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== History ==
== History ==
Halfway has been home to continuous human settlement since the earliest emergence of {{wp|Cro-Magnon|early modern man}}, and has been home to agricultural societies for thousands of years. Halfway was the site of some of the earliest cities of the [[Ancient Istroyan civilization|ancient Istroyan civilization]]. Istroyan civilization thrived on the island for centuries, even during the reign of the [[Latin Kingdom]] and subsequent control of the island by [[Caphiria]]. The Istroyan civilization of antiquity on the island is considered to have ended with the arrival of the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate]] and its allies to eastern Sarpedon, some of whom conquered Halfway and ruled it as an independent Emirate. The destruction of the island's major cities and disruption of its economy by the arriving Audonians not only ended the island's ancient history, it also weakened it significantly allowing for its liberation during the [[Crusades#First_Crusade_(1084)|First Crusade]]. Halfway was ruled by Levantine nobles from the 1080s until [[1474]] when it was inherited by Urcea's [[House de Weluta]]. It has been ruled by Urcea since.
Halfway has been home to continuous human settlement since the earliest emergence of {{wp|Cro-Magnon|early modern man}}, and has been home to agricultural societies for thousands of years. Halfway was the site of some of the earliest cities of the [[Ancient Istroyan civilization|ancient Istroyan civilization]]. Istroyan civilization thrived on the island for centuries, even during the reign of the [[Latin Kingdom]] and subsequent control of the island by [[Caphiria]]. The Istroyan civilization of antiquity on the island is considered to have ended with the arrival of the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate]] and its allies to eastern Sarpedon, some of whom conquered Halfway and ruled it as an independent Emirate. The destruction of the island's major cities and disruption of its economy by the arriving Audonians not only ended the island's ancient history, it also weakened it significantly allowing for its liberation during the [[Crusades#First_Crusade_(1084)|First Crusade]]. Halfway was ruled by Levantine nobles from the 1080s until [[1474]] when it was inherited by Urcea's [[House de Weluta]]. It has been ruled by Urcea since.
=== Prehistory and Istroyan civilization ===
=== Prehistory through Caphiric conquest ===
Archaeologists have uncovered significant early human activity on Halfway. While there is no consensus date for the rise of urbanization on the island, it is agreed that complicated urban centers based around fishing and trade developed very early on after the rise of agricultural civilization in Sarpedon. Traders from Halfway are attested to in Urlazic archaeological inscriptions as early as 1750 BC. By the time the [[Adonerii]] entered their peak, Halfway was considered to be an "old", respected trading island. The island's early political situation, which probably included semi-nomadic pastoral tribes in the interior, coalesced into six major cities by or before 1000 BC: [[Koureiros]], Elatia, Pertoulo, Damasa, Chasini, and Pedino, though all had earlier, non-Latinized names and other nicknames which appear common in the historical record. All six cities are among oldest continuously settled cities in the [[Occident]].
Archaeologists have uncovered significant early human activity on Halfway. While there is no consensus date for the rise of urbanization on the island, it is agreed that complicated urban centers based around fishing and trade developed very early on after the rise of agricultural civilization in Sarpedon. Traders from Halfway are attested to in Urlazic archaeological inscriptions as early as 1750 BC. By the time the [[Adonerii]] entered their peak, Halfway was considered to be an "old", respected trading island. The island's early political situation, which probably included semi-nomadic pastoral tribes in the interior, coalesced into six major cities by or before 1000 BC: [[Koureiros]], Elatia, Pertoulo, Damasa, Chasini, and Pedino, though all had earlier, non-Latinized names and other nicknames which appear common in the historical record. All six cities are among oldest continuously settled cities in the [[Occident]].

