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'''Alainfisal''' (<small>Audonian:</small> '''جدا کردن'''), also known as '''The Separation''', is a [[Zaclaria|Zaclaric]] militant {{wpl|Nizari Isma'ilism|Nizari}} {{wpl|Islamist}} organization active in most of [[Audonia|Western Audonia]]. Its members are predominantly ultra-conservative Zaclarian nationalists and Islamic traditionalists who aim to purify [[Islam in Zaclaria]] by the violent removal of Caphirian rule and the [[Al-Fassara Dynasty]], and to restore Zaclaria to a fully independent fundamentalist Islamic state that follows a strict form of {{wpl|Sharia law}}.
'''Alainfisal''' (<small>Audonian:</small> '''جدا کردن'''), also known as '''The''' '''Separation''', is an ultra-conservative [[Zaclaria|Zaclaric]] militant {{wpl|Nizari Isma'ilism|Nizari}} {{wpl|Islamist}} organization that seeks to reestablish [[Zaclaria]] as an independent, fundamentalist Islamic state under strict  {{wpl|Sharia law}}. Active primarily in [[Audonia|Western Audonia]], its membership consists mainly of Zaclarian nationalists and Islamic traditionalists aiming to purify [[Islam in Zaclaria]] by violently overthrowing Caphirian rule and the [[Al-Fassara Dynasty]]. 
Founded in 1843 by [[Al-Zahri Mubayd|Bashem ibn Salentin Al-Zahri Erdarwazi Mubayd]], Alainfisal emerged in opposition to [[Shazitnâmeh|Shazitnâmeh Isma'ilism]], the prevalent Islamic sub-branch in Zaclaria. Al-Zahri denounced the ambilineal {{wpl|Succession to Muhammad|line of succession}} within Shazitnâmeh, believing that women were fundamentally unfit to serve as ''imams'' (religious leaders). He subsequently declared a jihad against the Zaclarian state and the ruling Al-Fassara Dynasty, considering them to be ''takfir'' (apostates from Islam).  Al-Zahri also considered any Caphirian or pro-Caphirian Muslim to be an apostate, citing Caphiria's rule and influence on Zaclaria to be harmful. His teachings propagated the religious sanctioning of killing non-combatants, giving Alainfisal a notorious reputation throughout the 20th century for the meticulous assassinations of influential figures. The 1981 [[Tel Hariya Conflict]] marked the organization's official designation as a terrorist group by the [[League of Nations]], following an attack on civilians. 
Currently, Alainfisal operates under three leaders who each oversee different areas of the organization: [[Hushahri al-Jarraq]] propagates ideological messaging as the religious leader and spokesperson, [[Memir al-Nasirabaadwala]] strategizes and leads combat operations as the military chief, and [[Esfandiyar Kaviani]] manages financial affairs, profit-driven businesses, and other operational aspects as the operations leader. It is estimated that Alainfisal has approximately 35,000 members. Since the [[2003 Zaclarian Crisis]], Alainfisal has controlled the [[Kishahurav]], a vast clandestine network providing significant influence and resources for the organization. This includes warlords, drug cartels, crime families, and businessmen operating within the Audonian black market, further enabling their illicit activities and ensuring their operational sustainability. 
Alainfisal's pursuit of a fundamentalist Islamic state based on strict Sharia interpretations has provoked widespread violence and political instability, eroding civil liberties in affected regions in West Audonia. Countering Alainfisal's influence and mitigating their operations' harm are ongoing challenges for domestic and international security forces. The group has garnered a reputation for its grave human rights abuses and is involved in a range of illicit activities, including the illegal drug trade, weapons trafficking, and human trafficking.    

