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===Contemporary period===
===Contemporary period===
====[[Second Great War]]====
====[[Second Great War]]====
Invasion of [[Vespera]]
{{Further|Second Great War}}
Equatorial Ostiecia was a key battleground during the [[Second Great War]]. There were two separate land campaigns against the [[Caphiria]]n [[Vespera]], which in [[1941]] led to the complete occupation of [[Vespera]]. The first campaign, in [[1937]] was a strike into the industrial core of the territory. With [[Caphiria]]n troops engaging in the east, and [[Burgundie|Burgoignesc]] [[Navy of Burgundie|naval]] dominance in the [[Tainean Sea]], their was very little [[Caphiria]] could do. Throughout the monsoon season of [[1938]] [[Caphiria]] used {{wp|Merchant submarine}}s to run the [[Burgundie|Burgoignesc]] [[Navy of Burgundie|naval]] blockage, and eventually the troops from Equatorial Ostiecia were withdrawn to conserve manpower. Throughout [[1938]]-early [[1941]] a number of small border clashes occuring with a locally successful [[Caphiria]]n invasion in [[1939]]. By [[1941]], local tank production was such that a massive land maneuver campaign was once again possible and on May 3rd, [[1940]] the [[Army of Burgundie]] began a campaign that would, by December [[1941]] see the total occupation of the territory established. For the remaining two years of the war, [[Burgundie]] maintained the occupation. On the home front, the manufactories of Equatorial Ostiecia were pumping out an astounding number of tanks, guns, ships, and planes. By [[1940]], Equatorial Ostiecia was producing more of each category than the [[Burgoignesc Metropole]]. The only area that was not dominated by Equatorial Ostiecia was ammunition production.
====Occidental Cold War====
{{Further|Occidental Cold War}}
While the Occidental Cold War was primarily a series of geopolitical tensions between [[Urcea]] and [[Caphiria]], it cast a long shadow over Equatorial Ostiecia due to its proximity to the [[Caphiria]]n territory of [[Vespera]]. The constant threat of nuclear escalation and the ideological conflict between the [[Levantia|Levantine]] and [[Sarpedon]]ic blocs deeply affected the socio-political and economic landscape of the islands. The construction of the Vallosian Wall, a concrete wall, 3 meters tall along the entire Equatorial Ostiecia-Vespera border, heightened anxieties and reinforced the omnipresent sense of vulnerability among the Equitorioise populace.
Despite the prevailing atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, the [[Occidental Cold War]] also served as a catalyst for introspection and change within Equitorioise society. The younger generation, exposed to the liberalizing influences emanating from the [[Burgoignesc Metropole]], began to question the more conservative {{wp|Calvinist}} values that had long underpinned their society. This cultural awakening found expression in a burgeoning arts scene, where innovative forms of music, dance, and visual arts challenged the established norms and conventions.
Economically, the [[Occidental Cold War]] presented a double-edged sword for Equatorial Ostiecia. While the islands' strategic importance in the geopolitical chessboard led to increased investment in infrastructure and military installations by [[Burgundie]], stimulating the local economy and creating employment opportunities, the constant specter of conflict also deterred foreign investment and hampered trade with [[Sarpedon]]ic bloc nations.
The Equitorioise government, faced with the delicate task of balancing its allegiance to [[Burgundie]] with the imperative of maintaining regional stability, adopted a pragmatic approach to foreign policy. It maintained a robust military presence along the Vallosian Wall while simultaneously engaging in discreet diplomatic channels with [[Caphiria]]n officials in [[Vespera]]. This cautious balancing act, though fraught with potential pitfalls, ultimately proved successful in averting conflict and preserving the fragile peace in the region. It was through these efforts, that in [[1974]] that the [[Occidental_Cold_War#Burgo-Caphirian_Thaw|Burgo-Caphirian Thaw]] occured.
[[Burgundie]]'s economy and cultural stamina, flagging as [[Operation Kipling]] dragged into its 8th year without an end in site. The [[Burgundie|Burgoignacs]] of [[Equitorial Burgundie]], [[Flordeterra]], [[Port de Vent]], and [[Sudmoll]] were feeling neglected as all of the aid money promised to them for reconstruction efforts after the [[Second Great War]] had been diverted to [[Operation Kipling]]. Looking to stimulate these economies and to thwart any resentment boiling over to the point of the [[New Burgundie Secession War]], economists and strategists weighed the option of reopening trade with [[Caphiria]]. The idea was particularly resisted by the public in [[Flordeterra]], who had been nuked by [[Caphiria]] in the closing weeks of the war. As a trial effort the trade between [[Escal]] and [[Sudmoll]] was opened in the summer of [[1974]]. The islands had long been trading partners and during the [[Second Great War]] and the opening phases of the Occidental Cold War when trade was officially shut down, they maintained a strong black market and smuggling economy to maintain their economies. It was determined that regulating this trade, normalizing prices, and taxing would be beneficial for both the governments of [[Burgundie]] and [[Caphiria]]. The move was well received and tax revenues exploded, causing the government of [[Port de Vent]] to petition for the same agreement in the fall. A trade commission saw their trade open just before Christmas. In the proceeding three years trade was cautiously opened more and more, at first on a province by province basis and eventually nationally.
[[Burgundie]]'s grand scale adoption of [[containerization]] (greatly bolstered by the logistical requirements of [[Operation Kipling]]) meant that it was able to ship goods more efficiently by an enormous factor and needed new markets to keep up with its new capabilities. Companies like [[O’Shea Container Shipping]] took this opportunity to aggressively market the companies of [[Caphiria]] and became a major import-export carrier of [[Caphiria]]n goods by the early [[1980]]s. It is estimated that the "Thaw" contributed to the global rise of the [[Economy of Burgundie]] in ways and to a degree that no other single piece of legislation as come close to encountering.

====[[Operation Kipling]]====
====[[Operation Kipling]]====
{{Further|Operation Kipling}}
The wars of [[Operation Kipling]] formed the modern Equatorial Ostiecia. It was used as a forward operating base for the various general staffs and as a forward manufacturing and logistical hub. The logistical infrastructure that criss-crosses the country were laid down or expanded during the course of the wars in [[Audonia]]. It is also why most of the infrastructure favors the western sides of the islands. The raw materials coming from the [[Burgoignesc Metropole]] were smaller and easier to disembark in the older ports and rail hubs in the eastern shores of Equatorial Ostiecia. As the products were assembled they became larger and more complex and by the time they were completed and ready to send to the war zones they required larger and more complex logistical chains. This has led to more rail and shipyards in the western portions of the country and more airfields as well.
The wars of [[Operation Kipling]] formed the modern Equatorial Ostiecia. It was used as a forward operating base for the various general staffs and as a forward manufacturing and logistical hub. The logistical infrastructure that criss-crosses the country were laid down or expanded during the course of the wars in [[Audonia]]. It is also why most of the infrastructure favors the western sides of the islands. The raw materials coming from the [[Burgoignesc Metropole]] were smaller and easier to disembark in the older ports and rail hubs in the eastern shores of Equatorial Ostiecia. As the products were assembled they became larger and more complex and by the time they were completed and ready to send to the war zones they required larger and more complex logistical chains. This has led to more rail and shipyards in the western portions of the country and more airfields as well.
====1980s through today====
====1980s through today====