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• Delyth Guair :verified: • @FHFyddinFeadaral • 2nd and 3rd Free Divisions have secured the coastal city of Osweyan in Algoquona, and with the aid of local militias and the Third Squadron are moving to lay siege to the regional Algosh capital, Kimiornee. More as the information war allows - the safety of our men abroad comes first!

Teindún Gach-latha :verified: • @Staid_Naid_Nàis • This more than doubling of manpower to nearly fifty thousand personnel indicates confidence that we are in Maloka to stay, especially considering the pitched fighting reigniting through the city of Kimornee as local auxiliaries begin to help dig out the entrenched Algosh troops in the city's Foreign and Old Quarters.

Local leaders and freedom fighters declared the formation of the Republic of Ashkenang today as our boys in green rolled into the woods and flats of the North Cuisinaut Basin last week. At long last, we can expect a closing to the war in Crona and the beginning of reconstruction within sight. (1/2)

The command staff of the 21st Algosh Corps has formally surrendered its arms, handing over the critically injured Hierarch Hatakawa to Fhainnin troops. The hot war in Algoquona is officially over, barring disparate remnants in the subarctic.

The Foreign Affairs Bureau has officially recognized the Algosh Republic's territorial claims, as has Ashkenang. Ashkenang and the Algosh Republic, under advisement by Urcean and Fhainnin officials, are working on a treaty to allow seasonal Algosh migration along traditional paths through the Boreal Corridor into the Arctic Circle. The creation of the Algosh Republic has rendered Algoquona erased by default, as the state has no territory or recognized government remaining.

Fhainnin National Army elements, after a months-long siege, finally breach the walls of the Old City in Kimiornee, using local auxiliaries to absorb the brunt of an Algoquonan counterattack along the city's waterfront. Retaliatory missile strikes from the Fhainnin destroyer Brenansglen are partially countered by native anti-air assets, with the attack leveling several choke points in the city but failing to create a total breakthrough. As of nightfall, the result is moderate allied gains, with Algoquonan forces fighting hard to prevent the Old City from falling and tearing a hole in their line.

At 2:13 AM, the Brenansglen is attacked by Algoquonan fighter planes. Two planes are shot down, with the destroyer being hit in the superstructure by a guided missile. The ship is swapped out for the Gelenwin, limping back to the protection of friendly port with seventeen dead and thirty-two in critical condition.

The First Revolutionary Guards Brigade, the only Fhainnin-trained Malki unit thus far, attempts to storm the Kimiornee Old City. Losses are heavy on both sides, with the attack being ultimately repulsed and the Algoquonans ceding ground around the Hall of Deliberations and administrative center. Survivors begin reorganizing as Fhainnin troops secure the day's gains.

Fhainnin troops push through the densely packed Old City in Kimiornee, finally pushing out Algosh forces two weeks after the initial breach. Several hundred native soldiers are caught within the walls and captured. Roughly fourty percent of the buildings within the quarter are leveled, with most of the civilian population having already fled to other districts as fighting intensified or leaving the city entirely. Algosh forces are allowed to retreat across the riverbank the city straddles without serious pressing from Fhainnin forces as the expeditionary force's command staff estimate they are not capable of causing a rout. This estimation is largely due to the continued reorganization and refit of damaged Malki units from the initial assault.

A night raid sees significant gains as Fhainnin troops cross the riverbank in Kimiornee, expelling Algosh units from the downtown district in a mechanized blitz aided by the destruction of a key rail line leading back east to the Confederation's heartland. Tentative air attacks from supporting naval elements resume due to the elimination of several higher-tech native air defense assets.

Fhainnin troops rout Algosh forces north of Kimiornee's outer reaches, securing the riverside and covering engineering elements deployed to repair several major bridges. Algosh formations present largely crumple under several days of intense fighting, with the reorganized 1st Crona Rhon running down enemy mechanized assets in a bid to keep Confederation lines from stabilizing, followed by slower tribal allies. 2nd Crona Rhon continues to shell east Kimiornee, with bridging vehicles creating supply lines to prevent a counterattack against the Fhainnin foothold.