Alainfisal was founded in 1843 by [[Al-Zahri Mubayd|Bashem ibn Salentin Al-Zahri Erdarwazi Mubayd]] in opposition of [[Shazitnâmeh|Shazitnâmeh Isma'ilism]], the unique branch of Islam practiced in Zaclaria. In Shazitnâmeh, the {{wpl|Succession to Muhammad|line of succession}} became ambilineal with [[Soraya Al-Fassara ibn Hedayati]] during the [[Battle of Apostate Zaclaria]]. Al-Zahri believed women fundamentally could not be the ''imam'' (religious leader) and declared a {{wpl|jihad}} on the state of Zaclaria, whom he condemned as ''takfir'' (apostates from Islam), citing Caphirian rule as the reason. As jihadists, Al-Zahri preached to his members that killing non-combatants is religiously sanctioned and Alainfisal became known for its carefully planned assassinations of certain leading intellectual and political figures throughout the 20th century. Alainfisal was designated a terrorist organization by the [[League of Nations]] and others in 1981 after an IED exploded and caused over a dozen casualties, starting the [[Tel Hariya Conflict]]. The group is known for its massive human rights abuses and engages in other illicit activities such as the illegal drug trade, weapons trafficking, and human trafficking. 

The group has three leaders who oversee specific aspects of the organization: [[Hushahri al-Jarraq]] - the religious leader and spokesperson, Memir al-Nasirabaadwala - the military chief and head of strategy, and [[Esfandiyar Kaviani]] - the operations leader responsible for managing the organization's finances, profit-driven businesses, and other operational aspects. Since 2003, Alainfisal has had control over the [[Kishahurav]], a clandestine network of warlords, drug cartels, crime families and businessmen who control the Audonian black market.

== History ==
== History ==

== Ideology and goals ==
== Ideology and goals ==
Alainfisal's ideology is تزکیه اِل-حق, known as ''Tazkiye-Ul-Haqq'', or Zaclarian Ultraorthodoxy, is an extreme version of Nizari Islamism, merged with ultra-conservative Zaclarian nationalism and Islamic traditionalism. The guiding principle of this ideology is a militant zeal for purifying Islam in Zaclaria, with the ultimate goal being to violently eradicate Caphirian rule and dismantle the Al-Fassara Dynasty. Tazkiye-Ul-Haqq, translating to 'Purification of the Divine Truth', encapsulates the organization's fundamental objective to cleanse Zaclarian Islam of what they perceive as impure influences, thereby restoring an independent, fundamentalist Islamic state that adheres strictly to their interpretation of Sharia law.
Believing in the absolute superiority of their interpretation of Islam, Alainfisal operates with an uncompromising rigidity. Alainfisal regards itself as the guardian of religious purity and righteousness, relentlessly combating the perceived corrupting influence of Caphirian governance and cultural norms. Modern interpretations of the faith, as well as any form of religious syncretism, are viewed as acts of apostasy. This commitment to an inflexible form of Islam is embodied in their stringent adherence to traditional religious customs, vehement rejection of modernization, and passionate opposition to perceived Occidental cultural influences. Their vision for Zaclaria is one of a purely Islamic state, free from what they perceive as the corruption and moral decay introduced by foreign rule and modernization. They intend to establish a society governed by the strictest interpretation of Sharia law, where all facets of life—education, legal systems, social norms, and even personal behaviors—are dictated by religious tenets.
Alainfisal's goals, in line with their ideology, are geared towards forcefully displacing the current Caphirian rule and the Al-Fassara Dynasty. This, they believe, is the first step towards the realization of their vision for a purified Islamic Zaclaria. Their methods in achieving these goals are decidedly violent and extreme, employing tactics that range from terrorism and insurgency to guerrilla warfare. The organization has gained notoriety for its meticulous planning and execution of assassinations targeting intellectual and political figures seen as threats to their cause. They see this as a necessary act of 'cleansing', a way to rid Zaclaria of influences that deviate from their fundamentalist perspective. Alainfisal's operational strategy is rooted in the belief that they are engaged in a theological war against forces that aim to undermine their version of Islam. This viewpoint justifies their use of extreme violence, which they see as a necessary tool in the service of a higher purpose. This conviction has led to a number of violent acts and human rights abuses, including suicide bombings, mass shootings, and targeted assassinations. These actions, while causing untold suffering and devastation, have been effective in spreading fear and uncertainty, further destabilizing the region and drawing international attention to their cause. Furthermore, their activities, including drug trafficking, arms smuggling, and human trafficking, have severe repercussions on the global stage, affecting international security, economy, and human rights. The wide-reaching black market network that Alainfisal controls provides them with the necessary resources to sustain their operations, ensuring their continued presence as a significant destabilizing force in Western Audonia.
While Alainfisal's ideology is extreme, it's essential to note that the organization's views and actions do not represent the beliefs of all Muslims in Zaclaria, let alone globally. Their interpretation and approach to Islam are considered fringe and extremist by the majority of Muslims worldwide. Nevertheless, the influence and damage caused by Alainfisal's operations have had far-reaching consequences, affecting not only Zaclaria but also the broader region of Western Audonia.

