housing is primarily purchased as an investment by higher income groups, housing for the average Lucrecian accounts for over 41% of household expenditure. This has led rise to the term sandwich class, referring to a middle-class income group which does not qualify for public assistance, yet is not able to afford private residences.

According to the office of the Auditor-General, this can be primarily traced back to the government’s lack of recent interference in the economy. During a wave of immigration in the 1960s and 70s, the nation constructed large amounts of public housing. By 1989, over half of the housing stock was public or subsidized. However, in recent years, there has been a lack of political will for the construction of new developments, which may be due to the increasing influence of foreign and local elites within Lucrecian politics.



  1. Although technically a higher rank than the consuls, the grand duke serves a purely ceremonial role and exists solely to promote Lucrecian identity and harmony between the two main ethnic groups and is not designated as the nation's head of state. As such, Lucrecia is officially and internationally not called a monarchy, but rather an aristocratic republic.