Algosh forces attempt to break from their positions in Kimiornee to reorganize outside the city perimeter, with two of the present Confederate divisions retreating in relatively good order with 21st Route Army Command. Rear-guard pickets face little change in intensity of combat until several hours after the initial movements, before being quickly overrun by Malki militias supporting mechanized Fhainnin troops from the First Cronan. A third division is cut off from a clean retreat by the 2nd Cronan Rhon, forcing it to fight its way through a section of the city under pressure from the north and peppered with occasional skirmishes to the west and south as elements of the division are picked apart or dispersed in one of the city's slums.

Reinforcements from Faneria's metropole consisting of the 23rd and 24th Infantry Bragadts and 5th Armored Bragadt arrive in Osweyan, Malokan Provisional Republic, and are promptly rechristened as the 3rd Cronan Rhon. On the front, the 2nd Cronan switches to move on the smaller city of Tutelo, hoping to link up and reinforce the rebels there before the remainder of the Algoshi 21st Route Army forces its way through. Running battles are fought on the Confederacy's northern flank as the Madiodha tanks of the 2nd prove capable, running down motorized units and destroying their vehicles to retard the retreat before pulling away from a protracted engagement with the slower native infantry.

The 2nd Crona reaches the outskirts of Tutelo too late to prevent a breakthrough by the Algosh vanguard, but with plenty of spare time to cut off the slower main body in conjunction with the destruction of two bridges over a minor river that trapped several regiments' worth of native vehicles between the coast, the 2nd, and the advancing 1st. While the residents of Tutelo are unable to stop the blitz through their town, carrying command staff and veterans to safety, roughly a third of the remaining combat strength of the 21st Route Army is stuck with the choice to dismount and continue at a crawl or fight off the 1st Crona while under air attack and attempting to ford the stream with their supplies. The remainder press on Tutelo, attempting to sweep aside the 2nd's tentative encirclement before the situation becomes more dire. The severely weakened 24th Route Army, positioned in the snowy northern hills of the Malokan Provisional Republic, gains significant ground against Malki militia forces but is forced to leave those gains and move south in a bid to distract Fhainnin forces and prevent the defeat of the 21st Route. Algosh leadership knows the terrain is difficult for supply and local Malki fighters have neither the ability nor the willpower to conduct an offensive into the northern tundra, making maintaining the front a minor priority. Several smaller garrisons remain behind to prevent probing attacks and raids regardless.

Fhainnin intelligence strongly indicates severe fuel and artillery shell shortages among Algosh units within the Kimiornee-Tutelo pocket as intense fighting erupts in the latter city. The remnants of the 24th Route Army crush the First Malki Northwestern Brigade, slamming into other rebel forces and threatening to break into the Kilmer River Basin from the north. The 1st Cronan wipes out or captures several formerly motorized regiments instructed by the Algosh 21st as continued airstrikes from supporting naval assets wear away at the men trapped between the two cities, namely targeting armored and mechanized units.

The 2nd Crona Rhon becomes stuck in woods and city fighting as the few Algosh troops already freed from encirclement double back in an effort to turn their near-rout into a stalemate. Meanwhile, the 1st and allied militia press the Algosh rear, overrunning nearly a dozen square miles in one morning as they break Algosh lines and rampage through the camp and support sections of the 21st Route. The 24th Route continues to barrel south, batting aside numerous small Malokan units and annihilating the native Seventh and Second Kimiornee Liberators Brigades in a mass assault along the upper branches of the Kilmer River.

Algosh forces close in around the 2nd Crona, attacking from three sides as Fhainnin ships provide continuous fire support and launch repeated airstrikes against the 21st Route Army, both west and east of Tutelo. Several thousands of Algosh soldiers surrender to the advancing 1st, the pocket slowly collapsing as the Rhon presses hard to prevent the 2nd from being cut into pieces and overrun. The 2nd Crona reports good conditions on its east and west, but its northern approach is under serious threat from the advancing 24th Route remnants.

1st Crona Rhon reports the surrender of several thousand additional Algosh troops within the Tutelo Pocket as the 2nd successfully defeats the breakthrough attempts by the partially freed 21st Route Army. The 24th Route, however, connects with the 2nd Crona from the north, threatening the foreign troops with counter-encirclement, albeit a fragile and unreliable one.

