Pancha (fish)

Pacha is the name of a famous giant Beluga sturgeon that was caught by Caphirian fisherman Thysdražen Pachus Malghettega in the Urlazian Sea on May 14, 2006. Named after Pachus, Pancha weighed 1,358 kilograms (2,994 lb) and was over 14 feet long - setting the record for the largest sturgeon caught in Caphiria.

SpeciesBeluga sturgeon
Weight1,358 kg (2,994 lb)
Named afterThysdražen Pachus "Pacho" Malghettega

After it was caught by Pachus, the fish was sold at auction and bought by famed restaurateur Šimus Bucrećko Aldichwari for $3.2 million. After purchasing the fish and harvesting the roe, Bucrećko marketed the product as Panchal caviar - which today is one of the most expensive types of caviar, with market prices ranging from $10,000 to $20,000/kg ($4,500 to $9,100/lb).