== Organization ==
== Organization ==
Alainfisal operates under a hierarchical structure that leverages both religious and military authority. The organization's leadership consists of three key figures, each overseeing a distinct aspect of Alainfisal's activities.
The organizational structure extends beyond these central figures, with regional commanders overseeing operations in specific territories, recruitment officers responsible for attracting new members, and numerous foot soldiers carrying out Alainfisal's activities on the ground. This structure ensures that the organization's goals are pursued consistently and cohesively across different regions and operations.
Alainfisal's control extends beyond its core membership, with a vast network of associates contributing to their cause. The Kishahurav network is a powerful tool in Alainfisal's arsenal, comprising warlords, drug cartels, crime families, and businessmen operating within the Audonian black market. These connections allow Alainfisal to maintain and expand its influence, providing the organization with significant resources and making it a formidable force in Western Audonia.
The organization uses a variety of tactics to maintain loyalty among its members and discourage dissent. These include rigorous ideological indoctrination, severe punishment for those who defy orders, and a system of rewards and incentives for loyalty and successful operations. This culture of fear, coupled with a strong sense of mission and belonging, helps to maintain a high level of commitment among Alainfisal's members despite the inherent risks of their activities. While Alainfisal's hierarchical structure and robust network allow for effective coordination and control, they also expose the organization to potential weaknesses. The reliance on key individuals makes the organization vulnerable to leadership decapitation strategies, and the sprawling network of associates can be targeted to disrupt their operations and limit their resources. Effective counterterrorism strategies must exploit these vulnerabilities to degrade Alainfisal's capabilities and curb their influence.

=== Leadership ===
=== Leadership ===
Hushahri al-Jarraq serves as the spiritual leader and spokesperson of the organization, disseminating Alainfisal's ideological messages and interpretations of Islamic law to followers and potential recruits. As the face of Alainfisal, al-Jarraq plays a crucial role in rallying supporters and justifying the group's actions within the framework of their Tazkiye-Ul-Haqq doctrine.
Memir al-Nasirabaadwala is the military chief and head of strategy. His responsibilities encompass the planning and execution of military operations, training of new recruits, and overall management of Alainfisal's armed forces. Under al-Nasirabaadwala's command, Alainfisal's militant activities have expanded and become more sophisticated, significantly increasing the threat they pose.
Esfandiyar Kaviani is the operations leader, handling the organization's financial affairs, profit-driven businesses, and other operational aspects. He coordinates Alainfisal's involvement in illicit activities such as the illegal drug trade, weapons trafficking, and human trafficking. Kaviani's management of these operations provides Alainfisal with the financial resources required to maintain their influence and operational sustainability. He also oversees the Kishahurav network.

=== Financing ===
=== Financing ===
Alainfisal's operational sustainability and the continuation of its destabilizing activities largely rely on the intricate web of financing channels the organization has cultivated. These sources of income are as diverse as they are illegal, ranging from trafficking of drugs and humans to various forms of organized crime, each contributing to the group's substantial war chest. This multifaceted system, mainly under the purview of operations leader Esfandiyar Kaviani, facilitates Alainfisal's persistence as a significant threat in Western Audonia.

== Drug trade ==
== Drug trade ==