
Revision as of 18:14, 13 August 2020 by Kir (talk | contribs)


Lmao, idfk dude, I can't find anything passporty-looking without (((Latin))) text on it.
TypeInternal passport
Issued byMid-Atrassic Crona
North Atrassic Crona<wp>East Arctic Mandate
First issued21210
PurposeCivil registration
Migration control
Caste system
Expiration60 months + 1 day from issue date

The passport system in Atrassic Crona is utilised by the governments of Mid-Atrassic Crona and North Atrassic Crona to aid in their administration of the territories. The system is related to but separate from the Passport system in the Kiravian Federacy.


Nanseetucket and the Western Alpachnee Confederation were weak and Template:Least developed countries with largely pre-modern standards of living and a low-functioning bureaucratic apparatus. Neither state had a comprehensive system of population registration or method for collecting vital statistics such as births and deaths. As such, most people in these countries, especially in rural areas, did not have identity documents or birth certificates of any kind. With the advent of Kiravian rule and an economic development agenda in these lands, it became necessary to create more accurate records of the population.

Additionally, the division of Mid-Atrassic Crona and North Atrassic Crona into a number of different subordinate jurisdictions, many of which are indended as homelands for a specific tribe or as resettlement zones of internally displaced persons, designated for Kiravian settlement, or are subject to travel controls for military or humanitarian reasons, made it necessary to create a system for certifying who may and may not enter or settle in certain areas.

The Kiravian Federacy has had some form of domestic passport for centuries. Under the Kirosocialist Kiravian Union, internal passports became the standard form of identity document in the country and were used to control access to closed cities and territories and to monitor the migration of labour for the purposes of economic central planning. Even after the end of Kirosocialism, passports remain the standard identity document, used in the same fashion that other countries use national IDs or driver's licences.



Passport-based Regulations
