Foreign relations of Kiravia

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The foreign relations of the Kiravian Federacy are the sum of relationships between Kiravia and foreign states and other entities, carried out according to the priorities and interests of Kiravian foreign policy.



Kiravia has very good relations with the United Republic.


Relations between the Kiravian Federacy and Ardmore are tense and generally quite poor. The Ardmori Coöperative Republic and the Kiravian Union both emerged as revolutionary socialist states after winning civil wars in the 1930s, and would remain very closely aligned despite their differing models of socialism. The rump states formed by the defeated anti-communist forces in their respective civil wars, the Kiravian Remnant and Republic of Ardmore, would likewise forge a close alliance against their common enemies. The Kiravian Union collapsed in 1985 and the the nation was reunified under the former Remnant government, breaking off relations with Ardmore. The Republic of Ardmore became a 'free state' within the Kiravian Collectivity under the name of New Ardmore in 1989. Although this was protested as imperialism by the Coöperative Republic, it did conclude the dual sovereignty issue and clear a path for diplomatic relations to resume in 2007 as part of Ardmore's broader exit from isolationism and the Tannen administration's shift toward a more post-ideological foreign policy. Despite this modest progress, there remains significant mutual distrust between the two states, and the Falinlaig Gap separating Ardmore and New Ardmore is closely surveilled by both militaries. Disputes over fisheries and other marine resources in the archipelago are a recurring issue, and so far a comprehensive agreement on maritime affairs has proven elusive. Much intergovernmental contact between the KF and Ardmore is consular in nature.


Relations between Kiravia and Avonia have historically been neutral to the extent they were not coloured by the positions of Avonia's larger and more consequential neighbours. Since 1954, Kiravian policy towards Avonia has been largely subsumed under its policies toward the wider Levantine Union. Relations soured as a result of Ænglophobic pogroms that took place in many Kiravian localities in 2033 in response to the Winnecomac Crisis.


See Kiro-Burgoignesc relations

A major turning point in Kiro-Burgoignesc relations came after the Civil War when the anti-communist Kiravian Remnant, exiled to the overseas territories, looked to all anti-communist states for diplomatic solidarity, financial backing, and direct investment in their sagging postwar economy. Over the objections of many influential military figures in his clique, Prime Executive Séan Kæśek chose to move past historic emnity with Burgundie. This would clear the way for warm relations and extensive coöperation in numerous areas of mutual interest.



Kiravia is a major importer of key Cartadanian exports such as coffee and petroleum, both of which are crucial to the continued functioning of the Kiravian economy.

the Cape

We love the Cape, don't we folks?





Kiravia has close ties to its nearest effective neighbour Faneria that predate historical accounts. Contemporary Kiro-Fanerian relations are robust and intensely amical, underpinned by extensive cultural commonalities, mutual diaspora populations, military and technical coöperation, and more.








Takatta Loa






Other Entities

Holy See

League of Nations

See Also