In the period 854-850 BC, the cities of Halfway were conquered by the [[Messisorian Kingdom]] based on nearby [[Herciana]]. The Messisorians had begun to exert more influence and authority over the cities of the island in the preceding century, falling in and out of the Messisorian orbit as clients. The emergent wealth and stability within that Kingdom led to a direct campaign against Halfway in the 850s. Koureiros led the defense and held for two and a half years before falling in a siege to the Mesissorians in June of 851 BC; most of the elites of the city were slaughtered or sold into slavery in mainland Sarpedon. Following the savaging of Koureiros, the remaining cities only put up half-hearted resistance, with many peace parties within those cities eventually gaining power by the end of 851 BC. In 850 BC, all of the cities of Halfway recognized the King of Messisoria as their overlord, ending the conflict on the island and beginning a half millennia of rule from Herciana. During the Messisorian period, the island was governed relatively loosely; a garrison of soldiers from Herciana was stationed on the island and paid for by the local cities in addition to a tax paid to the King, but otherwise the cities retained autonomy from one another. During the Messisorian Kingdom's peak, Halfway was a safe core part of the Kingdom, away from the conflicts on the mainland with Sarpic peoples and other Istroyan city-states. This period saw many men of Halfway serve in the Kingdom's armies on the mainland, having the practical effect of bringing mainland cultural innovations to the island. The island also served as a buffer for the capital in Taxades and Herciana itself against piracy, and by 600 BC a major Messisorian fleet was stationed on the island.
In the period 854-850 BC, the cities of Halfway were conquered by the [[Messisorian Kingdom]] based on nearby [[Herciana]]. The Messisorians had begun to exert more influence and authority over the cities of the island in the preceding century, falling in and out of the Messisorian orbit as clients. The emergent wealth and stability within that Kingdom led to a direct campaign against Halfway in the 850s. Koureiros led the defense and held for two and a half years before falling in a siege to the Mesissorians in June of 851 BC; most of the elites of the city were slaughtered or sold into slavery in mainland Sarpedon. Following the savaging of Koureiros, the remaining cities only put up half-hearted resistance, with many peace parties within those cities eventually gaining power by the end of 851 BC. In 850 BC, all of the cities of Halfway recognized the King of Messisoria as their overlord, ending the conflict on the island and beginning a half millennia of rule from Herciana. During the Messisorian period, the island was governed relatively loosely; a garrison of soldiers from Herciana was stationed on the island and paid for by the local cities in addition to a tax paid to the King, but otherwise the cities retained autonomy from one another. During the Messisorian Kingdom's peak, Halfway was a safe core part of the Kingdom, away from the conflicts on the mainland with Sarpic peoples and other Istroyan city-states. This period saw many men of Halfway serve in the Kingdom's armies on the mainland, having the practical effect of bringing mainland cultural innovations to the island. The island also served as a buffer for the capital in Taxades and Herciana itself against piracy, and by 600 BC a major Messisorian fleet was stationed on the island.

In 313 BC, the island was attacked and swiftly conquered by the [[Latin Kingdom]]. The quickness of the conquest was attributed by Latin historians as due to the absence of the island's Messisorian garrison due to combat with Caphiria on the Sarpedonic mainland; in any case, the Latin Kingdom assumed control of the island but largely left its local Istroyan culture in tact. The Latin King Sabinus created the role of Archon of Alvanensis to govern the island following its conquest. In practice, the Archon was always the senior urban magistrate of the city of Koureiros, chosen sometimes by heredity and sometimes by election among the local nobility. The Archon would govern the island absolutely on behalf of the Latin King, largely bringing about the end of the autonomy and political culture of the island's other cities. The Archonate would become the primary governing institution of the island for the next millennia, and it brought about consolidation of the political power of Koureiros over the other cities of the island.
In 313 BC, the island was attacked and swiftly conquered by the [[Latin Kingdom]]. The quickness of the conquest was attributed by Latin historians as due to the absence of the island's Messisorian garrison due to combat with Caphiria on the Sarpedonic mainland; in any case, the Latin Kingdom assumed control of the island but largely left its local Istroyan culture in tact. The Latin King Sabinus created the role of Archon of Alvanensis to govern the island following its conquest. In practice, the Archon was always the senior urban magistrate of the city of Koureiros, chosen sometimes by heredity and sometimes by election among the local nobility. The Archon would govern the island absolutely on behalf of the Latin King, largely bringing about the end of the autonomy and political culture of the island's other cities. The Archonate would become the primary governing institution of the island for the next millennia, and it brought about consolidation of the political power of Koureiros over the other cities of the island. The island would again undergo a period of stability and another half-millennia reign under the Latin Kingdom, during which time {{Wp|Christianity}} appeared on the island. The island was conquered by [[Caphiria]] in [[287]] AD but the Archonate remained in place, only with the [[Imperator]] now receiving veto power over the local selection of an Archon.

=== Caphirian ascendancy ===
The Caphiric period saw the maintenance of the political system but saw a revolution in cultural and economic life. The island's role as a center of trade was greatly expanded, and for a time nearly all exports headed east or north from the [[First Imperium]] were first imported into Halfway. The First Imperium government began to transform the architecture and infrastructure of the island to meet the requirements of a major Imperial settlement. An influx of Latin-speaking administrators and traders began to relocate to the island soon after the conquest, gradually transforming the island into a bi-lingual place. Due to its emergent trade-based wealth, the island became an attractive target for Gothic pirates (both from Urlazio and [[Levantia]], including [[Canaery]]). When the [[Urlazian Kingdom]] was established by [[Gothic people|Goths]] in modern [[Urlazio]] in [[324]], the island once again became a major anti-piracy buffer, with a significant portion of the First Imperium's navy based on the island; these fleets generally interdicted piracy in the eastern Urlazian Sea but also worked to protect all trade coming in and out of the island. Halfway became significantly militarized by the First Imperium by around [[400]]. From then, it became symbolic of Caphiric military power in eastern Sarpedon, and the presence of the legions on the island increased the influence of the Latin language which became the primary language of government and business by [[500]].
=== Capture of Halfway and Halfway Emirate ===
=== Halfway Emirate and Crusader State ===
=== Crusades ===
=== Urcean incorporation ===
=== Urcean incorporation ===
=== Modern history ===
=== Modern history ===