Fhainnin forces crush the reminder of the Tutelo Pocket in a brilliant few days, taking large numbers of prisoners as other native troops filter past the 2nd Crona to reorganize eastward. 2nd Crona turns its attention to fighting the remnants of the 21st and 24th Route Armies to the east and north, and the 1st Crona moves north. The Malokan First Frvolutionary Guards Brigade, resupplied and retrained after its heavy losses in Kimiornee, joins the fighting on the 24th Route Army's flank.

The 2nd Crona, after suffering dearly at the hands of frantic Algosh counterattacks, begins pushing the severely diminished 21st Route Army eastward. The 1st and native allies dig their heels in, and intense fighting on the northern flank is only stymied by concentrated air attacks and the last-minute bringing up of vanguard elements of the 3rd Cronan moving to join the line. Algosh reserves are able to slow, but not contain, the advance of Fhainnin and Malokan troops, and it appears a breakout from the Malo Peninsula into the open tundra is imminent. Fhainnin casualty figures are not reported.

Fhainnin forces deliver a crushing blow to the remnants of the 21st Route Army on Tuesday and Wednesday, breaking straight past the peninsular boundary and just into the inland tundra of the Algoquonan Confederation. The northern front with the 24th Route remains stable as reinforcements from the 3rd bolster the 1st, putting the Algosh troops in a compromising position if they remain behind and risk losing lines of logistics to the heartland.

A small team of Malokan-born special forces embedded in the ANH assassinate several mid-ranking officers deemed to be among the most hostile to Occidental cooperation. Several copies of Callac Cananach's books roughly translated into a dialect of Varshani are additionally left in the ANH's command center overnight.

The Algosh 21st and 24th Armies begin to give ground on the Tutelo-Niahar rail lne, sabotaging it as they retreat. The line is the only easy route of supply into the continental heartland, forcing the Fhainnin advance to slow and allow for supplies to travel by truck or crawl along the rail as engineers repair it behind the lines. While the Occidental forces carry ample reserves, their native auxilliaries have no such luxury.

Fighting continues in Algoquona's Nihiqi Chiefdom as Fhainnin troops secure the local capital of Niahar following the collapse of two Algosh brigades; reserve units, particularly air defense and heavier artillery, put the Fhainnin advance to a sudden halt as they readjust and allow Malokan forces to catch up.

A general uprising in parts of the Toposa Ashkenauk community in Nihiqi Chiefdom following the liberation of the local capital causes chaos on the roads; Fhainnin officers negotiate initial terms with the Chief in Niahar and begin to organize Ashkenauk militias.

The Chief of Nihiqi drinks himself into a stupor and is found the morning after the negotiations facedown and hungover in a gutter.

Fhainnin forces reach Lake Nohataka as the remaining Algosh and their loyalist tribal auxiliaries find themselves unable to contain the snowball effect of the capture of the Niahar rail junction; Malokan and Ashkenauk troops seize several weapons depots and celebrate the advance into the Ashkenauk heartland with raucous partying and surprising weapons discipline. Two major Algosh enclaves in the region find themselves living with Fhainnin military police for their own protection as the revolutionary temper runs hot in the liberated western reaches.

A video circulates of Ashkenauk militias cheering as a Fhainnin military vehicle pulls down the Gowhanee 'Peace and Co-Prosperity' monolith in the city's center, which is surrounded by Algosh-dialect signage and shops. Word within the administration implies a deal to mitigate ethnic violence in the postwar settlement is soon to come from the Malokan Council and Director Walaerin and the diplomatic corps.

With one Rhon staying behind for occupation duty, the remaining two Fhainnin Rhonn in Cuisinaut and the Malokan Revoluionary Army mass to strike at the central rail hub at Tantateka on the eastern end of Lake Nohataka. Several Ashkenauk revolts in the vicinity agree to coordinate an assault from most angles as Algoquonan forces dig in.

Sabnak troops link up with Ashkenauk Army of Liberation units after the surrender of the Gikpliki Lesser Heirarchy on the border of Sabnaki. Tensions are high with the region's majority Sabnak population welcoming the invaders with the Sabnakan flag rather than that of Ashnenang, which laid claim to the territory during its initial declaration of independence, but for the time being, both armies party hard as the last major pocket of Algoquonan resistance behind the front falls.

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