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===Pre-Occidental history===
===Pre-Occidental history===
===Late modern period===
===Late modern period===
As the [[Burgoignesc Colonial Empire]] collapsed in the early 1800s a massive influx of [[Bergendii]] colonists from [[Alshar]] and [[Audonia]] sought refuge. As they had been dismissed from [[Levantine]] for being Protestant in the first place, they were not welcomed back to the [[Burgoignesc Metropole]].
They were rerouted, enmasse to Equitorial Ostiecia were the population exploded from about 27,000 [[Occidental]]s in 1800 to about 450,000 by the 1850s. The colony saw an explosive period of urbanization and industrialization of farming to accommodate the seemingly endless tidal wave of people.
Because this was occuring during the industrial revolution there was period during the [[First Fratricide]] where Equitorial Ostiecia was more advanced than the [[Burgoignesc Metropole]]. This is also the period when property rights, self-reliance, and a frontier mentality took hold in Equitorial Ostiecia that still permeates it's culture today.
The concepts of {{wpl|Yankee ingenuity|Equitorioise ingenuity}} and {{wpl|Yankee stoicism|Equitorioise stoicism}} were born of this period.
===Contemporary period===
===Contemporary period===
====[[Second Great War]]====
====[[Second Great War]]====