Êrdesta Bay Territory

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The Territory of Yordest Bay (Coscivian: Skírēn Êrdestamonta - /ski.rʌn/ /jord.ɛs.tɑ.mon.ta/) is a subordinate jurisdiction of Mid-Atrassic Crona. It borders the Chappaqua and the Anaqua Joint Security Area to its west, Yordest Bay to its south, the Bantustan A to its south, and the Newer Ardmore to its west.

Territory of Êrdesta Bay
Skírēn Êrdestamonta


Country Mid-Atrassic Crona
Capital Þortimur
Largest City Inoīnver
Population est. 250,000
Governor-Resident Rogelius P.R.M. Xósveram
Legislature Legislative Conference
Advisory Council seats 4
Languages Coscivian (official)
Postal Abbreviation ÊDM
Time Zone West Punth Time


Êrdesta Bay was organised under the General-Government of Mid-Atrassic Crona, carved out of the Northeastern Military District.

In 2034 AD, Êrdesta Bay became part of the Mid-Atrassic States when Mid-Atrassic Crona was merged into that entity, becoming its Northern Division.


Êrdesta Bay follows the Governor-Council-Conference model of government used in most other Kiravian territories. Executive power is exercised by an Executive Council (Vekturikovar) chaired by the Governor-Resident, who additionally holds a number of prerogative powers which can be exercised independently of the rest of the Council. The Executive Council may also legislate for the territory when the Legislative Council is out of session or under suspension.

Legislative power is vested in an elected Legislative Council, to be elected every two years by X voting system on an at-large basis, with additional members representing Native Cronan tribal groups. As of 21208, the Legislative Council has not yet been convened, and elections have yet to be held.

Colonial Development

The tremendous economic potential of the land that would become Êrdesta Bay Territory was recognised early on by Kiravian planners. The area's seacoast, inland waterways, resource endowments, and position on the continent promised a bright future as an important infrasctructural keystone linking Mid-Atrassic Crona and Chappaqua to North Atrassic Crona, and as a powerful hub for economic growth if properly managed.

Native clearance was conducted under the ægis of military evacuations during the Chappaqui War of Independence and Kiro-Alpachnee War, refugee relocation during the Final War of the Deluge, and the New Horizons Programme after the war's conclusion. Around 60% of the native population was dispersed to the Tipistans of the North Cronan hinterland or to smaller native reductions in Mid-Atrassic Crona, and perhaps as many as 6-10% left "voluntarily" as economic migrants to the Canal Zone, Perth Amboy, and Anaqua.

Immigration of Kiravian settlers was closely managed by the Overseas Development Agency through the territorial Migration Office. Whereas other Kiravian jurisdictions in Crona maintained wide open-door policies on migration from Kiravia in order to grow the settler population as quickly as possible, migration to Êrdesta Bay was more tightly controlled. Applicants for settlement permits could be reviewed on the basis of merit, or be sponsored by an existing landowner or other accredited entity in the territory, such as a corporation, religious institution, or settlement trust. This administrative scrutiny was applied in order to ensure that Êrdesta Bay would become a self-reliant "model colony" with high human capital, and to minimise the burden of crime and welfare dependency on the new government. Permanent settlement permits were generally reserved to married couples, while single men were more often granted provisional permits that would be upgraded to permanent permits upon marriage to a Kiravian national bride.

Settlements in Yordest Bay


Colonial settlements:

  • Þortimur - (English: Bridgeport) Port city at the Atrassic Ocean, provisional territorial capital.
  • Inoīnver - (English:Newhaven) Coastal settlement.
  • Danvestra - Inland settlement.
  • Æluavestra - River port.
  • Spultren - Town up in the hills, county seat.
  • Koventaram -
  • Xadama -

Native settlements:

  • Koskoba - (English: Briefcase) Big native city.